Come and join us each and every Monday at 6:15pm for heels dance! Bring your 👠 and energy while we move sensually to some of your favorite slow songs. Registration is open! Drop in classes are available. The link is in the bio or visit us at to join now! Must be 18+years or older. For all levels, no experience necessary. 🔽Registeration is open🔽
#lindsayontario🇨🇦 #lindsayontario #kawarthalakesfun #kawarthapeeps #kawarthalakes #lindsayontariocanada #lindsay #heelsclass #heelsdance #sexydance #funinlindsay #thelindsaylounge
Looking for something to do for the kids during March Break? The Lindsay Lounge is throwing a huge Glow in the Dark Dance Party! We will be playing games and dancing all night (well, until 9:30pm). So drop the kids off and enjoy a few hours for yourself!
Concession stand with snacks, juice, pop and pizza is available! Each child will recieve a glow stick. Glow in the dark party supplies will be available for purchase.
Location - The Lindsay Lounge at 68 Mclaughlin Rd, unit 5 in Lindsay!
Click the link below to sign up!
#kawarthalakes #kawarthalakesontario #lindsayontario #bobcaygeon #kawarthalakesfun #littlebritain
It's almost two years since we came up with this crazy idea to create a modern space in Lindsay for families to celebrate special occasions. We are extremely grateful for all your love and support and would appreciate it even more if you could share this video to your stories and with your friends and family! With your support, the best is yet to come! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! #lindsayvenue #kawarthas #downtownlindsay #kawarthapeeps #lindsayontario
If you are looking for an intimate space for your wedding vow or reception, we are the place to be!! Book your wedding today!
Our max capacity is 40ppl seated or 70ppl cocktail style. If you want to check for availability and pricing please use the link in the bio.
#lindsaayontario #lindsayvenue #kawarthapeeps #Kawarthas #kawarthlakes #downtownlindsay
The happiest birthdays happen at The Lindsay Lounge!! To inquire about availability and pricing use the link in the bio or visit
• Our space can accomodate up to 40 ppl seated or 70ppl cocktail style.
• ♿️ accessible
• Kitchenette is included
• Wifi is included
• Tables and chairs are included in your rental
#kawarthas #kawarthalakes #kawarthanow #kawartha #lindsayontario #lindsayontario🇨🇦 #kawarthalakesontario #lindsayontariocanada #kawarthapeeps #downtownlindsay #kawarthahighlands #kawarthalakesrealestate #kawarthalakesphotographer #millbrookontario #peterboroughevents #peterboroughevent
Thank you everyone that joined the contest giveaway. Everyone that joined will get a 15% discount off a booking, minimum of 3hrs.
Congratulations to @amandaslade48 on winning 3 free hours at @thelindsaylounge we are excited to have you!
Did you know we have tables and chairs for the little ones, too?
Our space is perfect for kids' parties. To inquire, click the link in our bio or email us at [email protected]
#lindsay #kawarthalakesconstruction #kawarthalakes #kawarthalakesrealestate #kawarthas
Visit our webapge to know more about us!
👉 wwww.
To book or inquire, click on the link in the bio.
Check out this fantastic Thanksgiving workshop at The Lounge!
The Lindsay Lounge also hosts;
👉 Baby Showers
👉Engagement Party
👉 Business meetings
👉 and more!
To inquire send an email to [email protected] or by clicking the link in the bio. 👆
#kawarthalakes #peterboroughandthekawarthas #lindsayontario #eventvenue
#workshops #eventrentalsontario
What are you're Christmas plans? Use our intimate space to host your Christmas parties! Inquire using the link in the bio.
#lindsay #lindsayon #thelindsaylounge #kawarthalakes #kawartha