A Wild-Winter Sale
The Not So Amateur Amateurs is holding a fun fundraiser on Saturday, Feb 24th from 10:30am-2pm - 4750 Latimer, Rd Inverary (Money raised will support young people's theatre.)There are tons of garage sale items at amazing prices. So amazing that you choose the price...That's WILD! You give a donation and take away these items - Hurray!!!And there is MORE...it gets WILDER!There is a local author doing book signings.There will also be some food and craft items for sale including: honey, cotton candy, jewelry, gemstones, artwork, and more!!!There will be face painting, ballooning, and portrait drawing.There will be card and/or palm reading.A vendor will be doing feather hair extensions and has glitter hair options.There will be prizes.There will be games, crafts, and colouring.Chess games for whomever wants to participate - challenge our champions :)
The amazing Yo-Yo Dave will be juggling from 11:30-12:30.The melodic voice of Darla will be featured later in the event.Don't miss this fun activity - a great way to add some excitement to a wintery Saturday :)WILD...WILD...WILD