SCAR-LITE SOUNDS Karaoke Host / D.J. Weddings or Events -Sub Contractor with The Karaoke Klub of Red Deer on FaceBook

Nuthin' But UP BAE-BEEEEEE!!!.....Nuthin' But UP!!!!Know your Worth and Own it.It's Aiight..... You're Gonna Do Jussssst...

Nuthin' But UP BAE-BEEEEEE!!!.....

Nuthin' But UP!!!!

Know your Worth and Own it.
It's Aiight..... You're Gonna Do Jussssst Fine.


Seems like it's been a Hot Minute....
Since We've Raised the Rooooooof..........

Awwwww Heck!!

Let's Give it a Go tonight.......
Lit's Go!!!!

Karaoke Host / D.J. Weddings or Events

Might I suggest... just Tighting up your Laces...As the Road might get a little Bumpy...... Piece of Cake though...... Y...

Might I suggest... just Tighting up your Laces...
As the Road might get a little Bumpy......
Piece of Cake though...... YOU GOT THIS!!!
On yourrrrrr MARRRRRKS.... Gets Set.....

This Happens Tonight........Won't happen again for another 80 years......Grab some Binoculars for a better view of it.

This Happens Tonight........

Won't happen again for another 80 years......
Grab some Binoculars for a better view of it.

Definitely Not Gonna WIN em All. But along as you get in the Ring.....You can Still hold ya Head High no matter the Outc...

Definitely Not Gonna WIN em All.
But along as you get in the Ring.....
You can Still hold ya Head High no matter the Outcome. GO FOR IT!!!!

You Got this.

Always Be Grateful......

Always Be Grateful......


Not only As Karaoke Host......
But As A Good, Entertaining Karaoke Host.....
that can get you Jivin' and Feeling the Vibe....

So Much So......

That it just Makes you Wanna get up and Get Down and..... perhaps even.... JUMP AROUND!!!

As part of what I Do to Keep the Vibe Going....
I Tend too See MOVES LIKE JAGGER on a Regular as I Host...... Read and Feed the Energy of the Crowd. With Great Song Selections picked by Yours Truly D.J. YO - YO!! that make em All just Wanna...... TWIST and SHOUT.....


It is Not uncommon to Hear People come up to me After The Shows and Tell me .......
"Thank you".....
"I've had... the Time of my Life" tonight... 😁😁


You can Catch Me at the
BMI - Blackfalds Motor Inn & Sidetrax PUB
On Saturday Nights Hosting Karaoke

*** Some nights may Vary and switch to Fridays due to the B.M.I. having a to Schedule an Event for a Saturday or Myself Getting a Booking elsewhere that may land on a Saturday, or if anything Such as Life happens unexpectedly.... which sometimes Happens...
We always try to Accommodate for anything that pops up be it Last minute or not....
but rest assured....

KARAOKE at the SIDETRAX PUB / B.M.I. is Always a Great Night Out..... ***

Happy New Years to All of You.....From Miss Scarlett Rose....And her Daddy.....JoJo aka D.J. YO-YO A few Days behind the...

Happy New Years to All of You.....
From Miss Scarlett Rose....
And her Daddy.....
JoJo aka D.J. YO-YO

A few Days behind the Mark....
But, the Princess Boss Showed up at Daddies place on New Years Day......
And has been Keeping Her Daddy on the tips of his Toes ever Since.... πŸ™„πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£
Not too mention Her Birthday is Coming up...
This Tuesday, January 7th
And as it turns out..... She'll be at at Daddies for her Birthdate, so the Last minute Planning two weeks after Christmas is Always Suuuuuuper Exciting..... πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£

Enjoy the Moments Folks....
Before you know it......
It's Here.... then..... it's Gone.

Best Of Luck to Everyone in 2025.

Whatever you're After this Year....
I hope you Get it, You Deserve it.....
Now Go On an Git it!!! πŸ€ŸπŸ’―πŸ€Ÿ

Cheerz Matez.
Hope too See Y'all Somewhere Along the Journey.
And Remember:
Be Safe out there. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ πŸ€ŸπŸ’―πŸ€Ÿ

OK. So I'm Slackin' in the Thank you Post.....Lol..... But....  in All Fairness.... After Working the New Year's Eve Nig...

OK. So I'm Slackin' in the Thank you Post.....
Lol..... But.... in All Fairness....
After Working the New Year's Eve Night.....
I Went into Daddy Mode the Next Day on New Year's Day, as the Boss had came back too Daddies place. 😁

Prior to the Night.... And Right After My Daughter had Went Back to Calgary to her Mommy's after Christmas, that gave me a Few days to Set up my D.J. Gear in my living Room... New D.J. Stand, Lights, Fog Machine, as well as trying out a New D.J. Software Program.....

Then Came New Years Eve....
Overall I had a Great Night and Thoroughly Enjoyed the Evening Myself......

Youuuuuuuu KNOW it's a Good shift when you lose track of Time and before you know it, it's time to pack up.

Which is not too say it didn't go without any Hic-ups, Upon Setting up.....
After was good to go......
New Program, New Controller.....NO SOUND???
What thaaaaaa.... I just had it All Working perfectly before the B.M.I.......
So that added too abit of a Stall before Starting.... but I gotter goin'.....
Now it Was Time to get em Rockin' to which I did....
But then.........πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ.....
On the Final minute countdown......

The Batteries in the Mic crapped out.....πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
So as I turned to grab the Replacements.....
I ended up knocking over the Complimentary Champagne onto my Equipment, electrical box and all...... OK.... Panic sets in..... I'm distracted as well as Hoping I don't get electrocuted.....
Annnnnnnnnd....... I missed the Countdown.... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
But I still managed to keep it going.....
And what would the Night be without thee added touch of a cpl of Older Ladies Telling me All night what Songs "THEY" Felt would "REALLY" Get the crowd Going! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ.....
Lol.... but People are a Part of the Job.....
And Some just so happen to be more pleasant to deal with then Others 😁😁😁
Oh Well it's All in Fun, Long as Everyone had a Time. And From the looks of it..... They did.

Nonetheless..... I Would like to Thank The
BMI - Blackfalds Motor Inn & Sidetrax PUB
For allowing myself to Ring them in for 2025.

And Of Course..... too the Ladies.....

Bobbi, Bri, Lindy, Felicia and Marilyn.....
For all that you Do.......
You Are Appreciated. 🀟🀟

Cheerz Matez.


The Lealand Hotel......
Ponoka Alberta.......


Yes..... I..... AM.... IN..... YOUUUUUU. 🀟πŸ€ͺ🀟

Karaoke Host / D.J. Weddings or Events

Weh-heh-hell Now.....Check it Out Folks........SCAR-LITE SOUNDS is Bringing a New Microphone too the Party.....She's a T...

Weh-heh-hell Now.....Check it Out Folks........
is Bringing a New Microphone too the Party.....
She's a Thing of Beauty for Sure.....

And Youuuuuu Know.... I had to try it Out.....

Plugged 'er in and Letter Rip......Yeah Boi....
A Nice Crrrrrrrrrisssssp Sound......
Let's just Say......
The Nieghbours Know it Works Awesome


If You Wanna Try it Out and Sing a Song or Two on it.......

It's Karaoke Night Every Saturday Night at the
BMI - Blackfalds Motor Inn & Sidetrax PUB
Starting at 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m.
That's Tomorrow Night.
You Gotta come try this thing out..... 🀟🀟

Who knows, Maybe A New STAR Will be Born.

This is a Delayed Post, was Gonna Post a few Days ago, but have Been Busy on the Home front, Well that .... annnnd..... ...

This is a Delayed Post, was Gonna Post a few Days ago, but have Been Busy on the Home front, Well that .... annnnd..... I get Distracted Easily..... Hey Look... "SQUIRREL!!" 🐿

Last Weekend.....

I Was Asked if would like to D.J. a

A Friday.... Annnnnnnd a Saturday.....

To which SCAR-LITE SOUNDS was Happy to accept the gig for sure.
And without giving away any Details of how the Party went, just know..... that, Even as the D.J. I thoroughly Enjoyed Both nights of being there.
And I think it's Fair to Say of Doing what I Do.... I was able to provide a Good Vibe on Both nights. Kept em All Rockin' an Groovin'.
I Must've been Doing Something Right with Compliments of Music Selections I provided.
I Met, and Shook hands with Alot of Cool Cats.

I'm not gonna Lie.....
Not Only was I excited to do this Anniversary...
But.... I also Felt very HONOURED to have been Recommended and Selected to be the D.J.
So for that....
Thank You.

Overall, After it was All said and Done......
I'm chalking that one up in the WIN Column.
Which could also be stated as......


Cheerz Matez.
Nuthin' But LOVE and RESPECT.

Saturday Night, Tonight is Karaoke Night at BMI - Blackfalds Motor Inn & Sidetrax PUB Always a Great Time.... Come Check...

Saturday Night, Tonight is Karaoke Night at
BMI - Blackfalds Motor Inn & Sidetrax PUB
Always a Great Time.... Come Check it Out.🀟
Starts at 9:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m.

Ahhhhhhhhh Yeaaaaaaaah Boi!!!It is.......Jusssssssssssssssst About.......Tiffany and Keith Miller Time!!!..... 🀟πŸ€ͺ🀟With S...

Ahhhhhhhhh Yeaaaaaaaah Boi!!!

It is.......
Jusssssssssssssssst About.......
Tiffany and Keith Miller Time!!!..... 🀟πŸ€ͺ🀟

With SCAR-LITE SOUNDS Soon to Be Bumpin'
Some Musical Magic for the Ceremony,
And Later on, the Reception to Follow.......

It's Gonna Be GOOD One.

Cheers Matez! 🀟πŸ€ͺ🀟

So Due too a Posted meme from 4 years ago on my personal Profile.... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈFacebook Randomly decided to hand me a 2 mo...

So Due too a Posted meme from 4 years ago on my personal Profile.... πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
Facebook Randomly decided to hand me a 2 month Ban from Advertising, Going Live, or Promoting on my Facebook Business Profile....
Only Days after I had Paid for some Facebook Advertising and Promoting of SCAR-LITE SOUNDS, well that was Convenient....
I'm Banned until October 10th, which is 2 Days after my 46th Birthday this year. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ™„ gtfoh!! πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£

I've Never Relied on Marketing to Do what I Do as Far as Entertaining the Masses.....
When it's Game Time.... It's GO TIME BABY!!
I play that chit to keep the Vibes Groovin'....
Word of Mouth is My Best Go To....
And Y'all are Appreciated......

But..... If you are Reading this Post.....
I'm Asking if you could "SHARE" this with your Fellow Facebook Audience... Pls and T.I.A.

If Anyone is looking for a D.J. to Host...
A Staff Party, Birthday Party, or what have you...
Services Offered such as
- Karaoke
- Name that Tune
- Rock n Roll Bingo
- or if you Just want a knowledgeable D.J. that knows his Music to keep your Party Rockin'
I'm Thaaaaa REEEEAL DEAL BABY!!! πŸ€ŸπŸ’―πŸ€Ÿ
Feel Free to msg me with any Questions of Availability and Rates....

You can Also Catch Me at the
BMI - Blackfalds Motor Inn & Sidetrax PUB
Every Saturday Night for Karaoke... πŸ€ŸπŸ’―πŸ€Ÿ
Depending on the Crowd in the Summertime we've had to Cancel a few times....
Understandably So..... Everyone has Hectic Schedules and Different things going on,
but For the Most part.....
It's the Place to BEEEEEE on Saturday Nights.
And wouldn't you know it....
Tonight is Saturday Night. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰...πŸ€ŸπŸ’―πŸ€Ÿ

Cheerz Matez. πŸ€ŸπŸ’―πŸ€Ÿ


Taylor Drive
Red Deer, AB





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