IF YOU USE PUBLIC TOILETS Please read the following
I got this from another site i am please read it, this actually happened in Cairns
A tiny bit off topic and I hope it's ok to post...
This is just a reminder to be vigilant of predators.
I went into the DFO women's toilet this afternoon and as I closed the cubicle door the person next to me placed their mobile on the ground (camera facing up) very carefully, quietly and positioned so it viewed my side completely.
I actually couldn't believe it, I obviously decided not to use the toilet but as I already had a bit of tissue in my hand, I threw the tissue onto the mob and washed my hands as I contemplated what to do. I was thinking maybe there was no intention and the placement was a mistake on the person's behalf while still thinking "who puts their mob on a public toilet floor, this isn't right!"
There was a lady already there with her granddaughter and she was waiting on another grandchild to finish, I decided to tell her as a warning just in case, she whispered "there's a man in there, get security!" Apparently he had tried it with them!
I got security and the other lady left with very upset and very frightened little girls while I confronted the guy, he denied all wrong doing and begged not to call the police. The security staff were wonderful, tried to gain access to the phone but the guy fled losing his thongs and glasses after very nervously denying their request. Police have been informed and security footage provided by the security guards.
Please, please be careful and do not allow your young girls into the toilets by themselves under any circumstance. He was already there and ready before I even entered.