Big Hill Chill Event Timeline 🤩 Do you have your tickets yet?!
6:45pm - First shuttle pick up at Super 8 then Sunset Ridge pond. You can catch a ride to or from the event at approximately 45 minute intervals.
7pm - Doors Open - Bar Open. Grab a drink and find your friends! There will be music playing, fire pits burning, and snacks and drinks available. 🍻
8-9pm - Smoking Aces first set. Put on your dancing shoes, and get the party started!
9:30-10:30pm - Smoking Aces second set. 🎸
10:40pm - Fireworks "night cap". Head outside to enjoy a short fireworks display to end the evening with a bang. Hang out around the fire pits under the night sky. 💫
11:30pm - Last shuttle leaves AG Grounds. Get home safe and sound!
We hope to see you there making memories this Saturday, February 24th. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/big-hill-chill-tickets-794452979247?aff=oddtdtcreator
Make it a Staycation! Use code 02242024BHC to reserve your room at the Cochrane Super 8 (403-932-1410).