❄️ Teambuilding tijdens de wintermaanden ❄️
In Welkom Bij De Mol nemen we jullie mee in een verhaal waar vertrouwen en verraad dicht bij elkaar liggen. Een spel waarin jouw anders zo lieftallige collega misschien wel een heuse verrader is.
Samenwerkingsverbanden smeden met groepsleden is cruciaal om info te verzamelen om de verrader te ontmaskeren. Bij wie durf jij jouw vertrouwen te leggen?
Benieuwd ? Check de website: https://www.eccolaluna.be/nl/teambuilding/welkom-bij-de-mol/ of neem contact op via 09 245 82 88 of [email protected]
❄ Teambuilding tijdens de wintermaanden ❄
Maak kennis met "Game of Drones"!
Zowel technische vaardigheid, precisie, snelheid en stressbestendigheid zullen ruimschoots aanwezig zijn. Hou het hoofd cool en help elkaar, want dit maakt het verschil tussen een stuntvlieger en een brokkenpiloot.
Benieuwd ? Check de website: https://www.eccolaluna.be/nl/teambuilding/game-of-drones/ of neem contact op via 09 245 82 88 of [email protected]
SolarBuddy - Hour of Power! 💡
With excitement, we announce our latest partnership with SolarBuddy! SolarBuddy is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in developing countries through solar energy. They aim to provide sustainable, portable solar energy solutions to communities lacking access to reliable electricity.
By opting for a 1-hour teambuilding activity like SolarBuddy, you can change and positively impact the life of a 10-year-old child by gifting them a SolarBuddy. This enables them to read, learn, study, dine with their parents, move about safely outdoors, and continue to develop themselves when it's dark.
Because we want to contribute to this powerful mission, we want to give businesses the opportunity to get involved.
How does it work? Participants, working in teams, assemble a solar-powered light. The light is specially designed for children, enabling them to study and do homework in the evenings, thus increasing their educational opportunities. 🌍
Once completed, participants then write a personalized letter that is delivered alongside the device, as a way to further connect with a child currently living in energy poverty.
In this way, as a team, you can not only contribute financially to solar lamps but also actively engage in their creation and distribution. This allows you to make a lasting impact while strengthening teamwork within your organization. Do you want to get to know SolarBuddy and make an impact together with your team?
Contact us at [email protected] and discover how you can incorporate this activity into your upcoming team-building event! 🌟 #SolarBuddy #illuminatingfutures #solarlight #SDGs #innovation #energypoverty #empowering
Dit was onze eventvolle maand juni met meer dan 60 events en in totaal een paar duizend heel tevreden deelnemers!
Alvast een deugddoende vakantie gewenst, wij blijven op post voor al jullie vragen.
Inspiratie nodig? Download dan de catalogus via deze link: https://www.eccolaluna.be/nl/downloads/
The Mole 2.0 arriving soon.. Stay tuned!
#teambuilding #DeMol2.0 # Staytuned #eccolaluna
What it looks like to have team challenges with 250 people in one place.
These challenges were part of a concept with over 500 participants devided in 64 teams in @stadbrugge.
It was a combination of 4 challenges, a city escape game and a closing activity with all teams building a bamboo-tower of 15m height in the city center.
#teambuilding #employeeengagement #escape #teamwork
Welkom bij De Mol met ons gloednieuw spel “El Mirador”
Tien Tinten Ecco La Luna 🌈
Ter inspiratie plaatsen we voor jullie de komende weken 10 van onze meest populaire teambuilding formats in the spotlight! ☀️
2. Escape To Victory
Het doel van deze activiteit is het onschadelijk maken van de geactiveerde bom binnen onze box binnen de 100 minuten. Dit doe je via allerhande opdrachten, raadsels en puzzels. Out of the (escape) box kunnen denken is hier van cruciaal belang!
Dit concept is uniek:
- Met onze 4 identieke boxen kunnen we tot 60 personen tegelijk dezelfde escape-ervaring geven. We kunnen meerdere sessies per dag organiseren waardoor onze dagcapaciteit tot zeker zo'n 240 personen reikt.
- We ontwikkelden dit format volledig in-house en maakten het ook volledig mobiel. Dit wil zeggen dat we met onze boxen tot bij jullie op locatie komen. Dit kan gaan van vergaderzalen op het bedrijf tot unieke eventlocaties en feestzalen.
Slaagt jullie team erin om onze box binnen de tijd te ontmantelen?
Wil je meer weten?
09 245 82 88
[email protected]
Can you escape the Arctic before the snowstorm hits you and your team?
Throwback to our biggest teambuilding event ever with +800 #peopleofdelaware in Meet in Oostende
delaware BeLux #sportyb1
Goosebumps Events becomes colorclub Hans Vanooteghem
New In-house developed team building concept coming soon!
#csr #sustainability #teambuilding #windfarm #greenenergy
The Virtual Away Day
Still a lot of questions about our solutions for remote teambuilding.
So here's a video explaining how "The Virtual Away Day" is played on your iOS or Android device.
And what's the difference with other online quizz-apps?
- you play in teams in virtual breakout rooms
- you have photo- and videochallenges with your team during the game
- after the game we do a wrap-up with the photo's and video's and the live scoreboard.
- we live-host the game through zoom.
- the game has been tested and played over a 150 times with the other global licencees of the app.
- it's cross-platform iOS & Android.
And last but not least: we can customize the game screens with your branding and also put your own content in the quiz/challenges.
Get in contact with us today to book your remote team-event: [email protected]
#stayconnected #stayengaged #staymotivated #staysafe
Stay motivated, Stay Engaged, Stay Remote!
Helping companies to keep their employees connected during COVID-19.
#teambuilding #covid_19 #remotework #stayhome #homeoffice #staysafe
There’s something about januari 2020...
Een uitdagende multitask in combinatie met bamboestiek voor EY bij Thor Central!