
touchofflowers_richmond Finest florists and flowers

Exquisite Beauty By Teleflora - No other name could possibly describe this exquisitely beautiful bouquet. Its brilliant ...

Exquisite Beauty By Teleflora - No other name could possibly describe this exquisitely beautiful bouquet. Its brilliant blossoms are gorgeously arranged and delivered in an exclusive lavender vase. Let her know how special she is to you by sending this fabulous gift.
Dazzling green hydrangea, hot pink and light pink roses, purple alstroemeria, mini carnations and statice, lavender freesia, pink heather and eucalyptus arrive in a lavender cube. Exquisitely exciting!

Teleflora's Honey Lavender Blooms Bouquet 🌸 - This luminous lavender rose bouquet brighten any occasion with its whimsic...

Teleflora's Honey Lavender Blooms Bouquet 🌸 - This luminous lavender rose bouquet brighten any occasion with its whimsical design and soft white glass cube.
Lavender roses, white alstroemeria, lavender lisianthus, lavender larkspur, white cushion spray chrysanthemums and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller, leatherleaf fern and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in a Color Splash cube


Purple and WhiteOne of our timeless classics, featuring deep purple hydrangea and lilac ocean song roses as well as the ...

Purple and White

One of our timeless classics, featuring deep purple hydrangea and lilac ocean song roses as well as the elegant calla lilies, definitely a favourite in our shop

Be Sweet Bouquet BY Touch Of Flowers 🌸 Show her how much she is loved - send her this sweet bouquet of lavender roses an...

Be Sweet Bouquet BY Touch Of Flowers 🌸

Show her how much she is loved - send her this sweet bouquet of lavender roses and pink hydrangea in a sparkling silver cube vase. You'll know from her "Thank you, thank you, thank you" how much she cherishes this lovely gift.
The beautiful bouquet includes pink hydrangea, lavender roses and pink alstroemeria accented with fresh greenery.
Delivered in a contemporary glass cube with a mirrored silver finish


Our florist choice bouquets made fresh daily are the perfect addition to your special occasions ❤️                     🌸...

Our florist choice bouquets made fresh daily are the perfect addition to your special occasions ❤️

Teleflora's Silver Splendor Bouquet - Nothing delights like the prettiest pink roses, artistically arranged in a shimmer...

Teleflora's Silver Splendor Bouquet - Nothing delights like the prettiest pink roses, artistically arranged in a shimmering, silver moonstone glass vase!
This pretty bouquet includes light pink roses, pink spray roses, white alstroemeria, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, white sinuata statice, dusty miller and huckleberry. Delivered in a Polished Gem Cylinder

Hello Autumn Bouquet By Touch Of Flowers 💐 Sunny sunflowers and radiant roses in a happy orange cube vase bring joy to a...

Hello Autumn Bouquet By Touch Of Flowers 💐

Sunny sunflowers and radiant roses in a happy orange cube vase bring joy to any fall décor!
This bright bouquet includes orange roses, yellow sunflowers, gold cushion spray chrysanthemums, rust cushion spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, oregonia, and magnolia leaves. Deliverd in an orange cube


🎼 Roses are red, violets are blueI don't sleep at night 'cause I'm thinking of you🎶🌹 Red roses symbolize love and romanc...

🎼 Roses are red, violets are blue
I don't sleep at night 'cause I'm thinking of you🎶
🌹 Red roses symbolize love and romance 🥰

Bamboo Elegance - Elegant and mysterious, the purple phalaenopsis orchid is a legendary flower revered for its breathtak...

Bamboo Elegance - Elegant and mysterious, the purple phalaenopsis orchid is a legendary flower revered for its breathtaking beauty. Delivered in a stunning contemporary bamboo cube vase, it is the ultimate floral gift for the plant lover.
The exquisite 4” potted purple phalaenopsis orchid plant is delivered in a 4 1/2” contemporary cube vase made of real bamboo

Congratulatory baskets for grand openings, contact us for your special occasions                     🌸                  ...

Congratulatory baskets for grand openings, contact us for your special occasions


9951 Williams Road
Richmond, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm




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