
Remzi Contactgegevens, kaart en routebeschrijving, contactformulier, openingstijden, diensten, beoordelingen, foto's, video's en aankondigingen van Remzi, Dj, Berloz.
(1) it was the right time to share some of my most r...

Thought it was the right time to share some of my most recent unfinished songs with a little twist on the name of the Bandcamp-series (which already hints to where you can listen to it).

Might find a few JW references and even made my own twist on one of my favourite quotes...

"Those who cling to love, lose.. Those who cling to loss, love!"

Now go eat your heart out while accepting that losing is the only way to truly learn, love and win and, as ironic as it may sound...

Much love

6 track album

Recorded a teaser set for this Sunday's   event at  where I Will be playing from 5 to 6PM. Played Some recent tunes as p...

Recorded a teaser set for this Sunday's event at where I Will be playing from 5 to 6PM.

Played Some recent tunes as per usual, So don't hesitate showing love and supporting the careers of the following artists: and obviously one of the greatest of all time (read "THE greatest of all time") ❤️Thanks for feeding our minds, souls and bodies ❤️❤️

You can replay the set on Mixcloud: you can join us this Sunday at Le Brass for Some Sunday vibes whilst not forgetting Monday's a public holiday!
Merci WIH for the recording sesh, Aziz for the unexpected Mint-tea afterwards (liquid gold for sure) and For neighborhood vibes, good Walks/talks and ofcourse a very unexpected collective reading session surrounding... TIME!
Much love to you all and hope to see you on Sunday ❤️

Ps: apologies for writing and DJ'ing mistakes, always knew I had mistakes in me but worked too hard to never show it, glad I now finally can.. Perfection is relative 😉

A small teaser for my set at Le Brass this Sunday 30/04/2023. Join us for a good Sunday! Much love to the artists whose music I got to play. PS: for those thinking I never make mistakes in my sets, if you don't look, you'll definitely find some ;) love! marks 21 years of a specific event that changed th...

Today marks 21 years of a specific event that changed the world, resulted in a genocide/"war" and the humiliation/torture/death of thousands of PEOPLE that had nothing to do with this day except for their religion, skintone and resources (OIL etc.). There's a lot I can say, which I'll try to. First of all, I did not expect releasing music since my latest upload. On the day I uploaded, a certain style of police harassment started again, and a week later, I was once again asked whether I was planning.. Shaking my head in disbelief, however, my protest against the justice system, the media and the police, by (almost) not DJ'ing while expressing my thoughts on the modern enslavement of Muslims by the West hasn't gone unnoticed, fortunately. I make plenty of statements to the world, to ensure the ones harassing me, will not enforce their ideals or way of life onto me, simply for trying to be me and demanding respect towards my basic human rights which have been taken away multiple times in my life for unjustified reasons. I might as well be straightforward and say I have been accused of terror etc. when I was living life to the fullest by working hard and never relaxing, which is highly suspicious. Then, when anger comes into play due to being mistreated, these same people had been waiting to pop the questions again, after which I expressed my disgust. Honestly, since that "DAY' in 2001, I thought about being a "youknowwhat" at least 20 times per day, multiply that by 365 and multiply it again by 21 years, and you'll understand how impactful the unjustified stigmatisation, harassment and bullying is by most Westerners who believe in the idea that we are here to steal their way of life, when in fact, we are part of the backbone of society and doing the work they won't do, while being treated in a way by them, they don't want themselves to be treated like. Hmmm, lots of things can be said, so instead of saying anymore, I will let the unfinished music speak for itself. Maybe one day, I will get my life and rights back, if not, accept that I have been robbed of my life multiple times due to a brainwashing set-up for society, and society responded in the way that was the most predictable and damaging towards people whom became targets when never having been a threat to other's way of life while desperately trying to learn from those that fear us. Too bad for some they missed out on the fun, love and progression I was making through music, since it bothered plenty of people whom would rather see me poor and struggle in life, it was better for them to Saddam me, just like old Georgieboy did to Mr. Hussein. Now, who impacted whose way of life the most? well, in both my case, Saddam's and plenty of Muslims around the world: the Westerners did it to us more violently and impactful, than the few madmen in Muslim society have done, and this while we don't even consider them part of our society. Food for thought. Blessings and respect to all the rescue workers, victims and their family/friends affected by ALL close and distantly RELATED events, until forever. To end this, 9/11 is 21, a grown-up,and one day 22/3 will be as well,so Westerners,please learn from this. Blessings and respect to all the rescue workers, victims and their family/friends affected by ALL close and distantly RELATED events, until forever. They truly did you wrong in so many ways and smiled to laugh the permanent pain away.. Still can not understand or process the full scale of all these connected events and the ways in which lives were ended pre-maturely.. Therefore even more strength, support and compassion to all affected by these events, especially those who don't live in the favourable Western communities and therefore got bombed so the warmachine can keep making its money.. They said life would never be the same again, because they chose to change life itself, instead of living to protect, serve and progress without war, racial profiling and robbing people of their basic human rights. Well, as they say, life goes on, whatever the hell that means for people who distantiate themselves from pain to live a guilt-free life, not so guilt-free in my opinion, but who cares.. Life went on, indeed, it did! marks not just the day my brother was born, but it...

23/08 marks not just the day my brother was born, but it also marks the day on which my family went radical in terms of invading my privacy and trying to ruin my life and reputation. At this moment that I'm writing this, it's been exactly 5 years that I wanted to go to sleep, after a hard day's work as a student whom preferred work over vacation to build a life and escape poverty. Knowing the relationship with my sister was bad because contact was forbidden by my mom, I did what my mom always asked to do: give everyone a kiss, including my sister, and leave them be. So I did. What followed, was my sister screaming and shouting in the middle of the night, in my bedroom. When asked to leave me quitely in order to sleep, she refused, and started making more noise and follow me in the house when I avoided her. She treated me like a child and made so much noise the cops came, FOR ME. She called me a manipulator and a coke-dealer, even though I am disgusted by coke and take distance from it's users. Eventually I joined the cops to escape my crazy family. I filed a declaration, and was, for no reason except my heritage, called a terrorist. Ever since, life hasn't been the same. My relationship with my family went south, I wasn't allowed to leave the country according to the cops until years later they say I did. I found a job on the radio, which went sour due to racism and these unhealed wounds being devoured by the salt my colleagues poured onto it by acting as a VB and using me as their excuusallochtoon to cover up their racism and justify it. In short, I have been harassed physically and mentally by people I trusted, the cops and the people I looked up to in the media. This project, is for all of you. Everybody whom would've let me die in poverty due to not deserving to improve my life or enjoy the fruits of my work. This one, is even more dedicated to those who did the opposite. This one, is dedicated to all of you whom I have unfinished business with. This one, is because I won't forgive, forget and just move on because you command me to. This one is because I decide both the direction and methods I will use to climb out of this hole, even if you keep pushing me back in. This one is dedicated to all of those involved: the media, the police, the justice system, my family and more specifically the people that actually care for me when nobody else does. I am not your excuusallochtoon, nor a threat to your way of life. I am me, as imperfect as I am, here I stand!


PS: This is Volume 2, full project on bandcamp

4 track album

Will be playing some tunes at MIMA - Museum this Thursday from 6 to 10PM!! Merci Mathilde & MIMA for the invite

Will be playing some tunes at MIMA - Museum this Thursday from 6 to 10PM!! Merci Mathilde & MIMA for the invite

Goed, 1 jaar lang leef ik in erbarmelijk omstandigheden omdat ik opkwam tegen racisme op de werkvloer binnen BRUZZNu kom...


1 jaar lang leef ik in erbarmelijk omstandigheden omdat ik opkwam tegen racisme op de werkvloer binnen BRUZZ

Nu kom ik tot de conclusie, dat de persoon die ik opvolgde, mij net zoals de rest van de BLANKEN in de media, gebruikt heeft als allochtoon om zichzelf goed te profileren als niet-racist en vruchten te plukken in het leven die allochtonen nooit zouden mogen of kunnen plukken, tenzij het is met toestemming van een blanke.

Ik heb Loïc Thaler altijd gerespecteerd, tot nu.

Bij BRUZZmaakte ik het fenomeen gaslighting mee, en nu neemt Loic hier ook aan deel om zichzelf te beschermen.

Hij is bang van de allochtoon die een mening uitdrukt en steun vroeg alsook dat hij opkomt voor degenen die geen stem hebben.

Zijn respons op mijn mening dat hij allochtonen als accesoires gebruikt om vooruit te gaan in het leven, op vlak van zijn carriere bij Qmusic - België alsook zijn relatie met een Marokkaanse dame, is zeggen dat ik een psychose heb.

Is het een psychose dat ik financiele moeilijkheden heb door buitengepest te zijn geweest bij bruzz en arbeidsongeschikt te zijn? Is het een psychose dat het pijn doet dat iedereen bij bruzz op de hoogte is en men dan doet alsof er niks aan de hand is, ik gek ben, er geen racisme is en mij uitlacht in mijn gezicht? Is het een psychose dat Loic weigert de mensen erop aan te spreken gezien hij mijn leidinggevende was maar niet de leiding neemt in het gesprek aan te gaan met bruzz over het racisme? Is het een psychose dat hij zijn welvaart, welzijn en relatie met zijn "exotisch exemplaar" prioriteit geeft dan de mensenrechten van iemand die Loic als rolmodel nam? Is het een psychose dat ik kwaad, beledigd en verontwaardigd ben door de PURE ontkenning van de mogelijkheid zich uit te spreken of het racisme aanpakken, door zowel Loic, Bruzz, alsook de mensen die ik kende opdat men kan gaan voor geld, rijkdom, status en een goede job, terwijl de allochtoon uitgesloten wordt en financieel alsook sociaal gesaboteerd wordt?

Zeggen dat je bang bent, is meegaan in het narratief dat ik waanbeelden heb over het racisme.

Feiten: De CEO van BRUZZ zei dat we in het licht zaten omdat je ons niet kon zien in het donker, dan zei hij dat zwarte mensen bijna aanreed omdat je ze niet kon zien in het donker, dan nam hij het mij kwalijk een allochtoon te zijn die erbij was waardoor zijn mopje niet gepast was. HR ontkende het bestaan van racisme op de werkvloer, en de CHef radio erkende het bestaan ervan. Gunnar zei dat Marokko vies is. Freya legde de schuld van corrupte allochtonen bij mij ookal zit ik niet in de politiek. Severine noemde me Aladdin. Anderen noemden me een dreiging op hun levenswijze terwijl ik net van hen wilde leren omdat ik geen diploma had in de media en de rest wel, dus zij waren mijn rolmodellen die mij op straat zetten om hun blankheid te beschermen. Vele gebeurtenissen later kreeg ik mijn ontslag, en nu een jaar later, op de NATIONALE FEESTDAG, zegt Loïc Thaler dat ik een psychose heb omdat het pijn doet dat Belgen de realiteit ontkennen, alsook onzichtbare grenzen stellen om hun rust, rijkdom en goed gevoel over zichzelf te beschermen. Ik ben dus een vierderangsburger, en Loic een eersterangsburger, zijn verloofde is dat ook, enkel omdat ze met Loic is, anders zou hij haar niet dezelfde rechten of privileges gunnen.

Belgische media, alsook jullie medewerkers: gaslighten van allochtonen door hen gek te verklaren omdat jullie de bovenhand hebben en feiten verdraaien, is nefast voor jullie diversiteitscampagnes, imago alsook de vooruitgang in onze maatschappij. Ik acht jullie allen hiervoor verantwoordelijk, en kijk ernaar uit met de betrokken partijen een gesprek te hebben bij de rechter, die waarschijnlijk de mentaliteit met jullie deelt, wat veel toont over Belgie en de systemen die er bestaan, alsook hoe allochtonen uitgebuit worden.

21 juli is geen dag waarop ik mij een trotse Belg kan noemen. 21 juli is een dag zoals een ander: een dag waarop ik als allochtoon ver onder de maatschappij moet leven, tenzij ik alle misselijkmakende en denigrerende ideologien van Belgen moet slikken en zij ondertussen de vruchten plukken van ons werk terwijl wij niet eens eten en de Belgen rijkelijk leven. 21 juli 2022 is de dag waarop ik gekozen heb, nooit meer te refereren naar mijzelf als een inwoner van Belgie, maar als een slaaf van het Belgische systeem alsook de Belgen die misbruik maakten van m'n wil om te leren van hen alsook te integreren. 21 juli is een donkere dag, in een donker land dat liever meer WIT ziet, een land met een donkere geschiedenis, en logischerwijze een donkere toekomst.

Ik ben daarom geen Belg meer en verklaar mijzelf mens die berooft werd van zijn mensenrechten!

Will be back on Radio Ruit tomorrow to play some more 2022 tunes, come enjoy the show inside the studio and have a drink...

Will be back on Radio Ruit tomorrow to play some more 2022 tunes, come enjoy the show inside the studio and have a drink with us 😊, a time-capsule for music-lovers of all backgrounds, soothing your ears with the magni...

Radio, a time-capsule for music-lovers of all backgrounds, soothing your ears with the magnificence humanity’s artists have been giving us for years.

The hard work, commitment, sacrifices, creativity and love of our beloved artists towards their work, creates time-capsules that reflect their lives in so many ways. The rhythms, messages and sounds take us to new dimensions and people. Time-capsules traveling towards all of us, in different ways, at different times, with a different effect they have on each one of us. It humbles me to be on the receiving end when it comes to these time-capsules, while simultaneously being on the opposite side of the spectrum. Sharing the artist’s time-capsule through a different form of time-capsule, one which has people in it that experience the effect of the artist’s time-capsules while simultaneously expressing the true feeling that is awakened by the effect of the artist’s time-capsule, is truly amazing!

Last night’s radioshow/time-capsule, is my way of saying thanks to all the artists that have had an incredible effect on me with their time-capsules. I hope their time-capsules will reach both you and me more often, and that we all can do more besides paying for their work, to thank and support the artists for their work and influence they have on our daily lives.

You can re-visit last night’s time-capsule on both the YouTube and mixcloud pages of to have something to dance to! I will post the tracklist in a few days.

Sending all my love to the Radio Ruit crew for their hospitality, faith in my Dj’ing and the opportunity! I also am sending my love to each one of the artists whose music I played, everyone who listened or will replay the show and ofcourse each one of you aaaaand don’t forget all of the friends whom have always supported me!

This one is for all of you whom struggle and are looking for a vibe to get things going on, as well as those whom are feeling great, I am glad for you and still invite you to catch a vibe in my latest time-capsule 😊

Closing this time-capsule with a little good luck, some love and the message that I am rooting for all of you!

Love ❤️

Remzi bringing some of his recent discoveries to Radio RuitCheck for the full schedule

Yeah, live on YouTube and mixcloud tonight between 8 and 9 PM! Got lots of tunes you can dance to so join us, either on ...

Yeah, live on YouTube and mixcloud tonight between 8 and 9 PM! Got lots of tunes you can dance to so join us, either on the livestream or at Radio Ruit in Ghent, then we can have a drink together with the radio fam! Much love Radio Ruit for making this happen ❤️ fam!Really excited to share my mix from last Friday with you!As you can see, it is the f...

Sup fam!

Really excited to share my mix from last Friday with you!

As you can see, it is the first time that I broadcasted from Radio Ruit which was a magnificent experience to say the least.

I want to thank Ilja, Titus, Nick and everyone else I forgot to mention from the Radio Ruit crew for making this possible!

I also want to thank Hans & Menno for the crazy good vibes and conversation, bless you all!

To conclude, I made plenty of mistakes due to needles bugging me out, but kept going and had plenty of fun because I knew I would enjoy the set and learn from these mistakes afterwards. Now, I see that the video-footage looks like the TALINN Freeport from TENET, which in hindsight matches perfectly with my philosophy of dj’ing.. well, I always knew there were similarities in both philosophies, but it becoming a visual reality, hadn’t happened yet 😉

So, please, do enjoy going back to the past and replay my set from last Friday as if it hasn’t happened yet!

Much love ❤️

Next up is Bxl based Remzi. No nonsense and no genres, strictly music for the soul.

Tonight, merci Radio Ruit for making this happen ❤️

Tonight, merci Radio Ruit for making this happen ❤️

Chaaaud,  thanks Radio Ruit for making this happen 🔥❤️

Chaaaud, thanks Radio Ruit for making this happen 🔥❤️

After a great first week, we're back with this week's schedule. Expect house, funk & more strictly underground music.

Friday: Mixmonster Menno, YRK, Remzi & UNOS.

Sunday: a visit from fellow online radio Microwave who'll bring their friends from Affair along for the ride. With sets by Malo Z, Basalt, Maito & MINKA.

Tune in as always via, Mixcloud & Youtube

Yooo, the bro A*o Asın just released 3 new Turkish DJ edits which are FREE to download on Bandcamp! Go check it out and ...

Yooo, the bro A*o Asın just released 3 new Turkish DJ edits which are FREE to download on Bandcamp!

Go check it out and convince your favourite DJ's to start playing these edits as well!

Big up A*o Asin for repping Dj-culture & Turkish culture in your own way, bless you bro!

I'm excited to finally share 3 of my Turkish DJ edits with you! They're available for free on my Bandcamp page. Enjoy and feel free to share if you like what you hear! 🧿⁠

Free download:


Artwork by Ad Jader

In Antwerp tomorrow with Yakub Dysney! Merci Koerwoud for the invite!

In Antwerp tomorrow with Yakub Dysney! Merci Koerwoud for the invite!

Koerwoud | Vanaf nu is onze groene oase niet enkel een plek voor gezelligheid, drankjes en hapjes, maar ook voor kleine events! 🤩

🌿 Vanavond bijten de dj’s van Jammings de spits af. Vanaf 18u draaien ze zomerse deuntjes die het vakantiegevoel op ons binnenplein naar een hoger niveau tillen.

🌿 Morgenavond komen Remzi en Yakub Dysney sfeer maken met hun platen. Jullie komen toch ook?

Check alle info:
👉 Koerwoud x Jammings
👉 Koerwoud x Remzi x Yakub Dysney time ago I had to say goodbye to my brick-phone, which I had for a ...

Some time ago I had to say goodbye to my brick-phone, which I had for a long time (7 years or something). As stubborn as I am, I avoided buying a smartphone for many years, up until I lost the battery of my phone in the heater of the radio on NYE.

The reason I only now bought a smartphone, is because I felt it would influence my intuition, memory and personality too much, since I felt too much gaming as a kid had that effect on me. I thought I wanted to make choices for myself and push myself into the direction I chose, not the direction social media chooses for me. Since I succeeded in that part, I finally am ready to embrace the good sides of technology, to help me improve myself even more.

Because now, I see the advantages of digital media, I'm also less prejudice against behaviour people show that I used to dislike/discourage, since I finally understand better what the fuss was about (the smartphone). I'm still gonna try and live like I used to, while learning from the digital revolution our society apparently had years ago.

I dedicate this song to my old phone, to all the friends I made without the internet and all the adventures I had without being connected to the internet all the time. I also dedicate this to new beginnings and especially the uncertainty of not knowing what is about to happen, because life is just much more interesting when you're not connected all the time and also when you can't have what you want, but at the same time you get what you deserve!

Much love & grattitude to Adel Ilm Setta for the artwork!


Here is the tracklist of last night's radioshow! You can now replay it on mixcloud:

Here is the tracklist of last night's radioshow! You can now replay it on mixcloud:

My favourite song of the show, was 'Collage' by KDA & Lady Blackbird,a song I dedicate to , whose birthday is on the same day as mine, wishing you a happy one already!

Love to all the artists whose music I got to play, please do follow their musical adventures! .music

Artwork by my brother

Love ❤

Sup fammm, here's the tracklist of this week's radioshow, which also was the first one of the year! S/O   & !...

Sup fammm, here's the tracklist of this week's radioshow, which also was the first one of the year! S/O & ! I wish you all the best for the coming year and will always be there for hou musically , if life is knocking you down and you don't know how to cope with things! I got knocked down myself, and I still believe we can get there by working together on ourselves and our goals! Good luck y'all and owe it to yourself that you can make mistakes while learning from these same mistakes! LOVE ❤

I still owed you the tracklists of my 2 last shows of the year! This one's from the Best Of 2020-show! You can replay th...

I still owed you the tracklists of my 2 last shows of the year! This one's from the Best Of 2020-show! You can replay the shows on the bruzz page on Mixcloud! Much love everybody and see you next year


2020 has been a tough year for many, but not that much for me. I consider it to be a year in which society finally had to undergo the pressure of itself, which resulted in people experiencing a way of life that was forced on me by society as well: from social exclusion to isolation and depression. However, society was facing a tough challenge, while I considered the social changes as being very easy for myself, since I had to already adapt myself to these circumstances for years, without having to wait on a pandemic to apply changes to my life. As a result, I received many opportunities this year, which were a compensation for never going on vacation and always working on myself and being present for the people around me.
Since a few years ago, I lost my vibe with hiphop, and went looking for new music, this year I really found music that was able to replace a giant gaping hole in my heart: Bruk! Originally from West-London, this music has now become my universe and a way of life! Bruk showed me the light, when I thought I would never see light again.. Therefore, I would like to dedicate this song, to the original pioneers of the Bruk sound, movement & culture! I would like to thank them, for showing me the light, and therefore changing this dark year, into a more enlightened path to a new future for myself!

Much love,


(Artwork by the true legend Adel Setta)

When you ask Yunas to get creative for the artwork of the extra radioshow I'm doing this week for X-MAS :D So proud to b...

When you ask Yunas to get creative for the artwork of the extra radioshow I'm doing this week for X-MAS :D So proud to be working with a brother who is younger than me, but still makes me look up to him

Thanks for tuning in to the final liveshow of the year! Thanks everybody for supporting my broke ass! Thanks to Yunas fo...

Thanks for tuning in to the final liveshow of the year!

Thanks everybody for supporting my broke ass! Thanks to Yunas for always providing artwork for the show, thanks Pien for the incredible vibes in the studio and thanks to BRUZZ for all the amazing opportunities

track by Remzi

Sup fam, I'll be on Bruzz tonight with a 2020-special at 8PM! Will be opening my show with my first single, as promised!...

Sup fam, I'll be on Bruzz tonight with a 2020-special at 8PM! Will be opening my show with my first single, as promised! You can listen to the show on and you can watch the show on ! Artwork by Yunas! Much love

Hi everyone, today marks the birthday of having received a ‘Huisverbod’ for ten days. The police was waiting for me, whe...

Hi everyone,

today marks the birthday of having received a ‘Huisverbod’ for ten days.

The police was waiting for me, when I was in the shower, since I was planning on doing a radioshow with Slice Of Pie in Brussels.

I didn’t object, cooperated in any way possible, and was dropped of by the police to do my radioshow afterwards (since I already knew I was going to dedicate my life to doing radioshows whether I was free or not), after having spent some time in a cel, before meeting the person in charge of deciding whether I had a future or not, and whether I worked enough to have human rights we all take for granted.

I never took these for granted, since I already had lost housing when I was ten years old and my whole family is in prison and I didn’t want to end up in prison even though my mom threatened me as a child she would put me in prison. So, my whole life I promised myself to never let something like this happen to me, whether it was ending up in jail or losing my house.

Since I was ten, I worked for 11 years to get a diploma, a job and support my family at the same time (mentally and financially), yet, my family did not support me when I need it the most. Instead, they did their best to ruin my future, since I was not home enough, so they thought I was doing ‘some bad sh*t’ , when actually I was doing rehearsals, doing concerts, working to have money as a student, and studying at the same time, with not more than 4-6 hours of sleep per night, during the four years that preceded these events.

Today, I can say I am very happy that the not-so-racist-police thought I was planning a terrorist attack, even though there wasn’t any indication, besides them not knowing what I did in my private time, without checking in on my work, my school or my friends in the music business.

Apparently, gossip and jealousy is enough, to put a man on the street and take away his means of survival, after breaking his privacy claiming I was ‘a threat to national security’ because I mentioned that ‘there were problems in the world, and I’m working as hard as I can at work, school and in music, to be the change the world & myself needed for a better future’.

I do not object anymore, since during this year, a year in which the world stopped because of a pandemic, I got everything I was working for: yet I’m still broke as f**k, but happier than ever!

I want to thank my mom for not trusting me, even though I always proved myself as being trustworthy, I want to thank my sister for gossiping, without having seen me for years, and ofcourse: I want to thank the police for the discrimination and I want to thank the people working for the Belgian Justice System, for being as dumb as it gets, while having more diplomas than I could ever dream of!

You see, having a ‘huisverbod’ made one thing sure: I will never be a part of my family’s bu****it again, and I can do whatever I was planning on doing, before I had my huisverbod.

So, now I ask you: besides me being an emotional do*****ag after being traumatized by my family, the police and the justice system, did I really deserve to not get a chance to work for a diploma, to lose my job and to lose my money over gossip and assumptions?

Well, since it got me exactly where I wanted to be, I can say yes, I did deserve all of this, since I believed more in myself, than the people I believed in, believed in me. So now here I am, happy and confident, about to release my first rough single, which will be played as the opening track for my radioshow tonight at 8PM!

As a final question for our and my moral understanding: is my punishment correct? Instead of ten days huisverbod, I already did more than 1000 days? If I would have been in jail, with a sentence of 1 year, I already would have done 100 years! So tell me, am I that bad to be punished this hard? To be forgotten, as many people had forgotten about me, and only talk to me about my dj-stuff without asking how my personal life is going? Am I that bad to not be a part of society for years and being forced to re-integrate as if I hadn’t integrated in this society, even though I was born here and integration is not necessary for people whom are born here and go to school here and grew up only having white, innocent friends?

I doubt it, so, I applied changes to my life: I’m back in touch with my culture and other cultures, without sucking the life out if it like people did with me, I’m going a 1000 procent on music and radio, and I’m trying to be a better human by also being the bad version of myself, without pretending to be better than I actually am.

Therefore, I dedicate this single, to all the people I saw and all the people whom helped me and gave me a place to stay, when I lost my legal status in Belgium, and lost my savings from 6 years of work, and lost every result I worked for since when I was a 10-year old on the street and tried to make a better life than the life I had as child..

I dedicate this track, to all of you, that let me sleep on their couch, that taught me music, that taught me to love again, because love was replaced by hate. The hate the Belgian police and justice system spread everyday, the hate I fought against, which was shoved down my throat by my mother, sister and the people whom are supposed to protect us from this same type of hate..

So today, I wholeheartedly accept my huisverbod, and I will celebrate it every year again, because I realize, that if I was in prison right now, I would have already served a sentence that is so long, that I would be nothing but bones and be forgotten by everybody whom had more comfortable lives than a life I could never dream of…

Also, after three years, I'm still living in this illusion in which I still think my huisverbod is just 10 days. I'm still counting down these 10 days, so I can get back to my family, as if I'm the one who has to fix things. I have to remind myself everyday, that my sentence, is a LIFE SENTENCE, and that how good I try to be, it is not me who has to fix things, the people whom are quiet because they know they are responsible, they have to fix things, and I HAVE TO REMIND MYSELF... that they never will...

So thanks to all the people for handling my emotional ass, the support & the opportunities you gave me! I can tell you now, that it was not in vain.

You can find the track on Bandcamp after 9PM, when I finished my radioshow in which I’ll be playing this song as opening track (8PM, Bruzz Radio)!

PS: Lots of love to Adel Setta for the crazy artwork that really shows how I felt these last 3 years





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Stuur een bericht naar Remzi:





Remzi is a Brussels based DJ with a taste for funk, disco, house & other soulful styles of music.

Remzi has his own radioshow on Bruzz Radio, in which he puts music in the centre, without focussing on one particular genre.

Throughout the year many guests will be bringing their original style & sound to the studio, in order to keep your ears fresh & excited for new sounds in music!

So tune in to Bruzz Radio (98.8FM) on Mondays (8-9PM) to witness the adventure of the ‘19-‘20 radioseason!

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