SAPD October 2024 e-Newsletter
From the AGM: the 2024-2025 Board of Directors
President: Russell Moore –
[email protected]
Vice President: Nancy Thompson – [email protected]
Treasurer: Brian Rogers – [email protected]
Secretary: Carol Duborg – [email protected]
Membership Secretary: Sharon Hoiland – [email protected]
Past President: Dexter Nelson – [email protected]
Directors – One Year Term:
1. Angie Boyes
2. Marcel Hebert
3. Michael Kobluk
4. John Hutchings
Directors – Two Year Term:
1. Heather Van Hereweghe
2. Kyle Graham
3. Patrick Taylor
4. Stephanie West
102nd Annual Round-Up Dinner & Silent Auction
Saturday, November 2, 2024, at the Fairmont Palliser Hotel
The theme this year is “Glitz and Glamour.” Step into a night of elegance where sparkling lights meet timeless sophistication. Whether you choose to dazzle in your finest attire or come as you are, every moment is a celebration.
Tickets are $105
· The tickets must be purchased by Friday, October 25 in one of these ways:
1. E-transfer funds to [email protected]; it is set to auto-deposit
2. Mail or drop off a cheque to the Memorial Building to arrive before Friday, attention Round Up event
· When you purchase tickets, tell us the names of who the tickets are for in an email or enclosed note, and state your seating and/or meal preferences, dietary restrictions, or allergies
· Tickets will be picked up at the Round-Up
· Come at 5:30 pm for Cocktails.
· Dinner is at 6:30 pm
· Post-dinner: Introductions and Speeches
Silent Auction
We are counting on members to find or be Donors or Corporate Sponsors for Silent Auction items. As soon as you have arranged for a donation, and in advance of the Round Up, contact [email protected]. Corporate Sponsor donations must be made to the Southern Alberta Pioneers FOUNDATION to be eligible for an Income Tax Receipt.
Stay and Dance
After enjoying your scrumptious dinner – it always is at the Fairmont Palliser – stick around to socialize with other descendants and to dance to the music of Jana & Danny.
Great! You want to Volunteer!
We are always looking for extra volunteers to help run this event. Email our President at [email protected] to say we can count on your help.
At the End of this Magnificent Evening ...
Following the Round Up, SAPD member George Edworthy, who won the Early Bird Draw at the AGM, qualifies to stay the night at the Fairmont Palliser. For the rest of us, we can get a special rate to overnight at the Palliser by booking a reservation through this link: https://book.passkey.com/go/SOUTH1124.
Pioneer Memorial Building Christmas Decorating
Get an early start at exciting the Christmas Spirit in you by joining us on Sunday, November 17* at 10:00 am to decorate the Memorial Building. Extra hands always make this a fun and festive time. *Note: this is a new date since the October newsletter. So, don't miss it!!
We’ll have 7 weeks to enjoy SAPD’s festive ambiance before taking down and packing away the decorations on January 5, 2025, at 10:00 am.
Christmas Luncheon
Saturday, November 30, 2024, at the Memorial Building
If I may tempt your cerebral taste buds … what do you imagine when I say, “traditional Christmas meal”? Turkey with stuffing? Creamy mashed potatoes and gravy? Cranberry sauce – jellied or whole berry? Vegetables to appease our nutritious-conscience mothers? Oven-warm buns – white or whole wheat? Pies? OH, the PIES! Maybe with whipped cream.
Tickets are: adult - $35; under 18 - $18
· The tickets must be purchased by Friday, November 22 in one of two possible ways:
1. E-transfer funds to [email protected]; it is set to auto-deposit
2. Mail a cheque to the Memorial Building, attention Christmas Lunch event
· When you purchase tickets, tell us the names of who the tickets are for in an email or enclosed note, state any dietary restrictions, or allergies and let us know of any mobility issues to be seated upstairs
· You can pick up your tickets at the Christmas Luncheon
· Come between 11 am and noon to share in Christmas cheer and fellowship
· Lunch will be served at 1 pm with carol singing to follow