Hello beautiful humans!!!! In spirit of today, which in our family is know as Levi’s survival day, I’d like to take the opportunity to invite all families and their friends to take part in our second annual SickKids Fired-Up Gala in support of the SickKids Burns and Plastics Unit. Today marks 5 years since our son’s devastating milk warmer accident and we are determined and dedicated to continue giving back to SickKids and speaking and educating other parents about childhood accidents, burns, and burn prevention. If any of you would be interested in attending our gala at the Four Seasons Hotel on Fri, Feb 23rd, 2024 or if anyone has a company or knows of one that would be interested in sponsoring a table, please let me know 🙏🙏🙏 Your support would mean the world to our family. Please feel free to check out https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/sickkids-fired-up-gala-tickets-623864905727 for tickets (use promo code FIREDUP10 to receive 10% off online prices) follow us on SickKids Fired-Up Gala or https://sickkidsfiredupgala.com to read more about the gala, the cause, and our family’s story. Thank you all so much!! The event will be full of amazing entertainment, fashion show, silent and live auction, all night open bar, great food, and special performance by Canadian artist/songwriter/producer Karl Wolf 😊