I have been in the middle of a pretty significant biz transformation lately... I've been working to FULLY transition into a Vision & Values-based style of communication around my business - and completely away from any hint of a Transaction-based model.
So I just had to share a rather common (but still somehow totally mind-blowing) enquiry that came through yesterday.
It was the classic "How much does it cost and what do I get" type of enquiry... you know, that old chestnut. But the results were totally different this time.
I've included screenshots of the whole 6-part conversation, removing all the names except my own.
I think the most interesting feature (aside from her stunningly poor communication skills) is how a FULLY Values based approach leads DIRECTLY to a "hell yes" or a "hell no".
It was such an effortless, smooth, clean, honest, simple win/win (although she may not perceive it that way at the moment).
Whereas before I would have really struggled to explain or justify why we are truly different. In the past I would have tried to explain that I'm a real 'specialist'.... and this is 'more than photography'... or whatever I could have come up with.
And in the end, I would have gotten stuck... and probably just engaged with her where she's at... allowing her to dictate and control the conversation.
But now - with the tools that I have... having done all of this deep differentiation work is pure freaking magic.... I'm actually communicating my skillset in a COMPLETELY different way than I had before - even though it's still "photography".
If you're curious to have a look, here's the link to my brand-spanking-new Vision & Values Alignment Guide (client version... I have a slightly different one for partners) - I'm very proud and it's already doing the good work.
Please steal this. Use it as a template. Make your own Vision & Values Alignment Guide.
You'll never look back. I promise.