How am I still on such a high from Juhi and Lachlan's OCTOBER wedding?
The absolute best day - thank you for sharing your videos so I can relive it!
Jen and Andy 💐❤️💛🩷
Jen and Andy’s first date may sound like the plot of a romantic comedy, but I swear, it is true.
They started at Oporto, bonding over a mutual love of burgers, and then continued on to Rocks Riverside Park. Now what is a first date without ice cream? Like all good tax-evading small businesses, the ice cream van dude was cash only – however, perhaps seeing the insanely strong connection Andy and Jen had, and feeling a bit sorry for them, or maybe he was just desperate to make a sale, he downloaded a full tap and go system on his phone just so Andy could buy the ice creams.
Now for some reason, Jen panicked, and bit the bottom of her ice cream first. Despite being July – they were still in Brisbane, so the ice cream quickly melted everywhere, including all over Jen’s shoes.
Andy wasn’t doing too much better – he was telling stories about his family pets, and then did a very enthusiastic impression of a screeching cat.
Which definitely sounds like a deal breaker, right? But, given Jen and Andy's first date lead to the most beautiful wedding - perhaps screeching cat sounds should play a part in everyone’s dating?
Despite these quirky, and pretty strange moments, their conversation flowed, and they loved spending time together. So much so, that Jen put her hand out, in the hopes to hold hands with Andy on their leisurely stroll.
Andy, however, thought Jen was offering to take her rubbish – and gratefully offloaded his trash into her hand, for her to put in the bin.
Beautiful video made by talented photographer @pixel_punk_pictures