Merci Maestro

Merci Maestro International Piano Competition for Young Pianists in Brussels 2nd edition of International Piano Competition in Brussels.

The first competition in 2016 has brought >120 participants from >20 countries.The second edition will build up further success story of this international cultural event

This year, Camerata BRIMA and the students of Brussels International Music Academy will return to showcase their talents...

This year, Camerata BRIMA and the students of Brussels International Music Academy will return to showcase their talents and share their love of music with the public through the renowned event Ballade Artistique NOH 2024!

We will be featured in the opening performance on 15th Nov 2024, 18:00-19:00 at Oude Sint-Niklaaskerk (Pl. Saint-Nicolas, 1120, Brussels). Also, we will perform a full concert on 17th Nov 2024, starting from 15:00 at Les Eglantines (Rue Saints Pierre et Paul 15, 1120, Brussels).

CAMERATA BRIMA is the chamber music ensemble of BRIMA, composed of talented young musicians (aged 10 to 25, most of whom have already won international competitions), as well as soloist singers.

We hope to see many of you there!

For more details, please contact: +32 496 48 87 80 | [email protected] |

Calling to all pianists! We're hiring! Interested? Details please refer to the poster. Write us with your CV at jobs@bri...

Calling to all pianists! We're hiring! Interested? Details please refer to the poster. Write us with your CV at [email protected]!

The Brussels International Academy of Music (BRIMA) and Piano’s Maene Brussels, with the support of the Embassy of Ukrai...

The Brussels International Academy of Music (BRIMA) and Piano’s Maene Brussels, with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Belgium, invite you to a charity concert dedicated to commemorate the victims of the war in Ukraine upon the three-year anniversary of the war on FRIDAY, 21st February 2025, at 19:30, at Piano’s Maene Brussels.

Address: Rue de l’Argonne 37, 1060, Bruxelles (near the Midi station)
All profits received from the concert will be donated to the First Mobile Hospital in Ukraine.

On stage:
CAMERATA BRIMA is the chamber music ensemble of BRIMA, composed of talented young musicians (aged 10 to 25, most of whom have already won international competitions), as well as soloist singers.

The program includes European classical music and Ukrainian folk music.
The entrance fee is by donation, minimum 20 euros.
All profits will be donated to the First Mobile hospital

Reservations are required.
We hope to see many of you there!

Reservation is through this online form : to be announced soon

For more details, please contact: +32 496 48 87 80 | [email protected] |

If you were moved by the event and want to contribute to the cause, please contact us or directly to the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital through the contact info below:

Charity Concerts; Financial Assistance: | [email protected] | +32 496 48 87 80

Financial assistance: | [email protected] | 0 800 33 49 03

🥁NEWS!In this upcoming edition 2025, we have decided to have 3 options for participants so that participants could find ...

In this upcoming edition 2025, we have decided to have 3 options for participants so that participants could find a format of participation that is more suited to their preference:

Masterclasses & rehearsals 09:00-18:00 then concerts till 22:00 each day
09:00-13:30 Masterclasses & rehearsals
13:30 lunch
14:15-15:45 Masterclasses & rehearsals
16:00-18:00 Rehearsals orchestra or choral or piano ensembles or opera workshop
15:00-18:00 Concerts till 22:00 each day

11:00-14:00 Excursions & different activities
14:15 lunch
15:00-18:00 Rehearsals orchestra or choral or piano ensembles or opera workshop
15:00-18:00 Concerts till 22:00 each day

15:00-18:00 Rehearsals orchestra or choral or piano ensembles or opera workshop
then concerts till 22:00 each day

Registration opens on 1st January 2025 via online link
Deadline to apply for Masterclasses: 15th May 2025
more info:

📯Announcement! The 9th International Piano Competition for Young Pianists, "Merci, Maestro!" has updated our categories ...

📯Announcement! The 9th International Piano Competition for Young Pianists, "Merci, Maestro!" has updated our categories options! Instead of 4 categories, this upcoming edition 2025, we will have 6 categories:

Category A: for candidates younger than 10 years old
Category B: for candidates from 11 to 13 years old
Category C: for candidates from 14 to 16 years old
Category D: for candidates from 17 to 19 years old
Category E: for candidates from 20 to 22 years old
Category F: for candidates from 23 to 25 years old

Online Registration will be opened on 1st January 2025, deadline for submitting application is on 1st March 2025. We will regularly update our official website, thus, stay tuned and check out our website from time to time for more exciting announcements!

Competition Period: 9th-13th April 2025, at Brussels, Belgium

Pre-selection round (via video recording) March 2025
First round (live performance) April 2025
Final round (live performance) April 2025
Gala concert (live performance & distribution of the prizes) April 13th, 2025

Attractive prizes and diplomas! Also special prizes that will help expand your musical career in Europe! Many performances opportunities!

🎤Concerts announcement! Mark the dates! Next summer (July 2025) the 5th International Music Academy FORTE will continue ...

🎤Concerts announcement! Mark the dates! Next summer (July 2025) the 5th International Music Academy FORTE will continue to bring you a series of great concerts perform by professors of the academy and masterclasses students! Also the winners of the international Music Academy FORTE Competitions!

🇧🇪This upcoming edition of Masterclasses, the Gala Concert will be held on 12th July 2025, at the breathtaking historical building of the Brussels Town Hall (Grand-Place)! Don't miss this opportunity to witness the birth of great musicians of our century at this magnificent hall!

✍️Registration for masterclasses and/or competitions will be opened on 1st January 2025 (we will announced the online registration link soon! Stay tuned!)

Deadline for Masterclasses application is on 15th May 2025.
Deadline for Competitions (Online or On-Premises, both without pre-selection, maximum 200 applications will be accepted) application is on 15th June 2025.

More information in general:
More information about masterclasses:
More information about competition:
Concerts Info:

Mark your calendar!! International Music Academy FORTE is coming back to bring you joy and excitement in summer 2025! Th...

Mark your calendar!! International Music Academy FORTE is coming back to bring you joy and excitement in summer 2025! The registration for the upcoming edition will be opened on 1st January 2025. We will begins to publish details for application and new additional program and options for edition 2025! Stay tuned!

Info on Masterclass:
Info on Competitions (Online or On-Premises):

We have more Category Options for participants for both masterclass also competitions in 2025! Come check out now!



00:00 - welcoming02:25 - Shenhav Orr, pianoChopin: Nocturne Op.6208:02 - Hendrick de Ryck, celloACCOMPANIST: Oksana StechyshynPopper: Polonaise de Concert13:...

Lire en française plus bas / Lees hieronder in het Nederlands / Читайте нижче англійськоюGala concert of the Internation...

Lire en française plus bas / Lees hieronder in het Nederlands / Читайте нижче англійською

Gala concert of the International Festival “MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE” 2024 was held under the patronage of the Missio n of Ukraine to the European Union with a presence of SEM Vsevolod Chentsov, Head of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community.
The support of one of the most important institutions of Ukraine in Europe of my festival is of great importance to me personally.
In order for the Ukrainians to be able to come to Belgium and not only to live in a peaceful country for a week, but also to be able to receive highly qualified master classes and several performances on stages in Brussels, an incredible amount of work was done.
Thanks to the 24/24 7/7 support of Mr. Vevolod Chentsov, some young men managed to get permission to leave Ukraine and were able to perform brightly at the festival.
Thanks for the support!
Now all of them already came back home, most of them to Kharkiv, Dnipro and Lviv...
For the last 2 and a half years, these children had classes mostly online, and in Belgium they had not only classes, but also many concerts... After a difficult week, they were not tired, they were calm and happy.
I still get messages from them and their parents thanking me, and these behaviors give me strength again.
It is a great happiness to be able to give happy moments of life to others.
Soon I will start preparing for the next festival in 2025!!!
Nataliya Chepurenko

Le concert de gala du Festival international « MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE » 2024 s'est tenu sous le patronage de la Mission de l'Ukraine auprès de l'Union européenne avec la présence de SEM Vsevolod Chentsov, chef de la Mission de l'Ukraine auprès de l'Union européenne et de la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique.
Le soutien de l'une des institutions les plus importantes de l'Ukraine en Europe à mon festival est d'une grande importance pour moi personnellement.
Pour que les Ukrainiens puissent venir en Belgique et non seulement vivre dans un pays paisible pendant une semaine, mais aussi pouvoir recevoir des master classes hautement qualifiées et plusieurs représentations sur les scènes de Bruxelles, un travail incroyable a été réalisé.
Grâce au soutien 24h/24 et 7j/7 de M. Vevolod Chentsov, certains jeunes hommes ont réussi à obtenir l'autorisation de quitter l'Ukraine et ont pu se produire brillamment au festival.
Merci pour le soutien !
Maintenant, ils sont tous rentrés chez eux, la plupart à Kharkiv, Dnipro et Lviv...
Depuis 2 ans et demi, ces enfants ont suivi des cours principalement en ligne, et en Belgique, ils ont eu non seulement des cours, mais aussi de nombreux concerts... Après une semaine difficile, ils n'étaient pas fatigués, ils étaient calmes et heureux.
Je reçois encore des messages d'eux et de leurs parents me remerciant, et ces comportements me redonnent de la force.
C'est un grand bonheur de pouvoir offrir des moments de vie heureux aux autres.
Bientôt, je commencerai à préparer le prochain festival en 2025 !!!

Galaconcert van het Internationale Festival “MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE” 2024 werd gehouden onder het patronage van de Missie van Oekraïne bij de Europese Unie met een aanwezigheid van SEM Vsevolod Chentsov, hoofd van de Missie van Oekraïne bij de Europese Unie en de Europese Gemeenschap voor Atoomenergie.
De steun van een van de belangrijkste instellingen van Oekraïne in Europa van mijn festival is voor mij persoonlijk van groot belang.
Om ervoor te zorgen dat de Oekraïners naar België konden komen en niet alleen een week in een vredig land konden leven, maar ook hooggekwalificeerde masterclasses en verschillende optredens op podia in Brussel konden ontvangen, werd er ongelooflijk veel werk verzet.
Dankzij de 24/24 7/7 steun van de heer Vevolod Chentsov slaagden enkele jonge mannen erin toestemming te krijgen om Oekraïne te verlaten en konden ze op het festival schitterend optreden.
Bedankt voor de steun!
Nu zijn ze allemaal alweer thuis, de meesten van hen naar Charkov, Dnipro en Lviv...
De laatste 2,5 jaar kregen deze kinderen voornamelijk online les, en in België hadden ze niet alleen les, maar ook veel concerten... Na een moeilijke week waren ze niet moe, ze waren kalm en gelukkig.
Ik krijg nog steeds berichten van hen en hun ouders die me bedanken, en dit gedrag geeft me weer kracht.
Het is een groot geluk om anderen gelukkige momenten van het leven te kunnen geven.
Binnenkort begin ik met de voorbereidingen voor het volgende festival in 2025!!!
Nataliya Chepurenko

Гала-концерт Міжнародного фестивалю «МУЗИЧНА АКАДЕМІЯ FORTE» 2024 відбувся під патронатом Представництва України при Європейському Союзі за участю Голови Представництва України при Європейському Союзі та Європейського Союзу з питань атомної енергії Всеволода Ченцова.
Підтримка однієї з найголовніших установ України в Европі мого фестивалю для мене персонально мае велике значення.
Для того, щоб укранці мали змогли приїхати в Бельгію та не лише прожити в спокійній крані тиждень а ще й мати змогу отримати висококваліфіційні майстеркласи та декілька виступів на сценах в Брюселі ,була проведена неймовірна робота.
Завдяки підтримці 24/24 п Веволода Ченцова деяким молодим хлопцям вдалось отримати дозвіл на виїзд з України та вони змогли яскраво виступити на фестивалі .
Дякую підтримку!
Зараз усі вже повернулися додому, більшість до Харкова, Днiпро та Львова.
Це діти останні 2 з половиною роки майже мали заняття переважно онлайн а в Бельгії мали не ті льки заняття -а ще й багато концертів... Після важкого тижня вони не були втомнлені, вони були спокійними та щасливими.
Досі отримую повідомлення від них та їх батьків з подяками, та ці поводлелення надають мені знову сил.
Це велике щастя - мати змогу дарувати щасливі моменти життя іншим.
Скоро почну готуватися вже до наступного фестивалю 2025!!!
Nataliya Chepurenko



The 4th international competition “Music Academy FORTE” took place on July 5 online and July 6, 2024 in Brussels www.mus...

The 4th international competition “Music Academy FORTE” took place on July 5 online and July 6, 2024 in Brussels
This year, after a preliminary selection (based on video recordings), 120 musicians from 30 countries including Belgium, Japan, Latvia, China, Australia, Germany, Romania, USA, Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Israel, Iran, Spain, Switzerland, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, Turkey, Czech Republic, Armenia took part in the competition.

The competition has ended with a GALA concert of the winners and the ceremony of handing over diplomas and various prizes.

We’ll publish performances of selected participants on YouTube soon.

The results, list of winners and prizes of Music Academy FORTE 2024 will be published on our web site asap

We’ll published videos & photos (preselected) from the competition as well as from the masterclasses.
Follow us on FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM !!!
Stay tuned for more updates and make sure to spread the word!

Nataliya Chepurenko

Next edition:
Competition “MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE” July , 2025
Friday July 4th, 2025 Competition “Music Academy Forte” ON PREMISES &ONLINE
Saturday July 5th, 2025 Competition “Music Academy Forte” ON PREMISES

Festivals & masterclasses “MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE”
Saturday July 6th 2025– Sunday July 12th July 2025

Nataliya Chepurenko

We are hiring!! Assistant Social Media!! For 6th to 18th July 2024 (location Brussels). Come join us if you're dynamic a...

We are hiring!! Assistant Social Media!! For 6th to 18th July 2024 (location Brussels). Come join us if you're dynamic and interested in international music event!

Contact us now!
Phone: +32 489 220 520
E-mail: [email protected]

On the 7th July 2024, 19:00 at Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, the 4th International Festival Music Academy FORTE 2024 are pr...

On the 7th July 2024, 19:00 at Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege, the 4th International Festival Music Academy FORTE 2024 are proud to present to you the WELCOME Concert featuring the amazing international acclaimed professors of our academy.

Performances by professors of the Music Academy FORTE 2024, including:

Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden, piano - Honorary Professor at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and currently at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel.

Daniel Blumenthal, piano - Professor of Piano at the Royal Flemish Conservatory in Brussels, Thy Masterclass for chamber music in Denmark.

Yurii Kot, piano - Honoured Artist of Ukraine. Professor of Piano at the National Music Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Valeriy Sokolov, violin - International soloist.

Oleksiy Shadrin, cello - International soloist, previously artist in Residence at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapelle.

Yannick van de Velde, piano - Professor of Piano performance at the Conservatory of Luxembourg and the Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt.

Erik Sluys, violin - Professor of violin at Kunsthumaniora Brussel. Teaches as an assistant of Philippe Graffin at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. Member of the contemporary music ensemble “Musiques Nouvelles".

Katsura Mizumoto, piano - Coach (pianists) of cellists in Chapelle Reine Elisabeth , piano accompagnist KMCB.

Pierre Fontenelle, cello - Teacher at the IMEP (Royal Institute for Music and Pedagogy Namur). Previously Cello-Soloist at the Opéra Royal Wallonie-Liège. Founder & artistic director of the Concerts des Dames at the Abbaye Notre-Dame du Vivier (Marche-les-Dames).

Sabine CoNzen, soprano - Professor of vocal at the Royal Conservatory of Liège.

Çağıl Cansu Şanlıdağ, piano - Professor of Piano at the Near East University Cyprus

Come join us now at Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege!
Address: Rue des Ursulines 4, 1000 Bruxelles

Tickets for adults are 40 euros per person, for children 8 to 12 years old are free. Children under 8 years old are not allowed at the concert.

You can purchase the ticket through here:

We look forward to seeing you soon!!

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Organized under the patronage of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union, the 4th International Festival “MUSIC ACA...

Organized under the patronage of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union, the 4th International Festival “MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE” 2024 and its team are proud to invite you to the GALA CONCERT (13th JULY 2024, 18:00, at Studio 1 Flagey) which features performances from the participants of the one-week masterclasses. It highlights the results of the intensive lessons (masterclasses), rehearsals, cultural exchange during the one-week festival of musicians coming from all around the world!

The “MUSIC ACADEMY FORTE” is an important international platform for cultural exchange. It assists young musicians in gaining valuable opportunities to perform and become recognized in the music scene in Europe. Also, to encourage international connection among young musicians across continents. Our annual international festival consists of Masterclasses, Competitions, and many Concerts!

Young talented musicians (from 8 to 25 years old) from different backgrounds and cultures gathered here in Brussels to share their passion in music with the audience. Chamber Music and Orchestral Music will be featured in this final concert of the festival. This Gala Concert is the highlight of the festival that should not be missed!

Come and witness the young talents of this edition!
Ticket:*e22pnt*_ga*MTk5MTE1NDQ2Ni4xNzE4MDk3NTM0*_ga_EJ4NZJ0RP7*MTcxODYxODE5Ni41LjAuMTcxODYxODE5Ni4wLjAuMA.. #!/addtickets

On 22nd June 2024, starting from 19:00, at Maison Communale Woluwe Saint Lambert (AV. P. HYMANS 2, 1200 Brussels), Camer...

On 22nd June 2024, starting from 19:00, at Maison Communale Woluwe Saint Lambert (AV. P. HYMANS 2, 1200 Brussels), Camerata BRIMA will once again presents to you a charity concert to raise fund for the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH/PDMSH) in Ukraine.

The past charity events had successfully raised awareness and funding for the difficult situation in Ukraine. We would like to continue these events to show our continuous supports and we pray that peace will come soon!

Come join us! Ukrainian food will be available during the event for purchase at the cafeteria.

Ticket reservation is mandatory
Price for the Concert only: 20€
Donation to the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital
(PFVMH/PDMSH) in Ukraine will be collected separately
from the concert ticket by donation
Children under 8 years old are not allowed

18:30-19:00 sale of traditional jewelry made by craftsmen from western Ukraine and Pologny
19:00-20:30 “CAMERATA BRIMA & Soloists”: a charity concert
20:30-21:30 cafeteria/bar will be open & sale of traditional jewelry

Ticket Reservation:

More info:


Welcome to the Gala Concert of the International Festival Masterclasses | Competition | Concerts Music Academy FORTE 202...

Welcome to the Gala Concert of the International Festival Masterclasses | Competition | Concerts Music Academy FORTE 2024! This concert is organised under the patronage of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union.

Young talented musicians (8-25 years old) from all around the world gathered in Brussels and they are going to bring you a wonderful selection of chamber music and orchestra pieces in this final concert of the annual festival!

This concert will be presented to you by the participants of the International Music Academy FORTE 2024 Masterclasses. It highlights the results of the intensive lessons (masterclasses), rehearsals, cultural exchange during the one week festival! Come join us!

Venue: Studio 1, Flagey (Place Sainte-Croix, 1050, Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium)
Date: Saturday, 13th July 2024
Time: 18:00

Ticket Prices:
Adults (>18 years): 60 euros
Young adults (13-18 years): 20 Euros
Children (8-12 years): 10 Euros


George Henri, 257


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