It was an honour to again help Patrimoine Canada and the Prime Minister’s Office with the amazing Black Heritage Month Celebration at the Canadian Museum of History! What a night, with the amazing sounds and talent of @DJKendee, Reshema Burundian Drummers, Pan Fantasy Steel Band, Reeny Smith and poet Joseph Sarenhes.
Sometimes, the setup for a big tech show is as exciting as the show itself! Looking forward to another awesome show with our partners Optimal Show Experience
FORWARD Dance Academy - Ottawa Mould Craft 50th Anniversary
We are now starting to plan in-person & hybrid events in 2022! In celebration of this and International Dance Day, here is a #throwbackthursday of the incredible @forwarddance crew performing at Ottawa Mould Craft’s 50th anniversary in 2019 👯♀️🎉
#danceshow #internationaldanceday2021 #dancecrew #eventplanner #eventprofs #ottawaevents #businessowner #entrepreneurcommunity #entrepreneurlife #digitalmarketing #eventconsultant #contentstrategy #eventplanning #virtualevents #eventmanagement #eventcommunity
These kids are fierce! At the Henry Burris All-Star Kids Camp! Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa