Me and my little helper setting up our 5 meter Bell tent that can sleep up to 9!
The weather is looking beautiful this weekend… what are your camping plans?
With the Easter holidays on the horizon list your fav camping spots in WA…
Ours fav spot for this time of year has to be Coral bay…. I’m April everything just comes to life & is without a doubt one of my favourite places in the world 🌎
If your lucky enough to have secured a spot on one of the campsites we are happy to set up camp for you!
We absolutely love an excuse to travel anywhere during the school holidays, that’s our jam 🤟
#happycampers #weekendvibes #campingperth #friyay #perthlife #easterholidaysperth #ningalooreef #coralbaycamping #glampinglife
⭐️ Bliss Bell Tent Glamping Sleepover for kids & Teens.
Look no further than our Insta worthy Kids Bell Tent Glamping Sleepover Package for a magical birthday party under the stars for your child and their Bff’s!
Our most popular location is in your very own back garden!, Keeping your house nice and tidy, and you get a stress free birthday party all set up for you. … Bliss!.
This package is also available at a few different campsites in and around Perth, ask for more details.
⭐️ How much room do I need to have to put a Bell tent up in our garden?
The bell tent can be set up in your own back garden or a local campsite, a 5 metre bell tent can fit up to 6 /8 beds comfortably and requires approximately an metre 7 by 7 metre area of grass/ astroturf.
The bell tent will be set up with single inflatable beds and beautiful white bed linen, we customise each sleepover with colours / styling you would like including a message board.
We can provide games as extras, please ask for more details.
⭐️ Kids Sleepover Package
* Fully equipped bell tent setup including rugs, decor, fairy lights, and cushions
* Delivery, set up and pack down to location
* Single inflatable mattresses
* Beautiful white bed linen
* Personalised message board
* Artificial & dried flower arrangements
* Picnic
#glampinglife #perthlife #perthcamping #perthparties