WOW MOM - Homemade...To Go!

WOW MOM - Homemade...To Go! The business has gone into a a long-term dormancy owing to health issues. I am steadily regaining my equilibrium and will post an update in the months ahead.

The website has been shut down. I will simply conduct business here and through email. Cathy Homemade entrees and desserts from simple chili and soup to fancier fare like our famour 8-layer lasagna or deliciously different stir-fry. Dessert options include 8 kinds of muffins (assorted bran, banana, pineapple carrot & coconut - a WOW MOM exclusive) or cookies. Decadent desserts include cheesecake o

r chocolate mousse torte. Something you'd like but it's not on the menu - get in touch and we can work-up a quote for you.


Hello fans and followers.

My ongoing health challenges have left me with a very inactive business, but I'm not permanently closed - just on hiatus.

WOW MOM will return and I will post here to let you know.

Thank-you for your patience and support.

Bon appetit!


Good evening, WOW MOM fans and followers. I did have some great plans for WOW MOM this summer, but must postpone as I am moving this summer since my landlord has elected to sell the home I'm in. As soon as I catch my breath, rest assured, I will get this party started! I do apologize, but this caught me by surprise.

Thanks for reading and for your support of this dream.

Bon appetit!


Good Tuesday morning, WOW MOM fans and friends! I know it has been a very long time since you've seen anything new and for that I apologize.

I've been dealing with as yet unresolved medical mysteries, so my focus has been on resting as much as possible when not at work and handling the day-to-day of life.

That being said, I do have some great stuff on the back burner, so to speak. Cannot share anything specifically, but I am hopeful that for SUMMER 2017, to have some fun new offers.

For now, I remain focused on my health, the job I love and working to solve the medical mysteries.

Your ongoing support and engagement is most appreciated.

Bon appetit.


Please note that I do not have a bricks and mortar location, but prepare the food in a commercial kitchen as required.

In fulfilling orders, the arrangement is to meet between the client's home or workplace and my home. So, it is not technically delivering and I'm not breaking any bylaws by having clients at my door.

Bon Appetit!


Looking forward to preparing assorted lasagna options (beef, gluten-free and vegetarian) for Mount Calvary's Anniversary luncheon later this month!
Very honoured to have been invited to their table!
Bon Appetit!

TWO FAMILY FAVES for a new client... Homemade Mac & Cheese for the kids, and Surprising Shepherds Pie for Mom & Dad. The...

TWO FAMILY FAVES for a new client... Homemade Mac & Cheese for the kids, and Surprising Shepherds Pie for Mom & Dad. The mac & cheese usually has shredded spinach, carrots, red onions and celery, but the kids didn't want any veggies. Very excited little ones when I delivered dinner tonight. Kudos to the 2 friends who bought the family a WOW MOM Gift Certificate when the new baby arrived! And dessert too with some Pineapple Carrot Coconut muffins! YUM!


I am catering a birthday dinner this evening with lasagna beef and vegetarian. So, before I dive into the preparation, I thought I would see if anyone would like to order some, too. It is $8/1 serving, $15 for 2 servings,, and $30 for 4 servings. Please let me know by NOON! We can meet up in the next few days for fresh delivery. On Tuesday, I would freeze it for delivery later this week. Bon appetit!!


An interesting version of HOMEMADE... TO GO!! will happen today.

I am bringing a chili lunch to a construction site in Westboro to feed the crew of 6 men. They'll have chili, warmed up rolls, cold drinks and a few sweet nibblies for dessert.

When my new client booked this, he asked if I had a cube van. "No, sir. Just my little red Focus wagon."!

Bet those guys will be big fans of their boss today for such a well-timed hot lunch treat.


Had a conversation today with a business owner who has a retail location. We are looking at arranging for WOW MOM entrees to be offered at her store in 2015. Much work to be done before I can actually confirm/announce, but wanted to share this tidbit with you as a first taste of some exciting changes and steps for WOW MOM in 2015! Stay tuned!


Good morning, WOW MOMmers!


The Baking Elves at WOW MOM have been busy beyond belief!

In addition, to the yummy array of sumptuous squares that appear on our Homemade & Hassle-Free Holiday baking flyer, we are happy to offer the following options:

Raspberry Jam Squares , Gingerbread man , Cherry Jewels , Pina Colada Cookies , Pinwheel Cookies ,Frosted Cranberry-Orange Cookies , Thumbprint Cookies , Gumdrop Cookies , Florentines , Almond Joy Macaroons , Zebra Cookies , Caramel Cups and Pecan Tassies. Cranberry Bliss bars, Pecan snowballs, Cocoa Haystacks, Marzipan bars, Dark Fruit Drop cookies, Light Fruit Cake, Christmas Crackle, and Candied Ginger cookies.

Decisions can be tough, so you are most welcome to request a tray of 'assorted squares' by the dozen at $17/dozen. As with all orders, please email [email protected], advising of your delivery date and payment arrangements.Then, await confirmation!

Bon Appetit!
Cathy and the WOW MOM TEAM!


My newest client, whose son has severe and extensive food allergies, sent me this message today and I asked her permission to post! I am a happy lady and delighted at this praise. Heather wants to have more time to write up some applause for me to post and I will do that. But this applause is the original...

"A friend and I tried the tourtiere for supper Saturday and Jonathan had it
for supper Sunday. We all thought it tasted great and the gravy was good
also. It was great to see Jonathan enjoy something to eat that was not RICE"


Addendum to my Homemade & Hassle-free Baking offer... tortiere available for $15. And EVERYTHING on the flyer (but the croissants) is 'freezer-friendly'.

Here it is - WOW MOM'S 2014 HOMEMADE & HASSLE-FREE HOLIDAY BAKING FLYER.Last day for orders is Wednesday, 17 December at...

Here it is -


Last day for orders is Wednesday, 17 December at 5 pm and delivery is available until 6 pm Christmas Eve. I don't officially deliver, but arrange to meet between my cooking kitchen and your work place or home.

Cash payment most welcome, but paypal or e-transfer are welcome, too!

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Love lasagna but don't want the sugar/wheat/gluten of pasta?
Use slices of zucchini. I have done that twice lately and it is delicious.
You can make it meatless or beefy - I've only done beef, but for a perfect vegetarian dish, at say a wedding next October, this will be the vegetarian dish, I believe.
Plus with the zucchini, you can use a peeler, regular or julienne, and make zucchini 'noodles'. I did that with stir-fry a few weeks ago - delish!
Maybe I'm way behind the times and so many are already doing this, but just thought I'd share.
Bon appetit


Making some shepherd's pie, cheesy chicken casserole and beefy macaroni today and will drop off later this afternoon - the result of a friend placing an order for another friend who's recovering from surgery. Another way to make good use of what WOW MOM does!


The event Thursday evening was a total success!

I was very nervous, as I always am, but everything went beautifully. Part of the nerves was providing dishes I've never made before... say 'yes' and the figure it out.

Had two lovely teenage cousins of the bride helping me out and they were delightful.

The guests raved about my food and came to the kitchen to offer thanks for it!

It was most humbling to be warmly welcomed, have offers of help and have some of the guests join me in the kitchen for conversation after the meal and before the speeches. I do not know what I was saying/doing, but the ladies were laughing heartily.

Amazing event and one tired Cathy as I cruised home at midnight.

Always a genuine pleasure to serve my clients!


Heading out in a bit to checkout the kitchen at the venue for tomorrow evening's dinner. I am always a bit stressed but more excited about being part of these special events in people's lives. It is always an honour for me to asked to be part of a celebration like this.


I am doing a unique kind of catering on Thursday evening - a family dinner before a wedding where I will prepare two dishes - Ceasar Salad and a green beans with garlic, butter, diced tomatoes and red onion. the other dishes are being prepared by other family members.

I will also be handling kitchen and buffet duties throughout the evening so the family can be guests at the dinner. So honoured to be part of this very special event!

Thank-you for inviting WOW MOM to your table!


I am still not comfortable with a toot-my-own-horn post like this, but ...

The butternut squash soup I made tastes amazing!
I took some liberties with the recipe (and in a rare move, actually wrote them down )

The recipe called for milk and yogurt once pureed when it had finished simmering. I skipped those dairy products and added @ 1 tbsp of butter to my bowl... seriously, a bowl of tasty bliss.

This is TOTALLY going on the WOW MOM menu... so who wants some Butternut, etc. Soup!?

Way to go me and bon appetit!


Going to make some butternut squash soup with apple & cinnamon later today... never made it before, but it is a perfect soup simmering kind of day! I did make the soup and woo hoo!


Some heroes wear a cape. Yesterday, my hero wore an apron! Darlene Gauci was my cohort in the kitchen at the wedding. I am more grateful than words can express. Was a wonderful partner in this adventure. Frankly, this wonderful woman put the Energizer bunny to shame yesterday. One guest came back to express their amazement that 2 people produced so much food!
I had all the timing/math in my head so everything was ready at the same time; it was like a huge logic puzzle!
The dinner went off beautifully; people were raving about the food and many made their way to the kitchen to offer thanks and applause. I was FINALLY able to not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with their praise, just accepted it and beamed with pride!
One of my favourite things about yesterday was the warmth with which we were greeted and treated. As much as we were 'hired help', we felt welcomed and included. The groom's mom made a point of offering us wine or Smirnoff ice... in a rare move, once dinner was served, I had a Smirnoff. It was cold and refreshing; and a 7% alcohol celebration of a job well done.
This event went smoothly beyond compare and that could not have happened with out Darlene!
Maggie Byvelds and Josh Byvelds, thank-you for choosing WOW MOM; it is humbling to be hand-picked - I am thrilled you were so happy with what we brought to your tables!


This is the post I just put on Cody's main page...

Here's a QUIZ for you as a company and specifically the NEPEAN store!
Guess which catering company is NEVER going to refer clients to you again?
Guess which store would win for most jack-a**-like employee? Nepean
Guess how offended I was by his condescending tone?
Guess who really wants to go back to the store and speak with this rude dude and his supervisor?


Today will be spent with the Bride-to-be and Groom-to-be in final preparations for their big day on Saturday. My cold storage looks like a produce section with all the fresh ingredients for salads. I will be picking up the ingredients for the entrees and WOW MOM's homemade BBQ sauce - fresh tomatoes, red & sweet onion, spinach, garlic, apple sauce, honey, etc. for the chicken.

Will be cooking the food at the church, guests will KNOW everything's been homemade. Frankly, no better marketing for food than the enticing aroma of roast beef, bbq chicken and vegetarian lasagna!

Bon appetit!


Catering gig prep for next week's wedding - have I mentioned it is Disney-themed, so I will be wearing Mickey ears and my Mickey apron - has begun. Mapping out food prep timelines and shopping list tomorrow. Just picked up 2 wonderful beverage dispensers as the bride-to-be requested ... happy Cathy cuz they were on $ale!


Tonight, I am making a gluten-free, nut-free Black Forest Cake to serve 12 people. Have I ever done this? No. I always say YES to clients and then figure out how to do what they need. Brave? Crazy? Bold? Yes, but it's also good business! Will post pics!


One excited Cathy here. Thanks to the generous talents of a wonderful young lady, I will soon have logos to show you for Cathy Whitney, Writer and the shOven mitt or ShOven Mitt (trying to decide on the final name and logo).

This is one more step on my path of world domination, um, I mean, business building!

Stay tuned and thanks for your ongoing encouragement!



I have mentioned to a few folks of late that I'm thinking I may need to let WOW MOM rest for a bit and focus on my getting my writing career launched. I will get that going, for sure.

But, today, I prepared 6 different dishes in 4 hours and frankly, was a hot mess from the exertion (and the kitchen was just crazy), but I WAS SO PUMPED TOO!

This, to me, is the Universe telling me to keep on going with WOW MOM and put some time/effort into this dream. I can do this, plus write and get SH-OVEN MITTS production underway and I will.

All this to say, stay tuned for more from WOW MOM, folks. She is going to grow.

Bon appetit!

Will be cooking up a storm on Saturday to fulfill a few Gift Certificates, so will have an array of food and portions av...

Will be cooking up a storm on Saturday to fulfill a few Gift Certificates, so will have an array of food and portions available that will include...

Chili con Cathy with Beef
Cheesy Chicken Casserole
Surprising Shepherd's Pie
Lasagna - beef & vegetarian (will be gluten-free)
Tomato Veggie soup (with/without roast beef)
Beefy pasta (gluten-free) with tomato
Macaroni & Cheese
Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes
Deliciously Different Stir-Fry with Chicken (gluten-free)

Not quite sure on 'extra' # of portions yet, but if folks are interested, I can always make enough to fulfill those additional orders.

I need to know if you're interested by THIS THURSDAY 28 AUGUST at 4pm, please - to plan my prep and ingredient shopping.

If you're wondering, well Cathy, where can I get more information... just go to and click on the pre-orders menu tab.

Bon Appetit!

Many factors contributed to the demise of the bricks and mortar location and that’s okay. Everything happens for a reason.


Ottawa, ON



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