Our chapter is excited to start meeting virtually via bni online™ (for the time being!), designed to help us connect, learn, and grow our businesses by referral through an interactive, internet-based meeting platform.
We’re all set to give this a whirl starting on Tuesday March 24th from 2:30pm-4:00pm Eastern Time. This past week, our Executive Team was trained to facilitate our online chapter meetings, and our Zoom portal is ready to go. Members, watch your inbox for an email from our Executive Team with a link to access the meeting.
Visitors are invited to attend as well to meet our team, promote their products & services, and learn more about how BNI can help build their business. Would you benefit from an exclusive opportunity to market your offerings through word-of-mouth referrals? We can help! For those of you following our chapter’s FB Page, who are not yet a member of BNI or are part of our chapter’s Alumni, please feel welcome to register to visit 1-2 of our upcoming online chapter meetings.
Register now by clicking this link and selecting “Visit This Chapter”:
Once you’ve registered to visit, someone from our chapter will email a meeting link for you to join us via Zoom. We look forward to learning how we can help grow your business!
BNI is the world’s largest, most effective referral marketing program, with more than 270K members in 9,460+ chapters across 70+ countries, generating $16.7 billion in revenue for members in the last 12 months alone. BNI chapters welcome one person per area of speciality to actively participate as a member and promote their business.