華軒劇社成立於二〇〇三年,是在NSW Fair Trading註冊的非盈利話劇社團,旨在推廣話劇藝術,傳播中國文化。劇社成立16年來,在悉尼地區上演了多部話劇作品,累積觀眾超過34,100余人次。在華人社區及澳洲本地都有較為深遠的影響。華軒劇社目前是澳大利亞參與人數最多,影響力最大的中文話劇演出團體。
華軒每年都會規劃很多演藝娛樂活動,供廣大熱愛藝術的朋友參加,包括話劇公演、週年慶、表演課、演員選角、影視研討等。劇社希望通過這些活動,在最大程度上豐富更多人在藝術上的享受和追求。劇社也一直有效地致力於促進中澳文化藝術交流和澳洲多元文化推廣,在劇本的選擇上不但選演華語的經典劇目如《日出》(2006)、《家》(2008)、《雷雨》(2012), 更挑戰西方巨著《威尼斯商人》(2009)、《欽差大臣》(2011),把握文化間的差異,並重新演繹不同人物間的各色曲折。
近年來,華軒劇社越來越多的受到話劇專業領域的肯定與嘉獎;2010年至今,更以前所未有的速度發展擴張。華軒曾先後得到澳洲中央戲劇學院表演系主任Kevin Jackson,中國中央戲劇學院表演系主任王明亞老師的肯定與讚賞。華軒劇社與國內話劇專業團體、演出經紀公司亦保持著良好的合作關係與交流往來;同時與澳洲各華文媒體、社團達成長久合作與推廣聯盟。 2012年,華軒劇社首次於同年推出兩部話劇作品,形成“經典製作”——復興傳統、重現經典;“蒲蕾製作”——活力創新、實驗先鋒的雙重風格,為華軒劇社藝術品牌的樹立提供更廣闊的發展空間。
Since its founding in 2003 as a Non-profit organisation registered under NSW Fair Trading, Cathay Playhouse has established a profound impact on the Australian Chinese community. Our aim is to promote exceptional Chinese dramas in order to spread traditional Chinese performing art and culture. For over sixteen years, Cathay has successfully presented several theatre productions in Sydney which has attracted an audience of over 34,100 collectively. Today, Cathay has become the largest and the most influential Chinese drama group within Australia.
At Cathay Playhouse, we provide art lovers with a platform to present themselves and gain a deeper understanding of Chinese Dramatic Arts through our productions. It is our mission to inherit and preserve traditional Chinese drama and art. Since 2010 Cathay is experiencing rapid expansion and growth; and for the past few years, Cathay has been granted with strong recognition and many awards. Recognition and awards have come from the Australia National Institute Dramatic Arts Mr. Kevin Jackson, Head of Acting, and China Central Academy of Drama Ms. Mingya Wang, Head of Acting. We have maintained and achieved long-term relationships with many Chinese domestic performance agents as well as all major Australian Chinese mass media companies.
In 2012, two major annual productions launched for the first time by Cathay - “Classic Production”, created to sustain Chinese traditions, and “Let’s Play Production” to pioneer further innovation in theatre. Cathay is aiming to progress further in its endeavours by cultivating a more diversified style of theatre.
Our ultimate goal is to present exceptional Mandarin drama to disseminate Chinese culture for contributing Australian Multi-cultural society and sustains and develops the traditional chinese art form.