Innovative Event

Innovative Event Innovative Entertainment are one of the leading Entertainment & Mall Promotions service providers to the Retail Sector in Bangladesh

Innovative Entertainment are one of the leading Entertainment & Mall Promotions service providers to the Retail Sector in Bangladesh. No matter the size of scale of your project, it will be treated with the same attention to detail. Innovative Entertainments deliver appropriate, innovative and cost effective event services and solutions, without compromising on the final result. Innovative Enterta

inment can arrange everything from start to finish for the successful planning and ex*****on of your special day or event.
• Event Management
• Seminars & Conferences
• Brand Promotion
• Dealers Meet
• Sales Meet
• Fashion Show
• Birthday Party Organizer
• New Year Party Planner
• Wedding Planner Innovative Entertainment are one of the leading Entertainment & Event Management:service providers in Bangladesh.


এটা আমাদের গ্যালাক্টিক সুপার ক্লাস্টার ল্যানিয়াকিয়া। লাল বিন্দুটি আমাদের অবস্থান বোঝাচ্ছে। এই সুপার ক্লাস্টারে আনুমানিক ১০০,০০০ গ্যালাক্সি আছে এবং ৫২০ মিলিয়ন আলোকবর্ষ জুড়ে বিস্তৃত। মিল্কিওয়ের চেয়ে প্রায় দশ হাজার গুনেরও বেশী ভরের কিছু এর কেন্দ্রে আছে যেটা "দ্য গ্রেট এট্রাক্টর" নামে পরিচিত। আমাদের গ্যালাক্সি ও এর আশেপাশের কয়েক মিলিয়ন আলোকবর্ষ ব্যাসার্ধের মাঝে যত গ্যালাক্সি আছে প্রত্যেকই এটাকে কেন্দ্র করে ঘুরছে। এরকরম আরও অসংখ্য সুপার ক্লাস্টার আছে।

পৃথিবী সূর্যকে প্রদক্ষিন করে। সূর্য প্রদক্ষিন করে মিল্কিওয়ের কেন্দ্রে থাকা সুপারম্যাসিভ ব্ল্যাক হোলকে। মিল্কিওয়ে প্রদক্ষিন করছে ল্যানিয়াকিয়ার কেন্দ্র দ্য গ্রেট এট্রাক্টরকে। হয়ত ল্যানিয়াকিয়াও প্রদক্ষিন করে দ্য গ্রেট এট্রাক্টর এর চেয়েও ভারী কোন বস্তুকে যা কয়েক বিলিয়ন আলোকবর্ষ দূরে আছে ।

মহাকাশ একটি বিশাল ও অবিশ্বাস্য জায়গা। এখনও অনেক কিছুই আবিষ্কারের বাকী আছে যা থেকে অনেক কিছু শেখাও বাকী আছে। আশা রাখি মানবজাতি কখনই অজানাকে জানতে চাওয়ার এই পিপাসা হারাবেনা।

The Truth is Out There.


অস্ট্রেলিয়ার গবেষকদের ১,৮০০ গবেষণাপত্রের বিশ্লেষণে দেখা গেছে, অতিমাত্রায় লঘু দ্রবীভুত বস্তুনির্ভর হোমিওপ্যাথি চিকিৎসা রোগ নিরাময়ে একদমই অকার্যকর।


Innovative Entertainment are one of the leading Entertainment & Mall Promotions service providers to the Retail Sector in Bangladesh. No matter the size of scale of your project, it will be treated with the same attention to detail. Innovative Entertainments deliver appropriate, innovative and cost effective event services and solutions, without compromising on the final result.
Innovative Entertainment can arrange everything from start to finish for the successful planning and ex*****on of your special day or event.
• Event Management
• Seminars & Conferences
• Brand Promotion
• Dealers Meet
• Sales Meet
• Fashion Show
• Birthday Party Organizer
• New Year Party Planner
• Wedding Planner
Event Management
No matter the size of scale of your project, it will be treated with the same attention to detail. Engaging with Innovative Entertainments gives you access to our vast wealth of experience in the events sector. We will deliver your objectives in an innovative creative manner.

Seminars & Conferences

The Power of the Seminar :-
The popularity of conference and seminar results from the distinct benefit they offer. Attendee’s pre-qualify themselves as prospects; if they weren't interested in the issue being discussed. They wouldn't come. You get to talk with them face to face, both formally during presentations and informally during breaks, meals and receptions. As a speaker, you are automatically classified as an expert.

Seminar can be of the following type:
• A half day seminar on your product and services.
• A one day or two day conference, featuring multiple tracks and noted speakers, run by a
professional conference organizer on highly technical issues. Attracting participants from
across the country.
• A Series of half day or one day seminar offered at several location across the country to
teach the fundamentals of the specific application to those just beginning to work in that

A meeting designed for discussion, consultation, and exchange of information; usually composed of general sessions and smaller group meetings to find facts and solve problems.
Conferences & Meetings today need expertise to execute in order to create synergy in communication at all levels. We recognize this area of communication through custom made motivational themes crafted with extensive survey about the company.

Type of Conferences are:
• Board meeting
• Sales conference
• Management meeting
• Budget Meeting
• Annual meeting
• Product launch
• Seminar
• Workshop
• General assembly or plenary session
• Training programs
• Team-building events
• Special events

Identifiable sales force management processes
• Setting targets and objectives based on inputs (usually via a command center)
• Assigning actors responsible for achieving objectives
• Control processes for ensuring objectives are being achieved within -
o a given time frame
o a given constrained context (customers and/or markets)
• System management to handle uncertain environments

The process usually starts from specific sales targets. The command center analyzes the inputs and outputs established from a modeled control process and the sales force. The control process enables the sales force to establish performance standards, measuring actual performance, comparing measured performance against established standards and taking corrective action. The sales managers adjust their actions based on the overall process.

Aside from the control process, the following metrics are implemented:
• Time management— Accurately measures the tasks and the fraction of time needed for
each task.
• Call management— Plan for customer interaction accounts for the fraction of command
center reps that comply with the process and have successful calls.
• Opportunity management— If the process is followed correctly then a sales opportunity
exists. The fraction of command center reps that use the tools, comply with the objective
are all measured.
• Account management— For multiple opportunities with a customer the account is
measured by the tools, process, and objectives.
• Territory management— For monitoring the account, the territory is measured by the
number of account reps and perspective versus active customers.
• Sales force management— Process includes training, IT systems, control, coaching, and
is shared across several people and departments.

• Venue visits & selection
• Site Selection
• Assist in identifying potential venues to ensure adequate meeting space, quality and
amenities, sleeping room pattern, catering requirements, convenience of travel and cost
• Perform site inspections at top 2-3 venues
• Assist with contract negotiations
• Permissions from local authorities
• Hotels selection and reservation
• Itinerary development

• Conference rooms set-ups
• Graphic design: Conference logo, invitations, badges
• Position signs and room locators
• Team Building programmers
• Restaurant selection & reservation
• Menu & wine selection
• Entertainment
• Welcome gift selection purchase & packaging
• Floral decoration
• Photographer/Videographer hiring

In-meeting feedback - During the meeting, especially multi-day events, feedback from attendees can help meeting makers respond to attendees' needs and concerns which have surfaced during the course of the meeting. This feedback can be gathered through a variety of means; suggestion and question cards, voice-mail, ARS, meal function table discussions, networking teams, PC-based kiosks, pre-planned debriefing meetings with small groups of selected attendees, etc.

Post-meeting qualitative "pulse" research - A series of confidential interviews and/or tele-focus group sessions are often used to identify and define attendees' satisfactions and dissatisfaction with their meeting experience, their perceptions, attitudes, intentions and behaviors in key areas of concern and interest to management and their suggestions for improving future meetings.

Post-meeting quantitative research - A tracking survey is conducted within several weeks of the meeting with benchmark questions to measure attendees' satisfaction levels with various aspects of the meeting, shifts in their understanding, attitudes, perceptions, abilities, intentions and behaviors and to learn about their suggestions for future meetings.

Return On Investment (ROI) - This is a specific financial measure which is applied in situations where valid quantitative information, such as sales or distribution figures, customer complaint ratios, etc. are available and can be linked directly to the meeting.

Some research is much better than no research -Although the MPP is a process, each of the individual pre- and post-event research services offers significant standalone benefits and is often employed individually. Pre-event research can be extremely valuable in assisting meeting designers and organizational leaders to understand the critical needs, desires and expectations of attendees, while post-event research provides both an understanding of what was accomplished and guidance for follow through.
For example, a national sales meeting post-event survey for a leading diagnostics health care company examined the effectiveness of a series of technical product and sales training workshops. The company had invested a significant portion of their meeting budget in audience response systems to be used extensively in the workshops. Among other things they wanted to assess was the value of ARS as an educational tool at meetings. Questions on the survey provided answers from each segment of the sales force. In this case, the application of ARS received very high marks.
In another instance, a post-event survey showed that dealers had nominal interest, low confidence of success and little commitment to a new business strategy the manufacturer's leadership thought they had communicated well about and had gained dealers' commitment to at the meeting. Findings showed that the seminar on the new business strategy had been poorly conducted, and the dealers perceived that the company wasn't serious or committed to the strategy.

Advantages to the marketing manager
• Understanding the economic structure of an industry
• Identifying segments within a market
• Identifying a target market
• Identifying the best customers in place
• Doing marketing research to develop profiles (demographic, psycho-graphic, and
behavioral) of core customers
• Understanding competitors and their products
• Developing new products
• Establishing environmental scanning mechanisms to detect opportunities and threats
• Understanding one's company's strengths and weaknesses
• Auditing customers' experience of a brand in
• Developing marketing strategies for each of one's products using the marketing mix
variables of price, product, distribution, and promotion
• Coordinating the sales function with other parts of the promotional mix, such as
advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and publicity
• Creating a sustainable competitive advantage
• Understanding where brands should be in the future, and providing an empirical basis to
write marketing plans regularly to help get there
• Providing input into feedback systems to help monitor and adjust the process

Brand Promotion

Brand Promotions is awareness of brand to general & target customers to make a product popular and user friendly.
Brands need to realize their full potential to become super brands that will revolutionize the industry.
As a general customer a normal question is always in our mind :-
• Why we should use this product?
• What is the price?
• Benefit of that product?
• How it is different from other available product/ brand in the market?
• Durability of that product?
Brand Promotion is safest and easier solution to answer all these question, cause any company head or corporate house cannot go and answer all these questions to general customers, to make more convenient for both corporate company & customer we designed a solution is called as BRAND PROMOTION.
To help you maximize your profits in international trade, business to business eCommerce is one of the most exciting, innovative and cost-effective marketing methods by which you can brand your products to a worldwide targeted audience.

• Canopy Promotion
o In this promotion , we puts canopy with the man power (promoter) in Market area, RW
society, Malls, PVR, shopping center, exhibition area etc
o Canopy will be place in the market area.
o Promoters will attend the customers and brief them about our Products USP’s.
o Promoters will distribute leaflets & discounted coupons to the people visiting the market.
o Leaflets will containing details about the outlets and products Usp’s.
o Promoters will distribute database form for the lucky draw.
o Activity would focus more on increasing footfall in the outlets and consequently have a
positive effect on secondary sales.
o Create brand awareness by contacting the right TG, connecting at an emotional level and
communicating the brand association.
o To highlight Brand attributes.

• Walk Through
o Promoters will bear shirts, T shirt, jacket with the branding of that company for which
this activity is planned.
o Promoters will carry their printed branding in his back and will walk in market area /
mall / RW Society / shopping malls etc.
o Promoters will be carrying bag pack with branding.
o Promoters will distribute Pamphlets of that particular Brand.

Whether you realize it or not, every business has a brand. How you develop it is the difference between creating your point of distinction or blending in with the crowd; projecting a positive image or eliciting a negative one; growing your business or merely existing; successfully reaching your target audience or missing the mark altogether.
INNOVATIVE ENTERTAINMENT handle it as a wakeup call for all marketers who still believe that strong brand and demand communications only need appeal to what we see and what we sense. It is our way to connect with the consumer and the most important part is to make your brand experience with our creativity with full spectrum of experiential marketing.

Product Launch

Each and every product have their own value and needs, before market to aware from new product to the general customer and dealers we plans unique and different idea for the product launch with the new marketing strategy with the help of entertainment show and publicity (Print, electronic, FM, hoardings etc).

For Product launch, we undertake :-
• Venue management
• Fabrication with light sound of launch concept
• Invitation of dealers from all parts of nation
• Guest management
• Celebrity artist / guest management
• Boarding lodging of guest
• Publicity through Newspaper, Electronic channel and FM
We deal in product launched for those companies who wants to launch a product in the market. For a company to make the awareness of product through product launches program has become very vital part to show the feel and touch reasoning still remains strong in the mind of the consumer. So although you have advertised in other channels, how do you explain product usage to the audience?
A well-executed product launch as part of an integrated marketing campaign is of paramount importance in raising awareness of a new product or service and generating excitement amongst your target audience.
We understand that different industries have different needs and styles and after listening carefully to our clients, INNOVATIVE ENTERTAINMENT will devise innovative and unique strategies to fully incorporate the brand, industry and goals of each individual client into the launch. Our creative team will co-ordinate, design and produce your unique launch with complete attention to detail, whether it be a new product or service or the re-launch of an existing product.

Dealers Meet

INNOVATIVE ENTERTAINMENT is a well-known name in corporate sector for organizing dealers meets always in different pattern and ideas, keeping in view complete information of product and entertainment of all invitee guests (dealers).
Appreciating through awards to the best seller, dealers meet helps providing space and to add vigor & energy to give their best effort to become special and number one.
To increase sales graph annually A dealers meet is necessary for all the corporate company, one to one attraction of dealers with marketing head, sales department and company head is must be either once or twice in a year, through dealers meet dealers can discuss the problems of general customer with the experts of market.
In dealers meet Company presentation Company / Marketing / Sales Head discuss with dealers on the topic:-
1. Increase of sales.
2. Promotions of product.
3. Advantages of that particular product.
4. Giving vote of thanks to Dealers effort to make that brand / product as super brand.
5. Marketing strategy.
6. Upcoming products of that particular brand

In company presentation marketing department or sales department try to convince own dealer about their product or brands, how that product is better than other available product in the market, number of sales will be automatically increase when their distributor & dealer will be aware with advantages of that particular product in which they deals.
• Venue management
• Venue Decoration and Fabrication
• Venue Branding
• Guest management
• Boarding, Lodging with Local Transportation
• Company Presentation
• Audio Visuals
• Foods and services
• Entertainment Shows: Stage, lights, sound, AV, Dancers, Singer, Item Performer,
celebrity artist
• Award and rewards to the dealers for their efforts

A Dealers meeting is designed to sell the product, build relationships, identify needs and outline benefits of the product. Personal financial planners would use a sales meeting to discuss retirement goals, build rapport and explain how the investment products and fund management will meet the goals of the potential client.
A gathering in which a product or service is being discussed, and the benefits are outlined to the potential buyer. The sales meeting is not always a presentation format; it can sometimes be an informal conversation, phone call or online affair. The parties involved have this meeting between the initial contact and final purchase, in order to entice the customer.
The success of the company has been largely due to the close effective relationships formed with clients and the reputation that has been built in the market place for high performance and delivery.

Sales meet

A gathering in which a product or service is being discussed, and the benefits are outlined to the potential buyer. The sales meeting is not always a presentation format; it can sometimes be an informal conversation, phone call or online affair. The parties involved have this meeting between the initial contact and final purchase, in order to entice the customer.
Sales meeting is designed to sell the product, build relationships, identify needs and outline benefits of the product. Personal financial planners would use a sales meeting to discuss retirement goals, build rapport and explain how the investment products and fund management will meet the goals of the potential client.

Celebrity Management

Innovative Entertainment manage the dates of star-celebrities and their live performances for your events. The long list starts from top Bollywood Celebrities to various International celebrities and artists.
We are one-stop solution providers for all celebrity requirements for Events, Shows, Celebrity Endorsements, College Festivals etc. from the finest world of Music, Fashion, Movies, Sports, Humor, Television, Theater, Motivational & Spiritual Speakers from all across the globe.

Few celebrities and known personalities in our list.

Fashion Shows

If you are looking for mind-blowing fashion shows, then you have just dropped at the right place. We have the creative ability to offer perfect solution that will not cost you a fortune. We are the top most fashion-show organizers in the entertainment sector.
With very reasonable and easily affordable cost, we are here to provide you with our fashion-show services to satisfy all your requirements in best and perfect possible manner.

Birthday Party Organizer

We provide venue options to suit your requirements e.g. budget, location, indoor, outdoor etc. We also provide various themes for all age groups / genders etc.
Some of the common boys themes are Hero Themes, Bond 007, Pirates, Disney World, and Jungle Theme while some of the most common themes for girls are Cinderella, Angle, Barbie etc.

Venue Sourcing
We provide venue options to suit your requirements like your budget, location, indoor, outdoor etc.

Theme Events
We provide various themes for all age groups / genders etc. Some of the common Boys themes are Hero themes, Pirates, Disney World, Jungle theme etc. while some of the common girls themes are Cinderella , Angle, Barbie etc.

Emcee will organize interactive games for kids, adults, interact and create excitement on the spot.

Balloon Decor
Various color themes can be selected on the basis of themes.

Balloon Entry Gate
Balloon entry gate increases the look and feel of the entire place.

Cartoon Cut-Outs
We will decorate the whole place with various cartoon cut-outs and themes etc. We can also provide self standing board for display of cartoon character with colorful satin drapes.

Stall Games
We can have various fun fair games like shooting, 7Up & 7Down, Kul-ja-sim-sim etc.

Magician / Puppet Show
A magician show for the kids or a puppet show for kids and all age groups can also be organized for FUN.

Tattoo Artists / Face Painters
Nowadays the tattoo artists & face painters also gives a decent artistic look to any show. Peoples are very much fond of having different forms of art on their hands and biceps like zodiac signs, rose, face of a lion and even their names. BUT the female generation has a different taste. They are very much attracted in having a nice bracelet tattoo on their wrist or a nice design on their biceps. Even we can have creative tattoos based upon theme or any exiting designs also.

Cartoon Characters
We can also help you out with various cartoon characters like Tom & Jerry, Popeye, Micky Mouse, Dragon, Krish, etc.

Return Gifts
Depending upon the age group we can make an exciting goodie bags like Birthday caps, Masks, Piggy Box, Pencil set, Diary, Tiffin box, Water bottle etc.

Cake can be made as per the Birthday / Event Theme e.g. Jungle, Tweety shape etc.

Sound System and DJ
Sound System required for conducting games, Dance party etc. A professional DJ can play foot-tapping numbers, Popcorn & Candy. We can have popcorn & candy stalls for kids followed by chocolate stalls and fountains etc.

New Year Party Planner

"New Year is the time to good-bye old times and welcome new time which will give lots of happiness and prosperous life ahead."
Innovative Entertainment Event Management company helps in organizing New Year Parties for office team members or family members and friends which shares happiness in your life. We are known as best party planners in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
As an event management company, we provide best ideas and better services according to your budgets. Since New Year party is an important tool for social life so we organize them with proper planning. Our event planning executives plan new ideas and themes for parties.
New Year Party is the best way to make fresh beginning and welcome first day of New Year. We can arrange different theme parties for New Year like disco party, celebrity artist theme or traditional theme to revive the old days. If you are planning New Year party then we can help you with some better options so that your New Year party could be memorable and very special for you and your guests.
Your decoration should be best, attractive and catchy for your guests. So we provide best decoration management services within your budget and your theme parties. We arrange balloons, flower, ribbons, confetti decoration and bell decoration for you. An exotic and lavish decoration makes great evening for every one.
As per your demand or requirement, we can also arrange handmade crafts, wall hanging, glass painting or fabric painting as it gives personal touch and traditional look to parties. Fresh flowers also plays an important role in parties because flower enhance your party beauty and brings happiness in everyone's life and party theme. We always try various type of lighting, decorations and items to enrich your party. Party decoration gives some richness and boldness to festive mood.

Wedding Planner

We manage venue, catering, decoration, var-mala stage, flower decoration, welcome group, Dance troupes, item dancer, (service girls), bar tenders, etc.
We provide the world class Event Management Services that is unique in itself. Event Management Solution provided by us showcases substance and perfection in optimum way. Since our prices are very reasonable the services offered by us have been highly appreciated by large number of beneficiaries.
Wedding Planner Company Details :
Innovative Entertainment is one of the leading Wedding Planner & Floral Decorators based in Dhaka. We provide our clients one stop solution for all wedding related services.
Services :
• Exotic Floral Decor
• Vidhi Mandap
• Planning & Logistics
• Guest Management
• Sangeet Party
• Venue Sourcing
• Wedding Cards
• Gift Packing
• Bridal Kit etc.

Budget Management
Our expertise team will work with you to plan, negotiate and manage your wedding with-in your given budget. Its well planned that you don’t miss any important elements and end up paying more at last moment.

Venue Sourcing
We will source various options for venues to suit your requirements e.g. budget, capacity, banquet, lawns, resorts, indoor hall, outdoor venue, locations etc.

Theme Weddings
We suggest you various wedding themes like rajasthani, ocean, color theme, bollywood, Radha-Krishna, Jodha-Akbar etc.

Floral Decor
We provide exotic floral decor for wedding events, vidhi mandaps, wedding stage, entrance, car decorations etc.

Mehndi Design / Mehandi Artists
Professional mehandi artists for mehandi funtions. It is the traditional art form of painting in Bangladesh. It's quickly becoming a rising trend among women. It's created through henna paste. Henna is a plant known for it's power to color any substance. This plant is found in Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt and North Africa. It gives a look just like a tattoo. It's fast and easy and the the most important thing is that it's painless and yet a beautiful form of natural body decoration. And the most commonly used form is Hair-dye.

Artists Management
We provide various artists options for your sangeet night e.g. LIVE BAND , CELEBRITY SINGERS etc . K. Flower Balsts while the bride and groom walks together towards the vidhi mandap we can do a shower of flowers on them .

Hostesses in a traditional attire are required for welcoming the guests with arti and tika, distributing return gifts & akshata, wet tissues, etc.

We do electronic firework as it is easy and prompt.

Parking Management
This mostly required for wedding having huge nos. of guests, we also provide valet parking services.

Guest Management
Its very important for your outstation guests to be taken care of starting from welcoming them from airport, railway station, transportation, accommodations, F&B, etc.

Event/Theme Decoration

Innovative Entertainment is now among the top event management companies in Dhaka for producing truly exciting and exceptional events in conjunction with our excellent decor team and design experts.
A large portion of our business focuses on creating decor-themed events to achieve and reflect the objectives of our clients and reinforce their message, whether it be for a product launch, a grand opening, a trade show, business conference, convention, upscale reception or a celebrity show.

From the outrageous to the sublime, decor adds definition, ambiance and character to an event. But behind the smoke and mirrors enjoyed by guests lies a detailed design process that often resembles more of a science than an art. There's more to choose than an event theme and show-stopping visual concepts.
You need to think about everything, from safety precautions as well as whether props will fit through the door, and many other logistical considerations - which is why you want a company with many years of expertise to be entrusted with such responsibilities.

Innovative Entertainment understands that event decor isn't just about looks but rather how that decor enhances all the other event-planning components from the food presentation to the dance floor.
Our ingenuity, creative concepts and team of highly-skilled floral and table designers, graphic artists, prop/set/stage builders, lighting and special F/X experts consistently exceed Client expectations with upscale yet affordable creations. We offer as much or as little creative input as directed by the Client.


106, Muktobangla Shopping Complex ( 6th Floor)





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