1. If you ask for a song and the DJ says he just played it, DON’T SAY "Well I just got here." It makes absolutely no difference.
2. DON’T SAY "Is this the only music you play?" If you go to a Chinese restaurant, you wouldn’t ask for Italian food.
3. If you ask for a song...BE SPECIFIC. DON’T SAY "I wanna hear something....anything but this!" Try going to the bar and saying, "I wanna drink something....anything but this..." You can’t complain if you're not SPECIFIC.
4. HOWEVER, if you are specific and the DJ says he doesn’t have that song, DON’T SAY "What!?!? What do you mean you don’t have it? what kind of DJ are you? HE MAY SHOOT YOU!!!!!
5. SPECIAL NOTE! A night club DJ gets very little RESPECT. They are expected to play everything for everybody. It is impossible to satisfy all of the people all of the time, yet club DJs are expected to do just that. If a radio DJ tells his listeners a song is a hit, the majority of the people figure it must be "Because they say so on the radio." However 80% of the time that same song was being played in a club long before radio DISCOVERED the NEW song. So give the DJ a break! The next time you request a song, stop and THINK before you speak. And above all....if the DJ has one hand on the mixing board, one hand on the turntable, and the headphones on....Don’t bug him
...HE’S MIXING!!!!
Via Deejay Yash