hey there neighbour! it’s been a hot minute 😅 we’re still here, just took some extended time to decompress and be present for our summer. but tonight, something cool happened, we were named the downtown lethbridge event of the year! 🥳🥳
if you were at the celebrate downtown awards tonight you saw how unprepared we were for the thank you speech - a fact the three of us are still cringing about. we’re all much better writers than speakers. so we’re here to say what we actually wanted to say on stage (but didn’t).
first and foremost - THANK YOU! this event was a dream turned reality because of our community, and our community is our WHY. year ✌️of this event had many ups and downs behind the scenes and we truly couldn’t have done it without the support (financially, physically, and mentally) from our community. from our partners to our volunteers to those who attended and to our downtown businesses…lethbridge showed up and we thank YOU.
we are just three lethbridge-born and raised women who love our community and see the potential our city holds. we see events similar to 6th street block party in big cities all the time and thought “why not lethbridge?”
one of our biggest thank you goes to our partners. flying financially solo this year meant we leaned heavily on lethbridge businesses to make this event happen, and true to lethbridge’s roots our partners said yes. thank you to our title sponsor Westco Construction for stepping up big time with no hesitation. thank you to the team at Downtown Lethbridge BRZ and Tourism Lethbridge for believing in our event. and thank you to all our other partners (they’re tagged on instagram) who contributed cash, gifts in kind, volunteer hours, and more. thank you. thank you. thank you.
thank you to our volunteers, to downtown businesses, to our market and food vendors, entertainers, non-profits, and of course our party-goers. one of our favourite comments we heard many times was “it doesn’t feel like we’re in lethbridge” and we feel that’s a testament to the talent and the people in our city who answered “why not lethbridge“ by simply showing up.
as kayla said tonight, “SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!”