Rose and Wild Florist is your local florist that has everything to make your special someone feel ever sooooo special when they have a gorgeous bouquet delivered or maybe surprised by you! 🌹🌺🌸🌼💐🌹🥀 You can call for delivery 250-376-5115 drop by for pickup 665 Tranquille Rd or go to their website to choose a beautiful bouquet!!!
At our company, we are inspired to create elegant bouquets by the variety of locally sourced blooms and those sourced from further afield. Our roses are obtained from Eurosa farm on the island, while our greenery is sourced from California and Asia. We also import orchid stems from New Zealand and combine them with Freesia, Astilbe, lisianthus, and other flowers directly sourced from Holland to create breathtaking arrangements.
Our Mothers Day cards for 2024 now in store…….
Mom, your love is my guiding light, your strength is my inspiration. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing woman in the world!"
I can buy myself flowers…..
The preparation is key for a busy week ahead! We don’t mind last minute orders and requests. Stop by for an Instore shopping experience at Rose and Wild florist. #opensundays #kamloopsflorist #valentinesday2024 #galantinesday #foreverroses #rainbowroses #blueroses #blackroses #callalillystore #tulips #proteas #sunflowers
We spent our morning delivering some complimentary pointsettias to the Seniors residents in Kamloops ttoday day….
Thank you to our amazing drivers for doing this and to our suppliers/partners at Burnaby Lake Greenhouses for their part in making it happen!
A sneaky preview of the 2023 Thomas Kinkade….
We will have them Instore soon for those who collect them each year!
We now stock tropical greens to bring a touch of paradise into your home!
Asparagus Cwebe, Asparagus Setaceus , Aspidistra Leaf, Calathea Insignes, Cyperus Alternifolius, Livistona Rotundifolia, Philodendron Red Beauty, Phoenix Rubelini, all types of eucalyptus, and more.