Another successful event done by Jms Australia
Divas hit the road Season Ⅲ in Australia 2017
Divas Hit the Road (花儿与少年) is a reality television show which is produced by Hunan Broadcast Station. It is the top-rating program on Hunan TV features Chinese celebrities travelling overseas, taking part in incredible experiences, on limited budgets, with different personalities and a strange new place, without the help of assistants or agents. In Season 1 they went to Italy and Spain. Then, Season 2 they went to the United Kingdom, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. After the broadcast, the program sparked immediate reviews and caused quite a stir everywhere. The last two seasons both reached the first in the ratings among all the reality television shows in China. Now, Season 3 is back!
This year in season 3, 8 celebrities spent 21 days to travel across southern hemisphere on a tight budget, included Brazil, South Africa and Australia. These youthful souls will begin their adventurous backpack journey without the help of their managers and assistants. The cast consists of Bolin Chen, Yo Yang, Zhang Ruo Yun, Ji Bo Ran, Na Zha, Lai Yu Meng, Jiang Shu Ying, Lareina..
Divas hit the road Season Ⅲ was broadcast on April 23, 2017. Regarding to the filming arrangement in Australia, it will be produced by a renowned local production Company, JMS (尖子娛樂) and partnered exclusively with Hunan satellite Broadcasting Company. Together, they will solely be responsible for all the cinematography production within Australia. JMS (尖子娛樂) started to prepare since the beginning of the February. It is a big honor that we got support from the Australia Government tourism, NSW Government’s tourism, Queensland Government’s tourism, major events agency and Destination NSW.
The filming, which started taking place on the 11th of March, there were more than hundred people from the shooting team arrived at Sydney Airport. The filming locations in Sydney included Darling Harbor, Harbor Bridge, Circular Quay, Darling Point, Cockatoo Island, the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia at Rushcutters Bay and Double Bay. In Queensland, they went to the Whitsunday Island, Great Barrier Reef in Cairns, Bungy Jumping in Rainforest, Foaming Fury. The filming locations in Whitsunday Island included Daydream Island, Whitsunday Island, Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island and Heart Reef.
The journey of Divas Hit the Road season three has started, are you ready to exploring and having fun with us?
《花兒與少年》第一季遠赴歐洲意大利和西班牙,第二季英國、土耳其和阿聯酋等地實地拍攝,自播出後,受到各界追捧,兩季收視率均包辦全國真人騷節目的第一名!而第三季冒險季更破天荒大升級攝影團隊在21 天內橫越南半球的四國包括巴西, 南非、納米比亞、澳大利亞,開啟了一場別開生面的州際穿越冒險之旅,8 位青春偶像明星成員是:江䟽影、古力娜扎、賴雨濛、宋祖兒、楊祐寧、陳柏霖、張若昀和井柏然。
《花兒與少年第三季》Divas hit the road Season 3 由2017 年4 月23 日起每週日晚上十時於湖南衛視和Mango TV 首播,而大家期待已久澳洲部分的拍攝將於6 月25 日週日晚上10:00 連續播出,直至結局篇!大家萬勿錯過。至於澳洲拍攝的安排,由本地著名製作公司JMS 尖子娛樂與湖南衛視簽署獨家製作協議,全權負責全澳各地的拍攝工作,拍攝過程由今年二月初開始籌備,並獲得澳洲旅遊局、移民局、新洲旅遊局、昆士蘭旅遊局等政府機構的大力支持,100 多人的拍攝隊伍自3 月10日開始扺達悉尼,拍攝地點包括了悉尼港、悉尼大橋、帆船學校、鸚鵡島、東區Rushcutters Bay 和 Double Bay等,昆士蘭州包含了凱恩斯大堡礁、熱帶雨林蹦極、激流勇進⋯
澳洲站拍攝的最後部分是昆士蘭的聖靈群島Whitsunday Island,拍攝地點包括了白日夢島、艾爾利海灘城、漢密頓島、心型島⋯等,眾所週知聖靈群島於今年3 月底受到強台風'黛比' 的吹襲,亦即是拍攝隊伍離開不到一週的時間,真的非常好運 ! 本週日節目的播出,相信對聖靈群島旅遊業是一枝有利的強心針!