Hoping to gather a small group to celebrate this local film. I have a little connection here - the director went to my kids' school. So, a little alumni by proxy pride going on.
The film is described as a crime-comedy. Sure! But I describe it as a film that knows about Perth! You'll hear words like Maylands, and phrases like Mitchell Freeway. The drivers drive on the left hand side of the road. You won't even notice that they talk English as we have perfected it, you'll be so at ease with it. Come and have a glass of wine with me, or skip that bit entirely and just get a ticket.
While I don't recall this passing the Bechdel test, it doesn't pretend to either. It's a pretty blokey film, with the central character being a young Perth man working out what he likes about life and what he doesn't. So, bring it on!
Let's have fun,
The Plucky Leaf
Good For Nothing Blues is the story of Calvin, a ne'er-do-well, lost in life and in search of purpose, and his group of dole-bludging friends who suddenly co...