Phase 1 lineup for ESF!
So excited to be playing!! They are still looking for artists, Djs, vendors, workshops and volunteers.
The time has come. who are you most excited for?
The long awaited first tier release has arrived…
This is some of the finest (semi local, multi genre) talent from vancouver to saskatchewan, that we are bringing to alberta, to our own private lake, Under the stars to share with YOU!
We can't wait to tell you what's in store...
I know what your thinking...
“Wait… did you say PRIVATE LAKE?!?!?!
Yes folks you heard that right.
You will be joining us on a private piece of land, Near sylvan lake ab, with private water access! Bring your Rafts, Waterguns, Floaties, Pool Noodles,Swim trunks or Birthday suits, and enjoy the warm greasy bass,with all your friends, while floating your cares away and keeping cool in the scorching august sun! And that's not all folks!
3 stages, Vip packages, Fine Art Gallery, Fire Spinners, Workshops,Many types of vendors, Camping, Swimming, Dancing, Shopping, Hot Shower Stalls, Heated dancefloors, Interactive adventures, The best vibes and so much more!
We know you love free stuff.. so keep locked for our ticket, and VIP prize pack contests!..& Future lineup releases, as we are sure you will be blown away!
Make sure to follow our socials and website so you don't get left behind!
Instagram@ esfestival
fb@ esfestival1
soundcloud@ Esfestival
mixcloud@ esfestival
twitter@ esfmusicfest