May is Mental Health Awareness Month . Established in 1951 by the Canadian Mental Health Association, to learn & talk with others about mental health issues, so let's talk:
Years & Years ago someone from Alberta health spoke to a group of women about depression. As I looked around the room I could tell in the faces of a few women there, the ones that understood, and the ones that had no idea what this nurse was talking about.
IFYKYK, and if you don't you might no clue, but as someone who DOES know, I want to share a few things I have learned in 50 + years of life, so that perhaps I can make it just a little easier for someone who is suffering in silence or someone trynig to live with/care for/navigate this thing we call mental health.
Here are some things that I know to be true, take them for what they are worth, add a little grace to you or those around you, and perhaps this world will feel like a little bit softer place to land
1️⃣ Each of us is given ONE brain. It is an organ with a purpsose, and just like every other organ in our bodies, our might funtion slightly differently (diet, heredity, trauma response) than those we associate with, and that's ok. What's important is knowing how to work with YOUR brain to give yourself the BEST life possible .
2️⃣ If you have ever had things going on in your own mind that seem too big to handle, too hard to take, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. There is relief in talking with trusted friends, a doctor, family or if need be, a crisis line. It is sign of strength to recognize that sometimes things are bigger than you can handle alone that day. If you have lots of days like this, please call someone.
At that 👆🏻 meeting someone said she struggled w/depression and we made a pact that if, in an hour of need we felt like no one would "get" that heavy feeling of darkeness that we were to call at any time, no questions asked. I was thankful that a year or so later she once called me at 3 am.
3️⃣ Asking "what helps right now?" or "how can I help you best?" to someone having is more helpful than "what's your problem" or "R U ok?"
4️⃣ Some things that can seem like "depression" may not be, which is why it is good to talk to someone. I thought I was depressed for years, but had ADHD (wth some anxiousness) and change of medication did a world of wonders for me. Learn about your own diagnosis and those around you, but don't pigeon hole them into a tight stereotype
5️⃣ Eating healthy and regular exercise can definitely help regulate a little disregulation both from the endorphins it releases and from the mindset shift. If you are in a funk, and can get some fresh air and a walk , do it.
6️⃣ If you are told, texted or even suspect someone is struggling, do not take it lightly and check in with them. I have both needed to be checked on at times in my life and have had the pleasure of being reached out to and the honor of checking in with some friends . If you get a "gut feeling" to call someone up, do it.
7️⃣ There are many forms of mental health issues, I am only speaking to what I know
8️⃣ About 4 years ago, I came out of a narcissitic abusive marriage where gaslighting, verbal and in the end physical abuse occured. I was told I was re****ed, studpid, and told to my face that I had no worth. If I tried to go for a drive, I was threatened with the cops being called and reporting the car stolen, If I talked about leaving all access to our banks were shut down. I was honestly I was a literal and complete mess. A kind doctor told me there is situational depression as well, that can improve with time and better environement, Let's not be the reason for someones situational depression. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be the light.
Each year in my kids high school, someone took their life .Let's fix that. Againd, be kind, include, and keep your eyes and ears open for those who need a friend.
9️⃣ Everyone has good days and bad days. Those with and without any mental health issues. Let's not compare our worst days to other people's best.
🔟 If I'm the only one talking about this, this whole post was in vain, so please comment, share or make your own post for mental health month,