Tapestry Hall Style: Holiday Hosting
Make your holiday celebration one to remember!
We've partnered with Foundry Tavern to give away two tickets to our Making Spirits Bright event!
Head over to instagram.com/tapestryhall to enter!
Join us tonight for an all request hybrid digital concert with URL live from Foundry Tavern.
Join the fun from the comfort of your own home. Stream the the show starting at 8 pm by clicking this link : www.viewnow.ca/tapestryhalllive
A culinary experience that’s sure to make you smile!
At Tapestry Hall our chefs offer customized menus and inclusive packages. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner or late night, we’re ready to serve!
2021 dates available. For more information head to our website. (Link in bio)
#culinary #greatfood #chefskills #tapestryhall #weddingfood #corporateevents #weddings #celebrate #kwawesome #galtlove #gta #southwesternontario #foodstagram
Let us do the cooking this Father's Day so Dad can relax and enjoy! Our chef-prepared meal is the perfect gift.
#Repost @drink.hardwater
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Cambridge, Ontario
Wow, thank you for your support yesterday everyone! We are entering Day Two of our giveaway and we’ve made some changes based on yesterday’s feedback: we will be filing cars in from a single route today — please use 46 Grand Ave South as your address and approach from Grand Avenue. Yesterday there was an influx of cars at the beginning of the event (3PM) so we ask that you consider showing up later in the day to reduce the amount of congestion in the streets. We’ll be operational today from 3-9pm! #hardwaterdrivethru
Its happening today!! So excited!! From 3pm to 9pm today and tomorrow we are giving away 6 packs.
Heat. Eat. Repeat.
Our heat and eat meal service feeds you and your family all week long with healthy, flavourful meals prepared by our first-class culinary team. Stya home. Eat well.
Is it safe to get takeout? Check out this article from CBC news. We couldn’t agree more. That’s why we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure that our state-of-the-art kitchen is delivering safe, high-quality heat ‘n’ serve meals.
With all that is going on in the world right now, we wanted you to know how grateful we are for your support, kindness and patience! We really do have the best clients, and are surrounded by an amazing community!
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
We can't wait to celebrate you all once again when we are able to do so!
#thankyou #gratitude #wecouldntdoitwithoutyou
Shining a light: Happy St. Patrick's Day
Shining a light on all those in the community that are doing so much during this time. Stay safe everyone!
Tapestry Hall – Love Bites!
Spring is in the air! Keep your eyes and ears open as we announce some exciting events in the next few months, like our Love Bites! event in February put on by The Event Firm. Thanks to Lovely Sparrow Photography for the video, as well as HIP Developments, Rego Realty and the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring this great event. #tapestryhall #kcw #galtlove #cambridge #theeventfirm