Dooooonut Week at The Clubhouse!!!
Sooo many flavours in my back pocket…was hard to choose which to adorn our fine golfers with 😁!!
For the Ladies night:
Chocolate Confetti Donut (colored marshmallow, chocolate, graham crumbs and coconut on a chocolate glazed donut)
Butterscotch Donut (butterscotch ganache dip, cookie crumble, chantilly whipped cream, and butterscotch custard filling)
Chocolate Brownie Donut (Chocolate dip, crumbled brownie, chocolate ganache, chocolate chips, & a dollop of cookies n’ cream whipped cream)
Cookies n’ Cream Donut (White Chocolate glaze, Oreo cookie crumb, Oreo cookie whipped cream, crushed oreo cookies)
For the Men’s Night:
The Twin-Kay! 😁 (White chocolate dip, cookie crumble, cereal cream whipped cream, fruit loops crumble, Tw***ie)
The Coffee Break (Chocolate espresso dip, espresso whipped cream, coffee crisp crumble, mini coffee crisp bar)
What won out:
For the ladies…the butterscotch hands down was the first to disappear! All by sheer looks since no one had tasted any yet!!
For the men… the coffee break! But once I explained the cereal milk whipped cream mixed with the Tw***ie…they got it!!! 😅
A total of 250 donuts was consumed!!! 🍩😁