Marine pollution, especially plastic litter, poses a serious threat to biodiversity and human well-being. The Bay of Bengal, a vital marine ecosystem, receives around 0.2 million metric tons of plastic waste annually from Bangladesh alone, with microplastics comprising 80% of marine litter. This pollution harms marine life and disrupts mangrove forests, affecting coastal communities' livelihoods a
nd public health through a contaminated food chain. Addressing marine litter and managing coastal resources sustainably are critical challenges aligned with the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. To address these challenges, the International Symposium on Marine Litter and Coastal Ecosystem Nexus (MariNEX) will convene researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to exchange insights and solutions. MariNEX aims to promote sustainable practices that consider the interconnectedness of marine litter and coastal health. Discussions will cover the origins and impacts of marine litter, policy frameworks, and innovative solutions for prevention and cleanup. Successful case studies will highlight the benefits of tackling marine pollution for ecosystems and communities. MariNEX will be held in Khulna, Bangladesh, a city facing various environmental challenges but with a history of resilience. The symposium offers an opportunity to learn from local experiences and collaborate across disciplines to safeguard coastal ecosystems and communities from the impacts of marine pollution.