Options 💕
This made me chuckle.
No need to go looking for a new love as I have options to suit all budgets.
Fees & inclusions on website.
Thanks for the laugh @theoriginallaflowermarket
#weddingmemes #weddingbudget #affordablewedding #notanarmandaleg #celebrantperth #wahitchers #lisawebbcelebrant
Local love 💕
What a treat to pop over to the next suburb to marry my couple in their back garden!
Suck a sweet, intimate little ceremony with their nearest and dearest.
Wouldn’t you just love to do this instead of a Registry Office wedding? No hunt for parking in the city, no dull grey government building, no strict half hour time slot and limit on guests.
Make it so much more personal and support a small business by finding your local authorised Marriage Celebrant - like me!
I’m in Success next to Hammond Park, Aubin Grove, Atwell, Treeby, Wandi & Cockburn Central. I’m happy to travel but for a sweet & simple loveday, search Google or the Attorney General’s website for your nearest Hitcher.
Congrats to my happy couple xoxo
#registrywedding #simplewedding #marriagecelebrant #perthcelebrant #perthweddings #funcelebrant #marriedinperth #localcelebrant #cockburn #elopeperth #elopementperth #lisawebbcelebrant
2 years & 4 months 💕
That’s how long it’s been since Matthew & Cherie locked in their Loveday with me in 2022 and…
It was bright & beautiful in every way at @thebarn104 with stunning florals from @handcoflorals.perth
Can’t wait for all the photos by @anthonymilnesphotography
#thebarnhopeland #rusticweddings #brightflorals #perthcelebrant #handfasting #marriagecelebrant #perthweddings #funcelebrant #wahitchers #lisawebbcelebrant
Let’s get cracking 💕
Cheers to the New Year! Are you ready to start planning your perfect Loveday?
I make getting married so easy.
You’ll find all the info on my website ~
• Packages & Fees
• Inclusions & Optional Extras
• Availability
• Vendor Recommendations
• Info Guide
• Online Meeting Bookings
And so much more!
But I also love a DM so message me any time for info.
Most importantly- NO PRICE INCREASE FOR 2025! Yep. The same amazing service for the same amazingly affordable fee!
Check it all out now at
Lock in your venue & wedding vibe makers asap
• Celebrant • Photographer • DJ • Musicians •
then we can recommend more amazing people for everything else you need.
#perthcelebrant #intimatewedding #elopement #marriedinperth
#marriagecelebrantperth #perthbrides #perthgrooms #engagedperth #loveinperth #funcelebrant #funwedding #perthcreatives #lisawebbcelebrant #civilcelebrant #perthcreatives #gardenwedding #beachwedding #perthwedding #winerywedding #swanvalleywedding #wahitchers #weddingplanningtips #australianweddings #perthcouples
300 💕
What a special day.
It’s Neville & Gill’s Wedding Day at @sandalford_weddings_
It’s my last wedding for 2024.
And I just signed my 300th Marriage Certificate!
Excuse me if I get a little teary reminiscing about all the joyful moments I’ve shared with couples and their families at:
176 Epic Venue Lovedays
2 Surprise Weddings
38 Lowkey Lovedays in gardens/parks/beaches
84 Registry Style Legals
Plus 3 Renewal of Vows and, over the past 18 months since becoming a Funeral Celebrant, 45 Celebrations of Life.
Every single one is a privilege.
I don’t take this for granted.
It truly is the most rewarding job ever.
Stay tuned for much more in 2025 & beyond xo
#lisawebbcelebrant #perthcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #wahitchers #perthweddings
Sound On 💕
If you love the skirral o’the pipes, enjoy!
Jack the Piper was a surprise for Scot Andrew from his wife to be Milicia - what a fabulous way to welcome guests to a very Scottish celebration of love which the South African Bride & all Guests embraced with full gusto!
Piper ✔️
Handfasting with tartan ✔️
Thistles ✔️
Whisky sipped from a pewter Quaich ✔️
Kilts galore ✔️
Plus a Scot to officiate of course!
It was my first time at the Tradewinds in Freo and it was beautiful. Fit a braw shindig!
Can’t wait for all the pix & vids from this magical day.
Dream Team ~
Venue @tradewinds_hotel
DJ + MC Eden @envyeventgroup
Photo Marcus @layne.rhode
Content Amy @openproject_studio
Florals @ivybloomevents
Furniture @m_eventhire
#tradewinds #tradeswindswedding #fremantlewedding #marriagecelebrant #perthcelebrant #perthweddings #scottishwedding #scottishcelebrant #scottishcelebrantperth #funcelebrant #funwedding #wahitchers #lisawebbcelebrant
My first couple 💕
I just married the first couple who chose me as the person to marry them!
I came into work one day after a light bulb moment watching MAFS. I decided Celebrant life might be a dream come true and Poppy said ‘Yes, you’ll be perfect! We’re not engaged yet but you can marry us on our 10th Anniversary - 13.12.2024’
I said ‘Let me get registered THEN we’ll talk!’
So here we are after exactly 10 years of love for them and 6 years after I decided that this might just be the best job ever. And it abso-bloody-lutely is!
Nearly 300 couples have been happily hitched by me before them but it was finally their turn.
Huge congrats to Poppy & Kai xoxo
Can’t wait for all the pix and videos from
Amy @sunnydazelovers &
Jess & Nia @time2shine.aus
Venue @oldyoungskitchen
#oldyoungsweddings #oldyoungskitchen #swanvalleywedding #perthweddings #perthcelebrant #marriagecelebrant #weddingcelebrant #celebrantperth #engagedcouple #engagedperth #perthbride #perthgroom #lisawebb #lisawebbcelebrant
Fab Freo Friday 💕
What a perfect day for a celebration of love on the beachside deck at Kidogo Arthouse @kidogoarthouse in Fremantle.
Congrats to my beautiful couple Dani & Dobbo xoxo
Can’t wait for the pix from @amytomlinson_weddings
Thank you to my lovely friend @marryusmichelle for sending D&D my way
Whatever you’re doing, have a fun, fab Friday 🥂
#kidogoarthouse #fremantlewedding #kidogowedding #fremantlecelebrant #perthweddings #marriagecelebrant #perthcelebrant #lisawebbcelebrant