Grown in Canada? Yes!!! For all the beauty our industry represents, it also comes w a whole lot of less than pretty. Watching all the posts on all the Made in Canada product is very heart warming. Many of these brands are loved and long established and deserve your support. As a business who has since day 1 been a die hard made in canada supporter- we love what's happening. Shopping local means also buying from independent shops that carry locally made goods. This is what makes for strong economy. We have ALWAYS bought as many of our blooms grown on the westcoast as possible. Do not get me started on how special and spoiled we are in western Canada for flowers-lol. But while we are having these discussions... buying flowers from FTD and AFS wire services gives a chunk of your change to American companies. Please please always call a shop direct. We will help you if you need it. Buying flowers from Costco, or Safeway also supports less than best shopping support for Canadians. Buying big box means sweatshop flowers. There is a reason florists costs more- you are paying reputable growers to grow your blooms. Worth it everytime. If you want a list of what we buy local- happy to talk your ear off! So ahead of Valentine's day- local love is just that. Your sweetheart will know how extra thoughtful you are.