Founded around 5 years ago, “Wedding Story foundation (WSF)” is an innovation of the former wedding planner & service organization Wedding story BD. The act was developed by the founder Apurbo Abdul Latif, who is apparently a well-known fashion & wedding photographer of our country, CEO Wedding Story . It was when bunch of benevolent people came up with the idea to do something doozy & out of the
box, in a way that can include some social service, the foundation was established with a vision to provide with financial aid and support regarding the wedding for under privileged people. WSF is an independent, with no religious, political or governmental affiliations. In a world where people are dying of starvation, malnutrition and safe water aids, why we are focusing on something that seems too high priced, so lavish? It may sound like one of those expensive hobbies which are only allowed for the moneyed.
“I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life”
Yes, Marriage is such an institution; two persons taking vows for their upcoming life, to be there for each other for eternity. Wedding is one of the most magical moments of any person’s life. It’s a miraculous tradition which bonds in two different hearts, two different lives in one string. But sometimes; financial hardships doesn’t quite allow every person to cherish such moment. Our quest is to raise a fund to aid those needful people who are to have a wedding. WSF is not offering too outrageous but at least a wedding for them that can be indulged afterwards and preserve the memory. In addition to wedding support, WSF is having some more ideas in its bag for social causes. WSF is also looking forward to expand in order to sustain their other visions.
1. To Provide Financial Support for wedding purpose
2. To Provide Social and Law support for Divorce related Matter
3. Stand against Dowry
4. Stand against Eve Teasing
5. Support for Acid Victim
You are always welcome to be a part of this thoughtful cause, be a sponsor, be a donor. Stay with us, Join us in supporting some destitute lives.