Alhamdulliah today's delivery
"Tandoori Curry chicken & Mazbani Beef Curry"
for my dear customer
contact us for your order
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Pickup from Huntingdale
Delivery facility available(charges applicable)
Alhamdulliah we are back in town
Today's delivery
Mutton curry Biryani
for my dear customer
contact us for your order
Order Link 👇
Pickup from Huntingdale
Delivery facility available(charges applicable)
Here we are, after 19 hours of work load, we are tired and exhausted. Thanks to Almighty Allah for giving us strength to make it nicely. Iktiaj Ezaz & Saifan Eshaan Thanks are not enough for your unconditional love and support. Without you guys I am incomplete. Last not the least, thanks to Dhrubok Dhrubok team for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the team. We will keep up the great work inshallah.
Last Saturday's Delivery
Assalamualikum everyone
Alhamdulliah Today's delivery
"Vegetable samosa "
for my dear customer
contact us for your order
Order Link 👇
Pickup from Huntingdale
Delivery facility available(charges applicab)