Polish Canadian Heritage Day

Polish Canadian Heritage Day  Traditional Polish Cuisine

 Folk Dance, Music, Songs

 Arts, Crafts, Attractions For Chil


Po dlugiej, plandemicznej przerwie, wreszcie moglismy ponownie spotkac sie na Polonijnym Pikniku w Calgary.


Polish-Canadian Heritage Day in the Alberta Province.The Government of the Province of Alberta, appreciating the influence and contribution that the Polish c...


We are so very grateful to have your help.
Thank you so much for the immeasurably valuable work you have done for the Polish Canadian Heritage Day!

Thank you for being so selfless with us and for so many in whose lives you make a tangible difference.

We want to let you know that your dedication was essential to the work that we have done together. We could not do it without you. We would not want to do it without you. You bring commitment, dedication, ideas, positive energy and a beautiful intensity. You have been such a devoted and hardworking volunteer in furthering our efforts.

No words can express our gratitude, and I hope to see you again soon to fight the good fight! Come back and join us next year!



We are ready

We are ready

Are you hungry 😋

Are you hungry 😋

We arę waiting for you!!Get ready

We arę waiting for you!!
Get ready


3,2,1 Start!
Are you ready?
We are waiting for you tomorrow at noon!

Our delicious food is ready- kielbasa, golabki ( cabbage rolls) pierogi ( dumplings 🥟 ) and more!!
Cold beer 🍻

All for you guys!!

Parking infoGreen line - all the free parking all day long Saturday and Sunday Yellow line - 2 hr free parking

Parking info
Green line - all the free parking all day long Saturday and Sunday
Yellow line - 2 hr free parking


Zapraszamy wszystkich do udziału w wydarzeniach pierwszych obchodów Dnia Dziedzictwa Polskiego w Albercie.
Sobota & niedziela, 11 & 12 czerwca 2022
Oto program obchodów albertańskiego Dnia Dziedzictwa Polskiego w Calgary
Więcej szczegółów na stronie www.celebratingpoland.ca

1/ Wciągnięcie polskiej flagi na maszt przed budynkiem prowincji Alberta.
sobota, 11.06. godz. 10.30. McDougall Centre, Adres: 455 6 Street SW
2/ Polski Piknik na terenie parafii
2111 Uxbridge Drive NW
sobota od 12.00 do 22.00 i niedziela od 13.00 do 19.00
3/ Spotkanie (lecture) z Grażyną i Lechem Gałęzowskimi, autorami albumu ‘In the Footsteps of Polish Pioneers on the Canadian Prairies’
sobota, 11.06. godz.14.00 pm Memorial Park Library, 1221 2 Street SW.
4/ Sprzedaż książek polskich autorów i książek o Polsce.
Księgarnia Shelf Life Books, 100 - 1302 4th Street SW https://shelflifebooks.ca/
5/ Recital fortepianowy Agaty Skulimowskiej
niedziela, 12.06. godz.17.00
Michael Lipnicki Fine Pianos, 6033 Centre Street S.
Wstęp bezpłatny, ograniczona ilość miejsc.
6/ Dzień polskiego piwa – ‘Kawa Espresso Bar’, 1333 8th Street SW
sobota & niedziela.
Zniżka $1 off przy zakupie polskiego piwa, jeśli ktoś powie dwa słowa po polsku

IRISH DANCE?? YES!! - with MJP Academy of Irish Dance only on Sunday June 12 at 2:45pm

IRISH DANCE?? YES!! - with MJP Academy of Irish Dance only on Sunday June 12 at 2:45pm

Niata Greek Folk Dance is waiting for you on Sunday June 12 at 4:35pm

Niata Greek Folk Dance is waiting for you on Sunday June 12 at 4:35pm

Korinnya Ukrainian Choir is waiting for you on Sunday June 12 at 1:45pm

Korinnya Ukrainian Choir is waiting for you on Sunday June 12 at 1:45pm

Explore Ukrainian Culture,Songs, Language with Vykrutas Ukrainian DanceSaturday June 11 at 3:30pmSunday June 12 at 5:25p...

Explore Ukrainian Culture,Songs, Language with Vykrutas Ukrainian Dance

Saturday June 11 at 3:30pm
Sunday June 12 at 5:25pm


Saturday June 11 at 1:25pm

Capoeira Achè Brasil Calgary- has been teaching and performing in Calgary for over 20 years.
We offer classes and shows for kids and adults all over the city.
Capoeira is a martial art, dance and art form that combines kicks, escapes, take-downs and acrobatics with an exotic musical aspect, style and artistic expression. Originating in the Northeast of Brazil (about 400 years ago), by slaves from the African continent, Capoeira had to be practiced in secrecy after its lethal potential was discovered by the slave masters. Although Capoeira was created as a way to free the slaves from their oppressors, it has evolved into one of the most hypnotic and interesting art forms yet to come out of Brazil
You can just introduce our organization Capoeira Achè Brasil Calgary. 10 performers.

3 days left!!

3 days left!!

As Alberta prepares to mark Polish-Canadian Heritage Day (June 11), a day meant, "to recognize the impact and contributions that the Polish community has had on Alberta", Airdronians in the city reflect on why their Polish heritage is near and dear to their hearts. Dominika was a toddler when she le...

Młodzi duchem are waiting for you! Please just us on Saturday and Sunday

Młodzi duchem are waiting for you!
Please just us on Saturday and Sunday


One week left te meet with you!!

Check out our performance 🎭 on Sunday June 12th only at Polish Canadian Heritage Day

1:30 – 1:45 Polish Singer/ Bogusław Maciejewski

1:45 – 2:00 Korinnya Ukrainian Choir

2:00 – 2:05 Refleksja Polish Dance Group – Menuet

2:05 – 2:15 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association Junior – Slask

2:15 – 2:20 Gaiczek Polish Dance Group – Taniec Kwiatów

2:20 – 2:40 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Wianki

2:40 – 2:45 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association – Junior – Polka Dziadek

2:45 – 3:05 MJP Academy of Irish Dance

3:05 – 3:10 Mlodzi Duchem Polish Dance Group – Walc

3:10 – 3:25 Singing Group/ Aleksandra Zyro, Danuta Wijas

3:25 – 3:40 Polish Singer/ Bogusław Maciejewski

3:40 – 3:50 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Cieszyn

3:50 – 4:10 The Calgary Italian Dancers

4:10 – 4:15 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Krakowiak

4:15 – 4:25 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association -Junior – Slask

4:25 – 4:35 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Lublin

4:35 – 4:55 Niata Greek Folk Dance

4:55 – 5:15 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Opole

5:15 – 5:25 Krakusy Polish Folk and Dance Association- Krakowiak

5:25 – 5:45 Vykrutas Ukrainian Dance Group

5:45 – 5:50 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association -Junior – Walc

5:50 – 5:55 Gaiczek Polish Dance Group – Krakowiak

5:55 – 6:05 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Nowy-Sacz

6:05 – 6:10 Mlodzi Duchem Polish Dance Group – Polonez

6:10 – 6:20 Piano Recital/ Julia Wójcik, Kacper Wójcik

6:20 – 6:30 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association – Beskid

6:30 – 6:40 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Kujawiak – Oberek

6:40 – 7:00 Finale


Check out our event on Saturday June 11th

12:00-12:30 Opening Ceremonies

12:30-12:40 Mlodzi Duchem Polish Dance Group -Polonez

12:40-12:55 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Kujawiak- Oberek

12:55 – 1:00 Refleksja Polish Dance Group – Menuet

1:00 – 1:10 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Junior – Spisz

1:10 – 1:15 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association Junior – Polka – Dziadek

1:15 – 1:25 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Krakowiak – Wschodni

1:25 – 1:45 Capoeira Martial Art

1:45 – 2:00 Singing Group/ Aleksandra Zyro, Danuta Wijas

2:00 – 2:05 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Nowy-Sacz

2:05 – 2:15 Polish Singer/ Bogusław Maciejewski

2:20 – 2:30 Singing Solo/ Kayah Urbanski

2:30 – 2:45 Polish Scouts

2:45 – 3:00 Piano Recital/ Krzysztof Semkowicz

3:00 – 3:10 Mlodzi Duchem Polish Dance Group – Walc

3:10 – 3:20 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Junior-Slask

3:20 – 3:30 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association – Krakowiak

3:30 – 3:50 Vykrutas Ukrainian Dance Group

3:50 – 4:10 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Opole

4:10 – 4:30 The Calgary Italian Dancers

4:30 – 4:40 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Beskid

4:40 – 4:50 Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association – Modern Dance

4:50 – 5:00 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association – Walc

5:00 – 5:10 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Kujawiak- Oberek

5:10 – 5:20 Singing and playing guitar/ Wojtek Tokarczyk

5:20 – 5:30 Polish Singer / Bogusław Maciejewski

5:30- 5:40 Polanie Polish Song and Dance Association – Cieszyn

5:40 – 5:50 Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association – Polki

Only 10 days left Until Polish Heritage Day 2022!!!!Check out our  amazing performers, vendors , Polish traditional food...

Only 10 days left Until Polish Heritage Day 2022!!!!

Check out our amazing performers, vendors , Polish traditional food and Kids Entertainment Zone.

June 11 and 12

Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association is a non-profit organization in Calgary, Canada established in 2015.Mazovia’s ...

Mazovia Polish Song and Dance Association is a non-profit organization in Calgary, Canada established in 2015.Mazovia’s dancers are a passionate, energetic, and friendly group of young folklore lovers born in Canada, proud of their roots.
In unique, authentic beautiful costumes, through song and dance, the group actively cultivate the Polish folk traditions of various regions of Poland.
In its short existence, Mazovia had the privilege to dance at many multicultural venues throughout Canada, including Heritage Day in Edmonton, Lilac Festival, Thanksgiving Celebration, Spruce Meadows Christmas Market, Remembrance Day to name a few.
Mazovia’s dancers proudly represented Alberta and Canada in San Francisco, Seattle and San Antonio and also traveled to Poland to participate at International Polish Festival.
The group is always warmly welcomed, and its performances are met with a great applause from the audience.
Mazovia continues to offer a fun and positive environment to children 5-10 years old, youth 11-16 and young adults, where they can expand their knowledge and experience of Polish heritage.
Our dancers make lasting friendships and share unforgettable memories of traveling and performing together.

Zespol Pieśni i Tańca Mazovia jest organizacją non-profit w Calgary w Kanadzie założoną w 2015 roku. Tancerze Mazovii to pełna pasji, energii i sympatyczna grupa młodych miłośników folkloru urodzonych w Kanadzie, dumnych ze swoich korzeni.
W niepowtarzalnych, autentycznych, pięknych strojach, poprzez śpiew i taniec, zespół aktywnie kultywuje polskie tradycje ludowe różnych regionów Polski.
W swoim krótkim okresie istnienia Mazovia miała zaszczyt tańczyć w wielu wielokulturowych miejscach w całej Kanadzie, m.in. Heritage Day w Edmonton, Lilac Festival, Święto Dziękczynienia, Jaselka, Spruce Meadows, Dzień Pamięci, żeby wymienić tylko kilka.
Tancerze Mazovia dumnie reprezentowali Albertę i Kanadę w San Francisco, Seattle i San Antonio, a także przyjechali do Polski, by wziąć udział w Międzynarodowym Festiwalu”Podlaskie Spotkania”
Grupa jest zawsze ciepło przyjmowana, a jej występy spotykają się z wielkim aplauzem publiczności.
Mazovia poprzez spiew,zabawe i taniec oferuje pozytywne środowisko dla dzieci w wieku 5-10 lat, młodzieży 11-16 lat i dorosłym w którym mogą poszerzać swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie dotyczące polskiego dziedzictwa.
Nasi tancerze nawiązują trwałe przyjaźnie i dzielą się niezapomnianymi wspomnieniami ze wspólnych podróży i występów.

Grupa Refleksja powstała w 2011 z inicjatywy i pomysłu pani Iskry Małgorzaty, jest to grupa o charakterze taneczno wokal...

Grupa Refleksja powstała w 2011 z inicjatywy i pomysłu pani Iskry Małgorzaty, jest to grupa o charakterze taneczno wokalnym jak również bywały też watki satyryczne. Ma na swym koncie kilka zrealizowanych programów artystycznych takich jak :
" Ona - Matka Córka Żona, "
"Życie tańcem jest",
"Mężczyzna -czyli prawda i złudzenie".


Calgarians are invited to learn about long Polish-Canadian history in Alberta through culinary and cultural presentations.

Gaiczek to dziecięcy zespołu taneczny który został założony w roku 1971 przez siostrę Alojzę Cichowicz, pod dyrekcją Szk...

Gaiczek to dziecięcy zespołu taneczny który został założony w roku 1971 przez siostrę Alojzę Cichowicz, pod dyrekcją Szkoły Polskiej im. Jana Pawła II w Calgary. Gaiczek istnieje aby promować Polska kulturę przez taniec, i występuje na wielu wydarzeniach w szkole i w społeczności. Tancerze się cieszą uczestniczyć w tego rocznym pikniku parafialnym!

Gaiczek is a children’s Polish folk dance group founded in 1971 by Sister Alojza Cichowicz under the direction of John Paul II Polish School in Calgary. Gaiczek exists to promote Polish culture through dance, and performs at various events in the Polish community in Calgary. The dancers are excited to be performing at this year’s Parish picnic!

The Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association, also known simply as Krakusy, is a Calgary based youth group formed in 2002 w...

The Krakusy Polish Folk Dance Association, also known simply as Krakusy, is a Calgary based youth group formed in 2002 which aims to promote Polish culture and rich heritage through folk dance and music. The ensemble exists to enrich and foster the artistic development of youth and to entertain audiences with its dynamic interpretations of traditional Polish folk dance. Since the very beginning, Krakusy focuses on teaching unique dance styles, on educating the young dancer about the fundamentals of Polish folk and national dances, the Polish folklore history and traditions, and on fostering a sense of artistic pride and responsibility from a young age. A dynamic dance program includes dances from Krakow, Slask, Warsaw, Spisz and Beski regions to name a few.
Over the years, Krakusy has performed at various multicultural events such as Canada Day Festivities, Alberta Culture Days, the Lilac Festival, Spruce Meadows “yChristmas Market”, Christmas Nativity Play, Remembrance Day, Independence Day Festivities as well as many smaller venues (schools, churches, community halls, etc.). On numerous occasions, Krakusy has represented Alberta and Canada at the International Folk Music Festivals in Poland.

Throughout Krakusy’s existence, the ensemble has contributed to celebrating Canada’s, Alberta’s, and Calgary’s multi-cultural heritage, by promoting the rich Polish culture among many nationalities. Krakusy has had an opportunity to perform at many events and venues with groups from other nationalities, thereby enhancing the beauty and strength that Alberta and Canada enjoy through the many immigrant groups and individuals of various nationalities. Krakusy currently has dancers that are 1st and 2nd generation Canadians, who have chosen to continue to cultivate their connections to the cultural heritage of their parents and grandparents.
Today they come together to foster their love for the homeland as well as build lifelong relationships. Through fun, dance, laughter and friendship, Krakusy today welcomes over 35 dancers of ages 8-15. Their dynamic performances bring smiles to audiences locally and abroad, and today they are very happy to showcase for you some of their dancing. We hope you enjoy the performance!

Save the Date my Friends!!!!June 11&12 2022!The Best Festival of the Summer!So much fun for entire FAMILY!If you want to...

Save the Date my Friends!!!!

June 11&12 2022!

The Best Festival of the Summer!
So much fun for entire FAMILY!
If you want to promote your business, be a vendor or a sponsor please email us: [email protected]


2111 Uxbridge Drive NW
Calgary, AB

Opening Hours

Saturday 12pm - 10pm
Sunday 1pm - 7pm





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