Iawahskkaa Events has been bombarded by requests to organise Gothic weddings. We have put together a package for pretty unique people, with distinctive styles and flair, people who to unite in marriage with their own uniqueness.
This is not an ordinary wedding. It’s going to be crazy, fun and wild and your wedding celebrants will not quake in their celebrant boots!
Bailey Agnes and I (Alexandra) are registered alternative wedding celebrants in Sydney, Australia. We love anything that is dark and romantic. It is our job to ensure that wonderful and unique couples like you have someone who will marry them their way as we understand. We will dress up as Gothic Lords and Ladies perform a medieval hand fasting, or read poetry on the beach or forest.
We also plan your wedding from flowers, decor, outdoor arches, candles, glasses, cutlery, crockery, photos, cakes, stationery, accessories, bridal beauty/dresses, groom outfits, music and anything you can think of.
Our clients include hippies, heavy metal musicians, Buddhists, gay and le***an couples, geeks, pagan/esoteric practitioners, steampunk weddings, Gothic weddings, and everything in between, Anyone looking for celebrants who respect and celebrate their individual style you will find in us. If you need someone who will perform a legal Australian marriage ceremony contact Bailey, Agnes or Alexandra at [email protected].