Passionate about inspiring you to live a happy, healthy, more sustainable life. Stay with me in Rio

🌿 No Soul Rebel, a sustentabilidade é mais do que uma prática — é um estilo de vida.🥝 Cada casca de fruta, cada folha se...

🌿 No Soul Rebel, a sustentabilidade é mais do que uma prática — é um estilo de vida.

🥝 Cada casca de fruta, cada folha seca, encontra seu lugar no ciclo natural da vida, transformando-se em terra fértil que dá origem a alimentos saudáveis e saborosos. Porque acreditamos que nutrir a terra é nutrir a alma.

🍃 Junte-se a nós nessa jornada de respeito e harmonia com a natureza.

🌱 Da horta ao prato, cada escolha que fazemos carrega a intenção de cuidar do planeta e de quem cruza nosso caminho. ✨ C...

🌱 Da horta ao prato, cada escolha que fazemos carrega a intenção de cuidar do planeta e de quem cruza nosso caminho.

✨ Com práticas que conectam, transformam e respeitam, acreditamos que pequenos gestos têm o poder de criar um futuro melhor.

🌿 No Soul Rebel, sustentabilidade não é uma tendência, é um compromisso.

Venha viver conosco essa revolução.

🌿 Há frutos que nutrem o corpo, outros que tocam a alma. O jenipapo faz os dois: sua essência fortalece o corpo, e sua h...

🌿 Há frutos que nutrem o corpo, outros que tocam a alma. O jenipapo faz os dois: sua essência fortalece o corpo, e sua história nos convida a lembrar de onde viemos. Ele carrega o dourado do sol, o frescor da terra e a sabedoria ancestral dos povos que o reverenciam. No Soul Rebel, celebramos essa conexão com este presente da natureza.

✨ Venha descobrir os segredos e sabores dos frutos do nosso quintal.

Hoje tirei todos esses baldes de plástico cheios de entulho da mata... A minha grande pergunta é, como podem dormir de n...

Hoje tirei todos esses baldes de plástico cheios de entulho da mata...
A minha grande pergunta é, como podem dormir de noite a pessoas responsáveis para abandonar esse lixo num parque natural. E cadê os

Por favor, me ajudem a divulgar!! Devemos para essa loucura.


🌱✨ Descubra o nosso Tempeh Marinado, entregue na sua casa em Rio de Janeiro! 😊🙏Procurando uma opção deliciosa, saudável ...

🌱✨ Descubra o nosso Tempeh Marinado, entregue na sua casa em Rio de Janeiro! 😊🙏

Procurando uma opção deliciosa, saudável e cheia de sabor? Experimente o nosso **Tempeh Marinado**, uma fonte incrível de proteínas vegetais, perfeito para quem busca uma alimentação mais equilibrada e consciente. Rico em calcio e ferro, vitaminas, e minerais, o tempeh é o ingrediente que faltava na sua rotina! 😋🔥 Pronto para o consumo! Já vem cheio de sabor! IRRESISTÍVEL!

Ideal para veganos, vegetarianos ou qualquer um que queira experimentar uma proteína nova, sustentável, minimamente processada com processos naturais.

🫡 E o Único alimento de origem vegetal que tem uma proteína "completa", com tudos os aminoácidos presentes num único ingrediente. Substitui burgers, carnes, peixe e frango em tudos os pratos e é fácil de usar!! O planeta e os animals agradecem!!! 🐖🐄🐣🦭🌿

📍 Disponível agora pra pedir diretamente conosco e em restaurantes parceiros. Marque alguém que precisa experimentar!

Yet another yummy breakfast table in our loft. Would you want this for yourself? Tag the person that needs to bring you ...

Yet another yummy breakfast table in our loft. Would you want this for yourself? Tag the person that needs to bring you here!

Breakfast in the loft is always special.

Breakfast in the loft is always special.

Update: Today, the  removed the trash dumped in the Tijuca National Forest, after less than 24hrs since we informed them...

Update: Today, the removed the trash dumped in the Tijuca National Forest, after less than 24hrs since we informed them. I am impressed and infinitely grateful. 👏👏🙌🙌

As of the moment, we don't know who the offender was. Maybe this time, they get away with it. But this is a strong reminder not to look the other way or feel that "it doesn't matter."

If we had not activated all possible contacts, the waste would still be there. Instead, we believed, and we did the right thing, and it worked. Halleluja

Gente, que horror!!! This is trash that was abandoned in the national Tijuca Park. Please, whoever can help to denounce ...

Gente, que horror!!! This is trash that was abandoned in the national Tijuca Park. Please, whoever can help to denounce this, share this, give me the contact of those who can do something, help me!!!

"You created a monster" is what she said, laughing, and showing me her first self fermented tempeh from back home.  The ...

"You created a monster" is what she said, laughing, and showing me her first self fermented tempeh from back home.

The next batch is already underway 🫠 Awesome, Bonnie!!! I couldn't be any prouder!! 🤩

I always feel humbled when I am able to bring somebody to embrace some of the practices they learned about while staying with us. Thank you for sharing!!

What's for breakfast?! Answer here is you want to know. Tag a person that you want to have this breakfast with.

What's for breakfast?! Answer here is you want to know. Tag a person that you want to have this breakfast with.

What's for breakfast?  with courgette and aubergine   from white beans in a marinade   from the flesh of green coconuts ...

What's for breakfast?
with courgette and aubergine from white beans in a marinade from the flesh of green coconuts with banana and strawberry withe watermelon, bets, ginger, maracujá and grapes , the real thing with preserved lemons and cumin and from coconut and jackfruit yum

Happy people in the pool   com

Happy people in the pool com

What could be better than the combining art, wine and good food? Nothing? I think so, too! I invite you to o or first Ku...

What could be better than the combining art, wine and good food? Nothing? I think so, too! I invite you to o or first Kunst Dinner!

will guide us through a creative flow to make a modern abstract portrait and I will take care of our bodily needs with wine and delicious snacks.
A wonderful afternoon surrounded by nature and good vibes, for those who won't travel for Tiradentes weekend. Reserve your spot with me now!

Here at my little retreat center my goal is to inspire people to make little changes in their daily routines in order to...

Here at my little retreat center my goal is to inspire people to make little changes in their daily routines in order to live more alined with their morals.

Every time we shop, everytime we eat, everytime we talk to somebody, we have the chance to be the change that we want to see in the world.

I don't want all those chance be gone by without using them. It's not always easy, but it is necessary. At this point their is no alternative to changing our lifestyle. Our planet needs us. Our societies need us. Our children need us.

Why cooking classes?21+ times a week we all have the opportunity to make a change. To heal the planet. To safe the fish ...

Why cooking classes?

21+ times a week we all have the opportunity to make a change. To heal the planet. To safe the fish and the bees. To clean the rivers and to stop littering the oceans.

Nobody wants to hear about all the apocalyptic things that are going on around us. That's human. But everyone loves good food, that's human too.

So lowering the bar to add some wholesome, healing food to everybody's lives and give them the tools to be the change, one time a week, four times a week or even 21 times a week, seems like a great strategy to "be the change". That's why I offer cooking classes.


Rio De Janeiro, RJ


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