Our Story
The Ellerslie Curling Club has both competitive and recreational leagues for men, women, mixed, senior and junior curling teams. To get more information please contact the Ellerslie Curling Club – 780.988.5784.
All leagues are weekly except Sunday Mixed which is every second week. Senior leagues are half year (before and after Christmas) with 11 games each time. Junior curlers play in either a competitive league or instructional league dependent upon age and experience. When there are club bonspiels or special events regular league curling may be interrupted. All regular league curlers have the opportunity to compete for club championships.
Adult Learn to Curl will be offered again this season. Brooms, grippers and sliders are available for use during this class. This was a very popular class last season,you will learn the basics of curling-delivery of stones-sweeping-game strategy, and will have the opportunity to participate in games as well.
This year we are again offering an Open Doubles League. This league is split into 2 sessions of 10 games (Oct-Dec, and Jan - Mar). Games take place on Wednesdays at 8:45pm.