Now is the new NOW! 🤜🏻🤛🏻
From kids to adults, the matches on Saturday had so much soul! These athletes are grinding now, because they want it NOW! 💪🏻🥋
Thank you so much @adcccanada for having me capture the day alongside my talented friends @marcelo.woo and @fightnightstudio 🎞️
@jorgebrittobjj is the power house behind such amazing tournaments and couldn’t be more grateful for him allowing me to share the mats with the teams 🙏🏻
I did capture a handful of videos and they will be uploading this evening (see bio for link).
Please reach out if you’d like to grab a copy of any of them 📲Looking forward to attending another spectacular ADCC event soon! 🫶🏻
#heartandsoul #adcc2024 #sportphotographer #passioninwhatyoudo
Season Ender 😘
Freeeee Birrrrd 😎🏍️💨Alright moto fam, the final motorcycle race footage of my 2024 season is 🆙 Link: have been on the road and in planes non stop and I made sure I got to @missionraceway for @wmrcofficial even if it was for a short time. I was able to capture most of the afternoon races 📸 I also got some video and podium content 🎥Thank you WMRC for having me!! 🫶🏻And thank you all for the support this season, it means more than the English language can put together with words 🥹#travelphotographer #grateful #seasonender
HardNox Oct 7 and 8 Footage is UP!
From Dreams To Reality 💫My first sport event that I photographed was motorcycles…and since that day, the moto family has been a driving force in supporting my work 🫶🏻My passion would set like the sun if it wasn’t for souls who not only appreciate what I do, they believe in me so much that they consistently year after year provide me the opportunity to return 📸🎥Thank you 🥰 I am forever grateful to you 🏍️💨@hardnoxtrackdayz videos are now up meaning all footage from Oct 7 and 8 is loaded for your viewing! 👀Link:’ll know the drill, DM with any inquiries 📲Happiest Thanksgiving 🍁#grateful #passioninwhatyoudo #travelphotographer
Videos Are Up Now 😎
Alright ya’ll, videos from Round 6 are all uploaded 💻
For those who purchased packages, all videos should be in your gallery but I must say PLEASE let me know if I missed any and if I missed any photos 📸My brain starts blending bikes after awhile so missing some of your footage is a possibility, especially angles from my back where it’s hard to tell if it’s you 💁🏼♀️I’ll be checking messages this evening and tomorrow evening as I have work tomorrow day, so if you need something urgent, DM tonight pls 📲As always, honestly cannot do what I love without your years of ongoing support 🫶🏻 Thank you!#videographersometimes #motorcycleracing #travelphotographer
Your dreams, my dreams, their dreams…they all have a different path, a different start, a different vision…but the one similarity amongst all our dreams is how it makes us feel…free as an ocean wave 🌊
Today I had to do some adulting in the modern world, and one of those things was a bank appointment to do the usual human organization of finances 💴
Talking to the financial advisor she kept asking about my work. She asked for my website and as I sat there assuming she is just pulling up some paperwork for me to sign she says “I’m sorry but I’m just looking at your photos and I can’t believe you do this.” Then she goes on to ask about my house…well I don’t have one…she asks where I live…I point out the window 🛻⛺️ By this time she is just staring and not speaking. I explain the fine print of my mobile photography life and how I do have a residence where I park while in the city and what I do when I’m on the road 🛣️
She then says “I’m trying to picture myself living your life.” And then it hit me, this is normal to me…and I can’t imagine living someone’s else’s dream just as they can’t imagine mine 💭 At this time, I’m smiling ☺️
This ladies and gentlemen, this is what makes the world go round. Differences in our dreams and fulfilling what makes sense to us. There was so much appreciation exchanged by myself and the financial advisor. We both are happy humans walking our path and just glad the person at the other end of the conversation is enjoying their steps as much as we are🦶🏻
So, to my new friend, thank you 🙏🏻 Thank you for reminding me how such different souls can lift one another up 🤝🏻
Now this is your reminder, live your dream, appreciate their dream 💫
#livingmydream #travelphotographer #fromcameratocanvas
My reason “why” 🥰@509women @509inc #509womenofwinter 509