This was a wonderfully productive week. We prepared some fermented specialities for tomorrow's #yogabrunch . And because we're so excited to host @sandorkraut soon 🤩 we wanted to include even more ferments on our table. This week's ferments include:
* Cured cashew cheese
* black rice~, mung beans~, and chickpea Tempeh
* China inspired mixed vegetables ferment (mvf) in a brine with stellar anise and cassia bark. I put pumpkin, watermelon rinds, boiled peruvian parsnip and cauliflower in there
* Pink Krauts with nabo
* taking care of the ginger bug
* Kombucha
* baking sour dough bread of course.
We also made a "yogurt" (#danoninho) from inhame and fresh strawberries, because the #coconutyogurt didn't make it 🙈 it was too good and we finished it already lol 😂
Oh, and I made a fermented tea from banana peel to feed to the garden. But that won't finish up on the table, no worries 😁
An amazing #veganpizza at #santateresa #rj
Thank you @tribaspizzas for making a dream come true
Baby gang rocking the soul rebel kitchen 💕
I love caponata ever since I have been to Sicily the first time. Did you know that the name eventually comes from a fish they eat down there, the capone , wish by itself has a strong flavor but is much better with this concoction of fried eggplant, tomatoes, raisins and much more.
So I wonder, why bother to kill that poor fish in the first place. Why not just leave him alone and enjoy this incredible vegan dish of the Sicilian tradition by itself. Buon appetito 😋
Caponata com um toque especial. Maravilhosa.
#vegan #foodporn #whatveganseat #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #plantbasedliving #veganosriodejaneiro #italianfood #cucinaitaliana #caponata
Ready for my guests in my outdoor kitchen. The evening sun is with me 🌞💖☀️muita gratidão
#santateresa #rj #riodejaneiro #cookingclass #cookingclasses #goldenhour
Ready for today's cooking class I💖cacao
In so excited, I love cacao and in my cooking class I'm exploring savory cooking with cacao. You wouldn't believe what a magical ingredient it is in so many dishes. It gives a earthy, deep twist to mostly everything you can imagine. Wanna join 😇😁
Apaixonada de café da manhã? Culpable 😇 aqui tem mamão com crema de abacate, banana, maracujá e maçã, com a famosa granola do #tacacadonorte pera com mousse de chocolate vegano e amêndoas, berenjena grelhada, marinada com menta e alho, crema de tofu com cebola, alho, pimentão vermelho, tomate, pasta dourada e shoyu, o meu yogurte de soya com leite e coco em pó, banana e tâmaras.. Simplesmente uma delícia
Appassionate about breakfast? Call me guilty ! Here we had papaya with a cream of avocado, banana, Maracuja and apple, with the famous granola from here, grilled eggplant marinated with mint and garlic, a tofu cream with onion, garlic, red bell pepper, golden paste and natural fermented soy sauce, my home made soy yogurt with banana, coconut milk powder and dates.. Simply delicious
I love to cook for my friends and family. It's my way of showing my love for them, instead of flowers I give platefuls of colors and goodness 💖🍆🥑🥥🍅🍎🍏🍐🍑🍒🍋🍊🍉🍈🍇🌰🍄🥦🥒🌶️
#whatveganseat #veganlove #maxixada #comidabaiana
Você ama a moqueca mas não quer comer peixe, porque ouviu falar sobre as problemáticas da contaminação do mesmo com metais pesados e da sobrepesca dos nossos mares?! Tem solução simples.
Isso è praticamente todo o que você precisa para fazer uma #moqueca de #bananadaterra, deliciosa e saudável. Se quiser aprender pode venir a uma das nossas #aulasdeculinária plant - based no nosso pátio maravilhoso en #SantaTeresa, no #riodejaneiro
Usamos fruta e legumes orgânicos que o pessoal de @organicospenaterra entrega dirottamento no nossl portal. Saudáveis para a gente e o planeta. Muita gratidão!
#comidasana #Brasilnoprato #auladecozinha #plantbased #brazilianflavors