A long road ahead - Our Mission Statement:
To Unite the Thoroughbred Industries
What does our mission statement mean? All of us have been touched in some way or another by riding, by owning, or purely by loving the race horse. This horse has taken us on a journey that will be instilled in our hearts and if anything like us, has becomes our passion. We have watched, we have wagered, we have ridd
en, we have gained so much excitement from the race horse. It is the Thoroughbred Club's intention to do as much as we can do to give back - even a snippet – to the mighty thoroughbred and assist in any way we can a safe journey to a new career after racing. The Club's intention is to offer "knowledge" and to take you first-hand, wherever the ex race horse has gone. In some cases, there may not be a new achievement but sponsor a horse and take it from an unfortunately situation to be taken to a new home to rest, re-educate and rehome (which we have done so far for 7 horses and continue to watch their progress). The Thoroughbred Club will also take you on a year's journey of 5 star experiences at Horse Racing, Show Jumping and Polo with the intention to further expand into Eventing and other ex thoroughbred industries in a timely manner. Not only will you experience these sports but we will also have various "get togethers" where we can talk and collate further ideas and to socialise amongst similar passionate people. We would like every member to be actively involved no matter how small your time is that you can offer. Together we can make a difference.