For our first event we are donating all proceeds to the IRSSS (Indian Residential School Survivors Society - British Columbia) - an organization with a 20-year history of providing services to survivors of residential schools in Canada.
The Indian Residential School Survivors Society began in 1994 as a working committee of the First Nations Summit. They were known as the Residential School Project, housed out of and as a part of the BC First Nations Summit. Their work was primarily to assist Survivors with the litigation process pertaining to Residential School abuses. In more recent years the work of IRSSS has expanded to include assisting the descendants of Survivors and implementing Community education measures (Indigenous & Non-Indigenous).
IRSSS provides essential services to Residential School Survivors, their families, and those dealing with Intergenerational traumas. These impacts affect every family and every community across B.C. and Canada. This fact is most evident in the Corrections Canada Services - the numbers of First Nations people incarcerated, Child and Family Services child apprehensions, the high number of people on social assistance, unemployment and underemployed, lower levels of education, the lowest number within an ethnic minority of “determinants of health”, the list of impacts is extremely high while the services available to effectively assist impacts of Residential Schools remain quite low.
One of the goals of IRSSS is to continually expand their support to partner organizations and maximize access to culturally sensitive, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual care.
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