The Reply to the Toast to the Lassies by Bev Risser at the Robbie Burns Night with a Canadian Twist sponsored by the Clive Clan, Jeanne', Margaret & WIlliam Clive - Apley Park Ventures - January 31, 2015.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Lads and Lassies, Honoured Guests.
Thank you for your kinds words Louie. SInce this is the 100th anniversary of the start of World War 1, it brings me to the first Laddie in my life. My father William Smith Garven. He was born in Johnstone, Renfew, Scotland, in 1894. This is close to the City of Kilwinning, Ayr, where his family farmed, for generations by the Village of Dalgarven. My father immigrated to Regina in 1908, where he enlisted for WW1 in 1916. He survived the trenches, or I would not be here today. My father was a farmer near Pense, Saskatchewan, like our Robert Burns, born only a few miles from Alloway, Ayrshire, Scotland, where Robbie lived. My father was so fond of the "People's Poet, the spokesman for the common man." My father kept books of Burns poems and would often quote Burns.
The laddies in my life span three centuries, 1800's, 1900's and 2000's. My father, William, my brothers Robert and Donald, my husband Wayne, my son Stacey, my grandsons, Deklin, Ethan & Levi and last but not least Leo. I have made many rich friendships with men as well in my life.
Burns said, "I never had the least thought nor inclination or turning poet, until I got heartily in love. Then the rhyme and song became the spontaneous language of my heart." Without these laddies my life, would not be rich, mosaic that it is. We lassies would be less without our laddies. I would like you to raise a glass in thank you to Burns and all the laddies in our lives. To to the Laddies!!
The Toast to the Lassies at the Robbie Burns Night sponsored on January 31, 2015 by the Clive Clan, Jeanne', Margaret & William Clive of Apley Park Ventures Ltd.
. The Toast to the Lassies - Louis (Louie) Brown.
"Veterans, Elders, Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Thank you very much Jeanne', Margaret & William Clive for the opportunity to offer the Toast to the Lassies.
This evening is a Tribute to Robbie Burns, but with a Canadian Twist. Aors, J'aimerais dire salut et bonjours a tous nos amies Franchone. C'est un grad plaisir d'etre ice avec vous ce soir. Tansi.
I am honoured to be here with you tonight, and despite having been a 2 term Regina City Councillors, which allowed me to bring greetings to many, many events, this is a first for me.
I've never before lead a Toast to the Lassies, and when Jeanne' first invited me to do so, I had no idea what I would say. It's quite a huge responsibility when you think about.
How does one man properly and fully account for the talents and contributions of women? Maybe some men feel like they can do justice to such a task? As far as I'm concerned, I'm pretty sure I cannot.
But having said that, I will embark on this rather monumental task by talking about 3 of the most important women in my life.
Every single one of us has or had a mother. Our mothers are the most enduring source of support we'll ever know. Always there for us. Always caring for us as best as they know now. So many mothers, give up so much of their own lievs so their children can succeed.
My mother taught me, among other thinks, not to judge, to be open-minded and caring, especially for those less fortunate. Thank you Mom!
Some of us men have wives. In my case, I married my high-school sweetheart Susan and we've been together for almost 25 years. which is well over half my life.
Our wives are our soul-mates, our life-partners, our best friends. We go through thick and thin together, we tell each other thinks, we would never
Address to the Haggis at the Robbie Burns Night, January 31, 2015 sponsored by the Clive Clan - Apley Park Ventures - Jeanne', Margaret & William Clive. Piper Sean Hall - Bearer William Clive. Address to the Haggis by our Uncle Gordon Gardiner.
The Haggis being piped in At the Robbie Burns Celebration - January 31, 2015 hosted by the Clive Clan of Apley Park Ventures - January 2015. Piper Sean Hall - Bearer William Clive.
Grand March - led by Piper Sean Hall.
The Grand March - Piper Sean Hall - led by Mr. Addy Zerr and Mrs. Fran Zerr and Laird Vince and Lady Sylvia Aitken.