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Another year, another bunch of fireworks photos ❤️
My focus has remained on our not-so-little fella, as he grows and develops at breakneck speed. The new addition of two days at preschool has started to free me up, which has been really good, and it has also introduced many great, and some not so great, new behavioural challenges in Theo, which has been fuuuun! Will the never-ending barrage of sicknesses ever end? What an absolute rollercoaster ride.
2024 saw us make a second visit to Tasmania, followed by a second journey to North America to visit family, which included Theo’s FIRST live Phish show (my 51st!), battling our SECOND Canada-plans-ruining bout of COVID-19, and so much more.
Theo’s also READING EVERYTHING and starting to spell and write competently 🤯, building LEGO sets well above his age range, playing the drums, being totally comfortable and confident at preschool right from the start, getting to know schoolmates and already has a best friend 😍 He’s still swimming, scooting and riding his pedal bike with ease, both down and now up hills… he drives me crazy lately, but I could gush about this kid all day.
Three has definitely been a VERY challenging age, but despite a great deal of emotional battles, sickness and general turmoil, I cannot get over this kid’s developmental leaps and bounds over the past year.
I’m looking forward to the year ahead, with more days of preschool (which will give me further freedom to chip away at the past 4 years of personal backlog, and allow me to continue finding myself), as well as some very exciting travel plans.
Stay tuned… 2025 is shaping up to be one heck of a year! 🎆😀🎇
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