I met Rouge when they hosted the Maritime Tattoo Festival and I have thought the world of them ever since. I have not been able to get to a show since I started working with ACR but a few weeks ago, when Jason Spurrell posted the link for "Weird Al" Yankovic tribute show, my husband and I jumped at the chance to go.
Thank you so much to Jason and The Lady Corbeau for having me out. I’m so glad I went, although I must admit I 100% thought this was a Drag show. So at the end of the conversation when it was mentioned that “Burlesque could use more exposure”, I was a bit thrown. I went back to look at the poster and didn’t see anything that suggested burlesque to me….. But I thought “what the hell, I haven’t done that yet - new experiences are a good thing!”.
We got to the show and yes, indeed, it was a Burlesque show. The dictionary definition states “an absurd or comically exaggerated imitation of something, a parody.” And also, “a variety show, typically including striptease” and that is a perfect explanation.
We heard “Tacky”, “Smells Like Nirvana”, “Horoscopes for Today”, “Those Were The Good Ol’ Days” and seven others that I’m guessing you can figure out based on the outfits and props!
The show was very good. We really, really enjoyed it. It was fun and upbeat and the performers made it really absurd and comical while being thoroughly entertaining. Rouge is always a joy to watch on stage too. The crowd participation in the Weird Al attire contest was impressive and very colourful!
It was refreshing to simply watch a show that was so much fun. There was a huge sense of freedom that night, might have just been me, but as someone who doesn't even feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit at the beach, I was in awe of all of the performers. They were all ages and sizes and they all looked amazing! I was super jealous of their confidence and sense of self, while admiring it and wanting to applaud them mightily!
You might think it’s not for you and that’s ok, but you would be missing a fun night out. A good show, with happy people and talented performers (and just in case you were wondering or scared, I saw more ni***es on a recent red carpet than I did that night).
If you are thinking of checking out a show The Atlantic Burlesque Festival is happening here this weekend May 17th and 18th!
Thanks as always to the Seahorse 2037 Gottingen