We are at peak Snowdrop season right now. The early pollinators are among those really enjoying them!
The Pavilion was filled with the sounds of music on Monday evening when Suncoast Phoenix Community Choir performed their annual Sing Out. The concert started and finished with the audience singing along to many seasonal favourites, including the ever-popular 12 Days of Christmas. Toes are still tapping days later!
These Pine siskins have been swarming throughout the Garden all day today. A highlight was one of three youngsters (approx. age 6) visiting today who shared their knowledge with us, “I think that they fly like that to stay safe from other big birds that want to get them.”
Safety in numbers, folks. #FutureBirders
We are halfway through September and the Garden is lush and full! Come see what’s in bloom or join us for today’s pruning workshop with arborist, Cheryl Topping at 2pm. Admission by donation at the door (suggested $10-$15)
We peeped in to see Patrick of @soundwerks.ca doing sound check ahead of Amber & Mackenzie’s wedding here at the Garden yesterday. What a beautiful ceremony it was - many congratulations to the newlyweds (we’re so glad the sun turned up for you 😅)!
A momentary pause on our stroll through the Rainforest Grove this morning - seems the Warbling Vireo, Song Sparrow, Swainson’s Thrush, and Pacific Wren have tagged along. 🔊🎶
It's Potato-planting time! Veggie Garden volunteers, Kelly, Paula, Bruce, and Ursula took advantage of the warm sunny weather last week to plant certified organic potatoes from Pemberton Seed Potatoes. Big thanks to Jean Hamilton for this generous donation to our Veggie Garden!
We found Nola, one of our gardeners on staff, working away in our Pollinator Garden. Here she shares with us her favourite flower in bloom right now: Ribes sanguineum (Red Flowering Currant). Come see this deciduous shrub for yourself at the Garden and learn here why Nola’s such a big fan!
Hello March. In like a lion, out like a lamb? Let’s hope.
Lots of fallen tree branches sporting white tresses here at the Garden this morning! ‘Hair Ice’—or “Santa’s beard!” as some visiting kids called it—is made up of ultra fine strands of ice that sprout from decaying wood of broadleaf trees. There needs to be the presence of fungus, a lot of humidity in the air and below freezing temperatures for this phenomenon to occur!