The people have spoken! Why not book a photo booth that gives you more at your upcoming event?
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#photobooth #photoboothrental #torontophotobooth #photobooths #photoboothrentaltoronto #torontoweddingplanner #torontoweddings #bride #groom #bridesmaids #memories #fun #wedding #birthdays #specialevents #corporateevents #events #value #entertainment #bacheloretteparty #barmitzvah #batmizvah #testimonial #funtimes #photostrip #torontobride #oneofakind #weddingplanner #weddings #weddingseason
Don’t settle for the same old boring photo booth experience. Collect tons of memories and enjoy our photo booth long after your special event is over. Our photo booths offer an exclusive video capture feature FREE with all of our packages. This allows your guests to leave video messages behind after each photo session. At the end of the event we provide you all the digital pictures and video messages on a USB stick for you to enjoy afterwards.
Learn More @
#photobooth #photoboothrental #photoboothrentaltoronto #toronto #torontophotobooth #weddingphotobooth #weddings #birthdyas #bacheloretteparty #memories #bride #bridesmaids #funtimes #events #corporateevents #corporateparties #barmitzvahphotobooth #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #guests #weddingplanner #weddingphotography #summerwedding #videobooth #videoboothrental #videocapture
The set up! No other photo booth company comes close to our photo booths. Inquire with us today for your upcoming event.
@funarama_photobooth is the ONLY photo booth company in Toronto to offer an exclusive video capture feature with our photo booths. This means that your guests can also leave video messages behind after each photo session. At the end of the event we provide you with a USB stick with all the digital pictures and video messages on there.
#photoboothrental #torontobride #torontophotobooth #torontophotoboothrentals #photoboothTO #photobooth #weddings #weddingplanner #toronto #barmitzvahphotobooth #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #birthdays #birthdayparties #party #weddingentertainment #props #photos #photostrips #bride #groom #funtimes #memories #videobooth
Our photo booths are ultra portable and can be set up anywhere ... yes even on a boat cruise. @mariposacruises @funarama_photobooth
Visit our website for more details.
#wedding #boatwedding #weddingplanner #weddingonaboat #weddings #bride #groom #bridesmaids #toronto #torontophotoboothrentals #torontophotobooth #photoboothrentaltoronto #photoboothrental #photoboothforparty #videoboothforwedding #torontoweddingplanner #posesforpictures #photostrips #boatcruise #harbourfront #lakeshore #videobooth
It’s time to get the group in @funarama_photobooth
Did you know we offer an exclusive pausing feature which allows your guests to never be rushed during a photo session. If anyone needs more time to change props our booth attendant can simply pause the session. Just another feature that comes free of charge with the Funarama Photo & Video Booth
Ask about our FREE video capture feature as well.
#asianwedding #toronto #torontobride #videoboothforwedding #torontoweddingplanner #torontobride #photoboothforparty #torontophotobooth #videoboothforwedding #videoboothtoronto #torontophotoboothrentals #torontophotoboothrental #photoboothforrent #photoboothrental #weddings #birthdayparties #entertaiment #photobooth #videobooth #poses #posesforpictures #barmitzvahphotobooth #batmitzvah #engagementparty #bacheloretteparty #pictures #photostrip #bridesmaids #bride #groom #weddingphotography #weddingentertainment #fun #unlimtedprints #somuchfun
Only @funarama_photobooth offers more value. Visit our website to get pricing:
#torontophotobooth #torontophotoboothrental #videoboothrental #torontovideobooth #photoboothforparty #videoboothforwedding #wedding #poses #bacheloretteparty #barmitzvahphotobooth #batmizvah #photobooth #photoboothrental #weddings #brides #groom #weddingplanner #bridesmaids #entertainment #weddingphotography #weddingentertainment #photos #toronto #mississaugaphotobooth #markhamphotobooth
Alright folks it’s a real life customer testimonial time once again. Our customers love the exclusive pausing feature we offer along with the FREE video capture feature as well. Visit our website to lear more:
#weddings #weddingphotobooth #photoboothforweddings #exclusivefeature #photoboothrentaltoronto #torontophotobooth #birthdays #corporateevents #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #party #bacheloretteparty #events #weddingplanner #bridesmaids #bride #groom #videobooth #videoboothrental #torontoevents #funtimes
Take your next party to the next level with @funarama_photobooth
Inquire more at
#bestphotobooth #weddings #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #corporatevents #birthdays #engagementparty #bacheloretteparty #photoboothforparty #videoboothforwedding #weddingphotobooth #photoboothrentaltoronto #photostrip #toronto
Our photo booth machines are the real deal. Ask about our video capture feature.
#rentalphotobooth #photoboothforparty #bestphotobooth #torontophotoboothrental #bridesmaids #wedding #weddingphotobooth #photoboothwedding #photobooth #torontophotobooth #photoboothrentaltoronto #party #torontoevents #weddingentertainment #partyentertainment #weddingplanner #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #birthdays
There is a reason why we are Toronto’s number 1 photo booth company. Get more details at:
#photoboothrental #photoboothcompany #torontophotoboothrental #torontophotobooth #bestphotobooth #markhamphotobooth #mississaugaphotobooth #bramptonphotobooth #photostrips #eventphotobooth #weddingphotobooth #photoboothforparty #photoboothforrent #birthdays #party #barmitzvah #batmitzvah #events
@funarama_photobooth provides a unique photo booth experience. Inquire about our photo booth’s video capture feature. This feature is FREE with all of our packages!
#torontophotobooth #photoboothrental #torontophotoboothrental #mississaugaphotobooth #markhamphotobooth #freevideobooth #videocapturefeature #weddingphotobooth #weddingentertainment #partyentertainment #torontophoto #birthdayparties #barmitzvah #batmitzvahphotobooth #batmitzvah #barmitzvahphotobooth #celebrations #collectmemories #uniquephotobooth #photostrip