Mayne Island Community Centre

Mayne Island Community Centre The Mayne Island Community Centre is an ideal venue for community events, programs and private functions such as weddings and parties. ft. of event space.

"Your Centre, Your Community" The present structure is about 2400 sq. ft consisting of the Main Room and Social Room which offer approximately 1220 sq. The Main Room will seat 60-70 at tables or in rows for meetings and performances, while the Social Room, with its gas fireplace, offers a cozy lounge ambience for smaller meetings. For the summer months, a marquee tent system is erected on the hexa

gonal side deck, and attached at the large steel and glass door in the Main Room to add 1220 sq. of additional space, accommodating wedding banquets of 120. Everything is on one level, and wheelchair accessible. The commercial-grade kitchen can service the Main Room via a pass-through, and is equipped with a comprehensive catering inventory. Out in the ‘back forty’ is our deer-proof Community Garden, featuring a Pat Hennebery cob garden shed, and organic plots plumbed for drip-irrigation with rainwater from the roof-catchment system. Also at the Community Centre are the tennis courts. Coming soon is the Daycare Centre behind the tennis courts. The Community Centre is committed to providing affordable event space for relevant programs and activities open to the community.


Tru Value gift cards are available for purchase in $50 and $100 amounts. The money will go directly to help replace the stove at the community centre. Email [email protected] to get yours while supplies last!


The stove at the Community Centre needs replacing. If you would like to donate toward this worthwhile cause, please e-transfer to [email protected] or mail a cheque payable to “Mayne Island Community Centre Society” to Mayne Island Community Centre Society, 493 Felix Jack Road, Mayne Island, BC, VON 2J2. A charitable donation receipt will be issued.


Yoga Nidra

The translation of Nidra is sleep.

Winter is the perfect time to cultivate the benefits of this ancient, meditative practice. Dropping into a deep state of conscious relaxation, moving awareness from the external world to the internal reduces brain activity, supporting the release of anxiety and stress.

This class is rejuvenating and nourishing for mind, body and spirit.

4 weeks Tuesday Feb 27th - March 19th 7:00 – 7:50pm, Fee $40

at the Community Centre with Donna Williams.

All MICCS members in 2023 and 2024, who selected to receive email correspondence, will receive the survey by email by Fe...

All MICCS members in 2023 and 2024, who selected to receive email correspondence, will receive the survey by email by Feb 3, 2024.


Thanks to Lisa Siddons, the MICCS website has been refreshed! You are invited to review our improved website at While you are there, you may want to renew your membership for 2024 and review how easy it is to access the MICCS meeting documentation (About the Centre > Board > Documents).

The squat rack has arrived so come and get your lift on at the MICCS Fitness Centre! Just check the calendar on the webs...

The squat rack has arrived so come and get your lift on at the MICCS Fitness Centre!

Just check the calendar on the website to ensure there is no other activity scheduled. You can come to the Fitness Centre anytime except half an hour before and after a scheduled event. The Fitness Centre is available for a $5 drop-in fee or $35 monthly fee with an active membership.


Message from the New MICCS President, Wayne Peace:

I would like to thank the members of the Mayne Island Community Centre Society (MICCS) for electing me to the Board. I have subsequently been selected by the Board to be President of the Society. I plan to serve diligently with the intent to have as many members as possible use our facilities as frequently as possible. Please forward constructive suggestions to [email protected]

Another note, if you are able, please join my wife and I in making a charitable donation to the MICCS. You may be aware that our endowment value has declined substantially in the past 2 years so that the revenue available may decline. Donations will help us continue to run and expand the services and facilities available.

Finally, membership in the society is on a Calendar basis and ends Dec 31rst. Please renew in January to continue supporting and using our wonderful facilities.

Wayne Peace
Mayne Island Community Centre Society


NOTICE re: Proxy Voting Working Group

At the AGM on December 3, the voting practices were discussed, in particular the use of proxy votes on behalf of members who could not make the AGM. As a result, it was agreed that a small working group of members would review and consult with members about our current practice and provide recommendations for change. Current practice, in accordance with the MICCS bylaws, is that anyone can become a member and that voting by proxy is allowed.

The BC Societies Act requires that any change with regard to how membership is defined or voting by proxy will need a change to our bylaws, and a change to our bylaws requires a special resolution which must be passed by a 2/3 majority. Any special resolution will have to be circulated to the members with the notice of a general meeting, which must be at least two weeks in advance.

As a member you will be consulted on the definition of membership and proxy voting practices. The working group will use this feedback to develop resolutions for the special meeting. In terms of timelines, we hope to have the working group’s report and recommendations distributed to members by mid-March 2024 and a meeting held in April 2024 before the next AGM.

If you are interested in participating in the working group, please contact the board by emailing [email protected].

There will be other working groups formed to discuss changes to the constitution and minutes process and an email will go out about those in due course.




Thank you to anyone/everyone who helped us get the school secured for this Sunday, December 3.

Registration to attend the AGM is still at the Community Centre from 9:30-12. The AGM will be at Mayne School from 1:30-3:30, doors will open at 1:00.

PLEASE NOTE: There will not be registration or new memberships taken after noon either at the Centre or at the School. Only registered members who are picking up their ballots at the door will be attending. Please do not come to the School at 1pm expecting to register or become a member as this is not the process we are following.

There are no MICCS bylaws dictating how to run an AGM. Our process is in place based on learnings from previous years and feedback from members.

Thank you,


Continuing "COUP" Rumours

There continues to be rumours about a "COUP" at the 2021 Mayne Island Community Centre Society (MICCS) AGM. (A coup is typically an illegal and overt attempt by a military organisation or other government elites to unseat an incumbent leadership by force.) Very dramatic – but that didn’t happen. Registered MICCS members democratically elected 5 Directors into 1 vacant and 4 appointed positions.

Prior to this, on June 14, June 22, and August 30 of 2021, MICCS members sent Requests for Information (RFI) to their Board - no information was EVER received. BC Society members are to receive Society documents within 14 days of a RFI as per sections 24-27 of the BC Society Act.

BECAUSE MICCS Directors ignored the BC Society Act and the rights of the members of the Society, members sought a leadership change for better transparency and proper governance of the Society.

On June 14, 2021 members wrote to the MICCS Board, “…we will be nominating members to the Community Centre Board at the next AGM so it would be prudent to prepare for an election”. This was FIVE MONTHS PRIOR TO THE AGM.

Perpetuating the lie that the MICCS Board was taken by surprise by the large turnout of MICCS members at the 2021 AGM only adds to the discontent within our community.

Our “Digital Document Filing Project” is 95% complete. This link will take you to ALL the documents mentioned above as well as MICCS Monthly Meeting minutes and other public documents on our website - read for yourself.

This project has been important to the Board's continued commitment to transparency and proper governance of our Society. If you have any questions after reading related information, please contact [email protected]


Catherine McNeill, President
Board of Directors
Mayne Island Community Centre Society


NOTICE - The MICCS 2023 AGM will be held on Sunday, December 3rd from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at the Mayne Island Community Centre - doors will open at 1:00 pm. Registration to be held the same day from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. This NOTICE is available on our website with supporting documents.

Please read the NOTICE prior to sending any questions to [email protected]


NO Rumours - JUST Facts

To Whom this may concern,

The Mayne Island Community Centre Society (MICCS) filed a "Notice of Claim" in the Victoria Registry on 05-Sep-23. Defendants are: Adrian Gowing, Carol Ashwell, Bruce Roberts, Robert Wilband, Bernie Peets, Sharon Bunnin, Judy Wolfe, Laurie Cooke, and William (Jon) Sanders. This claim is for "breach of trust, conversion, debt, and damages" in the amount of $24,078.

A "Notice of Settlement Conference" has been scheduled for January 10, 2024. "A settlement conference provides both parties in a legal dispute with the opportunity to sit with a BC Provincial Court judge to explore ways to settle their case without going to trial." MICCS has asked for accounting of Society funds so we can hopefully resolve issues.

MICCS is an incorporated, non-profit, charitable, society and is registered to remit ITCs (reimbursable tax credits) to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) using a registered GST number. All committees/programs under the financial umbrella of MICCS benefit. The BC Supreme Court decision (see MICCS website) confirmed that the MITA/tennis group IS a committee under the financial umbrella of MICCS and not a separate legal entity. MITA/tennis group submitted Financial Statements to be included in MICCS Financial Statements (BC Supreme Court Petition Affidavit #2 of C.McNeill exhibits O-S pgs 135-157).

Claiming GST reimbursements for a committee of MICCS IS allowed. As a CRA GST registrant, MICCS is NOT allowed to remit claims for separate entities that are NOT under its financial umbrella.

With the PRIVILEGE of being an incorporated, non-profit, charitable, society that is a CRA GST registrant comes the RESPONSIBILITY of proper governance. Directors/Leaders have a duty to KNOW and/or do their personal due diligence to LEARN all governance regulations. The MICCS has a duty of due diligence and transparent governance to its members and BC Societies to ask these questions and understand its responsibilities of keeping factual records to the best of its ability. SOCIETY MEMBERS have a duty of due diligence to understand the governance of their Society based on factual records of the Society and to ask questions to have a clear informed vote.

There are questions that MUST be asked/answered as part of the due diligence and transparent governance of MICCS. MICCS must complete all financial matters with the MITA/tennis group and establish a starting point that the MITA/tennis group was a separate entity in their own right outside of the MICCS financial structure.

Transaction details and other information is needed for the following accounts as well as others:

1. "Legal Expense $24,078" Why is this recorded, a committee CANNOT spend legal fees on a legal action against the entity of which it is a committee and administering accounts for.

2. "Resurfacing Account $12,000" Where did the MICCS court resurfacing monies come from (community group grants?) and where did they go (the MICCS community courts have not been resurfaced recently)? Were MICCS CRA receipts written for any donations?

3. "Bank Account $3,726" Is this where the GST ITC rebates were deposited between 2008 and 2021?

4. "Equipment $18,125" Did MICCS remit GST ITC rebates for this equipment? What equipment has been purchased to operate and maintain the MICCS community courts?

5. "GST receivable $743" Is this amount still to be remitted to CRA via MICCS for reimbursement? What goods or services were purchased?

6. "Grants and Donation $16,861" Were the grants for resurfacing the MICCS community courts? Were the donations restricted? Were MICCS CRA receipts written for the donations?

The MICCS Board continues to be committed to transparent governance; all meetings and legal documents can be found on our website. We continue to encourage attendance at our monthly meetings (2nd Wednesday of each month 4:30-6:45 at the Community Centre). Emails can be sent to [email protected]

Catherine McNeill, President
Board of Directors
Mayne Island Community Centre Society


As a response to the anonymous paid ad in the Mayneliner, the MICCS Board has written the following to provide up to date information to the writers.

Dear Friends of the Community Centre,

The "ongoing conflict" that was brought against the MICCS concluded on July 26, 2023 with the decision of The Honourable Justice Basran of the BC Supreme Court - found on our website homepage at MICCS continues to move forward as it has been doing for the last 3 1/2 months.

The "slate of candidates" at the 2021 Annual General Meeting were in favour of an ADDITIONAL use of the tennis courts - NOT an alternative.

A "peaceful solution" has been in place since May 2022 - tennis and pickleball players have been sharing the courts - without incident for a year and a half.

The MICCS Board continues to invite its members to monthly meetings and encourages members to ask questions and raise concerns. The volunteer Board is doing its best to stick to monthly meetings - the second Wednesday of each month 4:30 - 6:45 at the Community Centre. Please come and show your support for solving challenges with creative solutions.

Thank you,
Board of Directors
Mayne Island Community Centre Society

COMMUNITY CENTRE - NEW PROGRAM - MEDITATIONMICCS is very pleased to sponsor the following new program at the Community C...


MICCS is very pleased to sponsor the following new program at the Community Centre. Thank you to Warren Korol for this wonderful offering to the community.


Do you want to find mindfulness, awareness, and inner peace in your life?
Do you want to realize the health benefits of meditation?
Do you want to feel more grounded through the busy holiday season?
Come learn the fundamentals of meditation and mindfulness.

Time: Saturdays 12 noon - 1:30pm, Nov 18 through Dec 16, 2023
Where: Mayne Island Community Centre
Cost: $40 for 5 sessions or $10/session drop-in

You will be guided through a series of exercises and discussions that will set the stage for your effective meditation practice by Warren Korol. Warren is a trained meditation leader who has been guiding meditation practices on Mayne Island for 2 years.

This is a MICCS sponsored program requiring a current MICCS membership, see link for details (options are available to remove financial barriers.)

Contact Warren Korol to register or for more information.
Email: [email protected]


There is a "Car Stop" at the entrance to the Community Centre that needs to be reinstalled - MICCS is looking for someone to put it back where it belongs - anyone?


Drum roll please - the Fitness Centre is now open any time there is no other booking. Members need to check our website calendar before going and leave a 1/2 hour window on either side of a rental. Please contact [email protected] to become an FC member and received a door code.

We are also VERY THANKFUL to have received a grant from MI Parks and Rec to help us purchase some updated equipment - coming soon!

Build up that awesome strong winter body :)

The Mayne Island Community Centre Society currently has an employment opportunity for an Administrative Coordinator - th...

The Mayne Island Community Centre Society currently has an employment opportunity for an Administrative Coordinator - this is a part time position, about 32 hours per month with very flexible hours and work location.

Please email [email protected] for more information.


As you are aware, we sent you all a notice that we would host our 2023 AGM on September 30, 2023. Some of our members alerted us that this date is also Truth and Reconciliation Day, something we clearly missed in our planning - and that another date for our AGM might be more appropriate. The board couldn’t agree more.

As such, we will reschedule our next AGM. Some of our board members will be out of the country immediately after the 30th so we will compare our schedules and find a new date where we are all available.

Keep your eyes peeled for the email announcing the new date.

2023 AGM Notice: September 30th - see website for AGM Package

2023 AGM Notice: September 30th - see website for AGM Package

A great place to stay fit, learn new things, have fun and meet people!


Dear Mayne Island residents and visitors,

As you may be aware, the Mayne Island Community Centre Society has been dealing with a petition in the Supreme Court of BC, filed by nine individuals who reside on Mayne Island. On June 19th, 20th and 21st the case was heard at the Provincial Courts in Victoria. This past Friday morning the Judge delivered his decision. The Board is delighted to report that all claims by the Petitioners against MICCS were dismissed. This decision was delivered orally during a phone conversation, but the written decision will be available shortly, at which time we will have more to share.

Thank you to all who have supported the MICCS during this time.


Lou Keating, Vice President
Mayne Island Community Centre Society


Just a reminder that the Mayne Island Fitness Centre is opening for an UNSUPERVISED Gym on April 1st!

Fitness Centre will be open 7 days a week MORNINGS AND

DAILY HOURS: 6-8 am (Fridays 5:15-7:15 am) AND 7-9 pm (Tuesdays 8:30 - 10:30 pm)

At this time we are VERY excited to be able to offer the following time slots to members:

- Mornings: 6-7am OR 7-8am
- Evenings: 7-8pm OR 8-9pm

Memberships are $35 per month as well as your $10 Community Centre Membership Fee.

Please email [email protected] to secure your slot now!

Feedback is welcome to the above email address.

Hi Yogi's!Donna's spring schedule is here and is full of classes for any level!With many classes to choose from there is...

Hi Yogi's!

Donna's spring schedule is here and is full of classes for any level!

With many classes to choose from there is something for everyone.

Donna is a CYA-E-RYT 550hr Canadian Yoga Alliance Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher as well as a Registered Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Consultant.

Please contact Donna via email or phone to secure your spot or inquire about drop in's!


Sunday March 26th, 10am-2pm!Join Louise for a fun afternoon of cheese and butter making. This class is sure to be a blas...

Sunday March 26th, 10am-2pm!

Join Louise for a fun afternoon of cheese and butter making. This class is sure to be a blast. Don't miss out!

Please email [email protected] to secure your spot!

Hello Gym enthusiasts,The Community Centre is very pleased to be able to offer MORE opportunities for Mayne Islanders to...

Hello Gym enthusiasts,

The Community Centre is very pleased to be able to offer MORE opportunities for Mayne Islanders to get active, fit, and social. We are now offering memberships to the public!

Starting April 1, the Fitness Centre will be open 7 days a week MORNINGS AND

DAILY HOURS: 6-8 am (Fridays 5:15-7:15 am) AND 7-9 pm (Tuesdays 8:30 - 10:30 pm)

At this time we are VERY excited to be able to offer the following time slots to members:

- Mornings: 6-7am OR 7-8am
- Evenings: 7-8pm OR 8-9pm

As time goes on and we get feedback from members we hope to go to a fully “Drop-In” Fitness Centre and be able to offer some type of family membership.

Gym memberships are $35/month along with your $10 MICCS membership. A three month commitment is preferred - $105 for April, May, and June and your $10 MICCS membership will secure your spot.

So please send us an email if you would like a membership for the Fitness Centre [email protected]

All questions, feedback and positive input are always welcome!

Hi Folks!The Fitness Centre has a few more spots available for 7-8pm or 8-9pm time slots in March!Memberships are $35 a ...

Hi Folks!

The Fitness Centre has a few more spots available for 7-8pm or 8-9pm time slots in March!

Memberships are $35 a month plus your $10 Community Centre Membership fee! $45 dollars total!

If you would like to secure one of these spots, OR be added to our waitlist for 6-8am time slots and the unsupervised gym (in the near future), please email us at [email protected]

MICCS is calling all singers and musicians! The Community Centre has an excess of choir materials that are no longer bei...

MICCS is calling all singers and musicians!

The Community Centre has an excess of choir materials that are no longer being used and need some attention!

During the organization of The Community Centre’s storage spaces we came across many boxes of sheet music and other choir materials! These belong to the community and we would love to see them put to good use again! Are you interested in adopting these materials for your personal use? Or maybe you are interested in starting a new choir program at the Community Centre.

Has anyone heard of Choir!Choir!Choir! ? How cool would it be to have something similar on Mayne Island. Send us an email at [email protected] if you are interested in the materials, or with any and all of your suggestions. Let’s get the island singing!

Tell me something, girls + boys, are you happy in this modern world? Now that we've covered SHALLOW...WE ARE!Follow Choir! Choir! Choir! https://choirchoirch...

Hello Mayne Island!Donna has a few spots open for her Somatic/Restorative Yoga classes starting THIS Tuesday, February 2...

Hello Mayne Island!

Donna has a few spots open for her Somatic/Restorative Yoga classes starting THIS Tuesday, February 21st from 7-8pm!

Infused with awareness of breath, this gentle, mindful practice of
safe, simple, somatic movement encourages deep release from habituated patterns of tension and stress held in the body.
The quiet stillness of restorative postures invites body and mind to drop into ease cultivating freedom from anxiety and offering deep nourishment on all levels.

Send her an email at [email protected] or give her a call at 250-539-3693 if you are interested in joining!

Another MICCS Fitness Centre "Finishing Touches" work party complete!Thank you to all that helped to get the Fitness Cen...

Another MICCS Fitness Centre "Finishing Touches" work party complete!

Thank you to all that helped to get the Fitness Centre entrance all ready!

Open House - Tuesday February 14th 7:30 - 9:00pm

Open to members Wednesday February 15th 7:00pm

If you aren't on the waitlist already - send an email to [email protected] - we will be moving through this list quickly!

Thank you Mayne Island for all your support!!

Your Centre, Your Community!

IT IS HAPPENING - the Mayne Island Community Centre Society (MICCS) is very excited to be reopening the MICCS Fitness Ce...

IT IS HAPPENING - the Mayne Island Community Centre Society (MICCS) is very excited to be reopening the MICCS Fitness Centre (FC) THIS COMING Wednesday, February 15th at 7pm.

There will be an open house on Tuesday February 14th at 7:30-9:00pm, come and look around.

- Phase 1 - open M/W/Fr 7-9pm, then (as soon as we work out the kinks)
- Phase 2 will add more evenings or 6-8am depending on demand - we currently have 2 supervisors - if you have your First Aid/CPR certification - please let us know - this will help us to open more hours up until we can move to...

MICCS Fitness Centre Membership Fees - February will be discounted to $20 and March will be the regular membership fee of $35/month - a 2 month commitment at a time is necessary to keep the Centre open.

If you are ready for a membership (starting Feb 15th) and not already on our wait list - please send an email to [email protected]

YES, this is a short timeline - you wanted a gym so we are moving quickly to open the MICCS Fitness Centre.

Thank you Mayne Island for your support!
Your Centre, Your Community!

The Community Centre sign has been refinished! The sign that sits outside the Community Centre has an interesting histor...

The Community Centre sign has been refinished!

The sign that sits outside the Community Centre has an interesting history. It was made by Bob Donohoe and was originally the Neptune Terminal sign on the docks in North Vancouver, it had to be taken down for railway expansion in the area. At the time Bob had a sign shop in North Vancouver, he stored the Neptune Terminal sign there until he could find another use for this beautiful piece of wood. He found the perfect project when the Community Centre was built. He crafted the sign and installed it.

Over the years the sign was showing the effects of the weather and recently Bob came to its rescue again and has repaired and restored it. (Photo is Bob's neighbour and MICCS Director John Lynch reinstalling the sign.)

Thank you Bob!


493 Felix Jack Road
Mayne Island, BC


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