So you know you’ve been with your husband for a VERRRRY long time, when his baby brother, who you’ve known since he was like 6 years old, is now MARRIED!
I remember playing cars on the farm with Braden while Chilton was at work for his entire shift. And one of the first times hanging out with the family I thought I was being super fun and threw him into a snow bank, which ended up being an ice bank. He cried and I felt horrible. I definitely can’t imagine throwing him anywhere now! 😳
There was also the time when we were first dating, and Braden was just a little kid, he told me “you’re like my sister”, and I thought he meant that I was similar to his sister, but his mom clarified that he felt like I was like a sister to him. 😭
Braden James Breitkreutz I am so so happy for you! God has given you this beautiful woman, who I instantly felt deeply connected to as well from the start. I can hardly believe how blessed I even am to also get Katie as a sister out of all this!
I love you guys both dearly and am so excited to see all that God has in store for your marriage and your lives! Chilton and I will ALWAYS be here for you and so look forward to doing life together! 😘