Hi every one! 🙌
It has been awhile since our last update here on social media. There has been a lot going on in both business and personal life.
As some of you might know, we welcomed a new addition in our family, baby Cole. He just turned 3 months old. Swipe right for some of his cuteness overloads.
I can’t believe it’s already July 3rd! I was sitting in the kitchen today and realized Canada Day was 2 days ago. That means Banh Theory turns 2, 2 days ago! 😬 I want to thank all of our customers, who has been with us either since day one or decided to give us a try when we joined the Port Dalhousie market. I want thank my family, Mawmaw, my friends, for all of their support, because without their help, we won’t be able to make it this year with our busy schedule. And I want to thank me, my husband Mitchell for sticking with our plans, for working so hard while adapting to our new life. Honestly, it has been an amazing journey so far. And we are excited to see what next year will bring.
With Cole being so little and mainly just the two of us working in Banh Theory, we can’t really go as crazy as we used to be. As of right now you can us at Port Dalhousie supper market every Tuesday from 4-9pm. Once we done with all of these craziness, we will come back to the St.Catharines market. We do miss those early markets, a lot!
Last but not least, thank you for being here! Cheers 🍻