Well, it's been a long time coming! If you have followed my journey of health issues, surgery, cancer, healing (physically & mentally), this next big move comes at no surprise!
When I choose to put the shop up for sale on Dec 31, 2022, I was DONE. I had met all my goals, I was satisfied with my business & ready to move on. Mistake #1 was not putting it up for sale that day! I waited 7 months & by then, it was too late. That June, I had to make a choice, renue my lease, or not & for how long. Hello mistake #2. I renewed it for 5 years & immediately regretted it. I was so sick & so exhausted.
The economy was in the beginning of a downward spiral, along with my health. I was stuck & I was angry with myself. I still am. March 2023 I had an invasive surgery to remove a 10 pound ovarian cyst that contained a cancerous tumor, along with every organ covered with endometriosis. I began my healing journey then & haven't looked back.
After another cancer scare in March 2024, I shut down. I booked less weddings & took on less work. My heart just wasn't in it any longer. I wanted out. After a good look at what was working & what clearly wasn't, I knew I had to give up my retail space. It was no longer bringing me joy & it was holding Ava & I back from doing what we really wanted to be doing, but didn't have the time for!
So, the sign to lease it out went up...then came the beginning of selling all the things! So, what's next?
Goal: To be moved out by Dec 1st. Maybe sooner ๐ค
Location: Home, for now! I still have to pay that $$$$$ lease payment until my landlord finds a new tenant! ๐ญ After that, we will be searching for a smaller commercial space to move to!
What's Working: On-line & Call-In Ordering for DELIVERY ONLY! This is the bread & butter of our business! This is what pays the bills!! Once we have found a permanent location, we will *possibly* make other plans. ๐
Over & Out: RETAIL & WALK-INS/PICK-UPS! My home will not be a retail or pick-up location. We will have set hours & the phone number will be the same, but this option, for now, is done. ๐
THANK YOU for all your support over the past almost 12 years!! It really has meant a great deal to me, my family & my team!! Please BE KIND to my team when you pop in the shop! If you have watched my stories, you know how rude, entitled & ignorant people can be & that it will not be tolerated! Also remember that this move is a CHOICE. Although it may be "sad" for you, it was made with the utmost care & of course, I DID THE MATH! We want to continue to serve our community & clients across the globe! We want to grow & thrive! We want to create & be creative!! Being a floral designer is a privilege & an honor! I want to find my mojo again, get excited about designing & being creative! We do have 1 location that we are currently working with to get our product in their shop! It's new & it's exciting! More to come on that!! For now, thank you for your love & support! More updates will follow as they transpire!! ๐๐ Britt & Ava