Good morning guys,
The floats have been a regular summer event in the group so I thought it would be wise to give you some more information because I also didn't know this.
The following picture shows the of the regular float trail we take, which is Woolner to Freeport. The red pin is the exit at Freeport. The yellow circle is the dam.
From the many times we done this, we know the water gets deep under the bridge and shallow by the island...but not always. If the water is rougher and you're not safe use the exit at that canoe place to the left before the bridge. Give zero f***s and get off. When you get passed the bridge you have to get off to the right, no matter what. It gets shallow towards the parking lot but the rocks are slippery.
I can tell you this, I've been floating in Cambridge and the sides of the Grand do get high leaving less of escape route. I've personally gotten stuck on the Grand for 5 hours and had a search party come out.. We've also experienced rough waters on our normal route with the FOCKers, if you guys remember a few years back us having to help everyone out because the water was moving way to fast. Yes, it was scary having 20 people there all struggling.
If you're going to host a float, that's not where we go, do your research.
Please check the water levels before getting on to the Grand.
Here is the link. It is update daily!
If you want me to post how to check, please tell me and I'll get the information for you cause I know I can't figure out things like that. You need to look for specific areas.
https://apps.grandriver.ca/waterdata/kiwischarts/rf_centrallowergrand.aspx .tab=0
Below is a link to a video on how the dam works. I did not know this and this is why it's crucial that you get out at Freeport. Water is a beast and sorry, no matter how cocky you are, water wins. Please don't underestimate the power of earth elements.
Thirdly, get yourself a life jacket and wear water shoes.
People came wearing flip flops.. that's a no no. The rocks are slimy and gross! The last thing you need to to slip.
Water shoes are like 10 bucks at Walmart!
Be safe while having fun! Unfortunately, we can't turn back time but we can educate ourselves and do what we can for each of us.
There are also 4 pack of life jackets for 100$, making them 25$ each if you guys can't afford the things.. ask around, I'm sure someone will go splits.
Take care of yourself! The floats are fun and with a little pre-planning, you can enjoy a nice relaxing ride but please make sure if you go for the first time, you go with the group to get familiar with the surroundings.
Stay safe♡
Edit.. Oh not done yet.. so you cannot see the dam from the river from what I've been told as shown in the picture below. So again, get out at Freeport!